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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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Well almost 9 years ago I started playing World of Warcraft as a simple noob. I got hooked to the game because of a couple friends and though they don't play anymore, I've continued on. Starting with one paladin, and growing to a whole team of mains and alts. I've loved almost every second of it. With Warlords being such a disappointment to me however, I'm hoping Legion and its new take on the old will give me the second breath of fresh air it's looking to be.

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 I'm really looking forwardto explore the broken island, the Artefact Weapons, the new honor system,the lore and kill Gul'dan .I want to try Demon hunter and my main class Death knight and more I hope legion will be amazing .

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I'm looking forward to everything about Legion. But most importantly, the Discipline Priest changes look absolutely amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on it. The Artifacts are also really awesome. (It helps that the disc priest artifact is a staff and I'm an absolute sucker for a good staff :D). The other class changes are cool too, melee survival hunter looks interesting and all the new animations for everything looks amazing (Bladestorm animation is soooo good!).


Can't wait for Legion!

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I'm looking forward most to the PvP revamp, while I am mainly a raider I have recently been taking a liking to PvP and the fact that you need to get conquest gear to really do anything in PvP is asinine.


My fondest moment in WoW was actually during WoD when my guild and I killed Socrethar on Heroic, but one of his abilities ended up going off as we killed him and killed us. We were laughing for a good 5 minutes.

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What I am looking forward to in Legion is the greater rift-esque challenge mode dungeons and the adventure map with the bounty system. They are taking some of the things I really enjoyed from diablo 3 and bringing them into another game that I enjoy. What I loved to do back in Wrath was going into arena/battlegrounds on my holy paladin and watch rogues kill themselves when they attacked me whilst i had sacred shield up. That version of the spell from back then was so fun to play with, haha

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I'm looking forward to so so much. An expansion with Old Gods, Illidan, Gul'dan (my personal favorite character in the Warcraft universe), Emerald Dream, artifact weapons, DANCE STUDIO?!(kidding lol, never gonna happen).


So much looks so good and I don't care what people say, I'll have fun with WoW no matter what direction it goes. I'm still playing WoD just like I was still playing MoP, Cata, WOTLK and BC before it.


I wish everyone the best of luck at getting one of these keys. It'll be quite an amazing adventure I'm sure.

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So i will beginning with my fondest memory of the past  .  It was in Burning Legion when i and my guild tried clearing Mount Hyjal.More specific it was at Kaz'rogal.for the folk who never did Hyjal , this boss had a nasty abillity against caster ,Mark of Kaz'rogal, which periodicly drained 600 mana from every palyer.If your mana was depletet you'll explode for 18k self + 20k aoe dmg which was verey deadly at this time^^ so i played my Holy paladin and my best firiend prot paladin. We started the fight and it went well till the last 20%.at this point caster after caster died a horriblly death because of the Mark of Kaz'rogal and killed the meele's with the aoe effect. But wait there where 2 man standing against this Fierce Deamon.two paladins still fighing till the and.Me and my friend^^so we two nuked him down from 20 to 0 and saved the world ^^   and now what i am looking for for legion:Well i would say it is the EMERALD DREAM .it gave one time when i was there in my wow history, and this was vanilla(in early vanilla the Nightmare dragons innitially spawned in the emerald dream and walked trought the portal to azeroth. and when you hit exactly this spawn point in time, then you could reach the emerald dream) so since this day i was obsessed with the emerald dream and it's storry .and then (1 week befor blizzard revealed legion and its content) i discussed with 2 guild mates what could possibly await us and we all said at the same time "EMERALD DREAM"  I'am glad to play wow and to be a part of this great community with these awesome storys of the past ^^

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Looking forward to Legion, all the new spell animations look amazing and I'm also looking forward to artifact weapons & Demon Hunters (The starting zone looks amazing) Well, all the new zones and raids/dungeons look amazing. Legion looks very promising so far.

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I believe one of my fondest moments in WoW was when I was spam-running Eye of Eternity for the Azure Drake and Blue Drake mounts, and after running it for multiple months on end, one week both mounts dropped in one cache of loot. In the same week the Onyxian drake, which I had also been farming for months, also dropped. (as a note, my luck is rarely ever that good haha)The things I'm looking forward to most are, as a Beast Mastery Hunter main, having two pets at once, courtesy of Titanstrike, and the massive fix to Demonology Warlocks. Very excited for Legion.

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Definitely looking forward to artifact weapons, depending on how long until Legion launches, my goal is to have a separate toon for each spec/artifact weapon I am interested in. Already have 15 100s working on a second hunter and DK currently with a balance druid next on the list.

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I started playing in BC, where I had literally no idea what was going on. It was me and my destruction warlock against all sorts of enemies, demons, bandits, ethereals, you name it. As I ploughed my way to a high enough level to start the questline to get the Dreadsteed, I realized it was going to be tough. Having to gather the materials needed was one of the most difficult things I've done in the game to date and when I completed that last quest.I had my very own Dreadsteed and damn it felt awesome. It's a mount that I still use today. Seeing the progression of my characters since BC/Wrath has been great fun and I can't wait to finally fight off the Legion and explore new lands. The whole thing with class fantasy has got me pretty psyched. Especially that I can summon infernals with rain of fire and a destruction warlock and wield doomhammer with my shaman. It seems like we need all the power we can get to drive the Legion back. The artifacts are one of the things I'm excited for, the ability to gradually strengthen our weapons is what I love about RPGs. Getting new weapons isn't the same, there's a sense of progression with these artifacts. Also the fact that the honor system has been revamped is a change long overdue, especially having rewards tied to how much effort you put into gaining all the honor (after resetting levels). PvP is absolutely going to be something I'll be spending a lot of time on

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I am excited for the new fury warriors and how they will play compared to the current iteration of them, along with the resto shaman changes.

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Congratulations, Icy Veins, on 5 years! 


I'm excited to check out World of Warcraft: Legion. I have not played in a WoW Beta since the original back in 2004. Hopefully I get to 12 years later. I am interested in check out the new Demon Hunter class and the new PvP system. I'm excited to see what is to come in the future. 

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What I'm most looking forward to for Legion is being able to, as a Paladin, weird the Ashbringer. I am also looking forward to the Transmog changes so I can free up some bag space but also have cool transmogs readily available on all my Paladins!


As well as my fondest memories, I'd have to probably say the first time I did UBRS in Vanilla. It was a cool introduction to the larger-group system as well as one of my favorite dungeons of all time. Then eventually working your way up to getting the Key. That's something I do miss! Having to get keys. Call me crazy but that was pretty fun!

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What i'm really looking into legion is all the lore regarding the artifacts and their relationship with the old gods, it has been always one of my favourite things in warcraft.

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i really want to try the new transmog system, good news is that we'll get it on the prepatch! what i liked in the past? well i joined in late cata so i cant say too much :v but two things that burned into my mind was the music and art of mop, just leveling in jade forest is enough to bring a tear of happiness.

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I'm really excited for legion. I've only been playing for 2 expansions, but I just remember killing Heroic Garrosh with my friends towards the end of Mists. And that feeling was incredible. Sounds like a lot of them are coming back for Legion, so I hope to get to do that again!


Although, I am really looking forward to having a proper PvP system. PvP was always something I did in my free time for fun, and i'm glad to know that gear won't matter so much as a casual player to just mess about in some battlegrounds!

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Looking forward to all the artifact quests, plan on doing every single one for all the classes I have, 9 in total. The new t-mog system (I'll finally have inventory space again, woot. The pvp system overhaul, and of course the new raids. In WoD, I enjoyed all the story telling, and cinematics used to convey that story. I also enjoyed all the world interactive items, though I think they did go a bit overboard with them in total. I think it helped make the world more interactive and alive, and tie small things together

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Im so excited for legion I got a tattoo of my main! I cant wait for the storyline to fall into place in this xpack thats alwayd my favorite. Im even more excited to fight along illidan as a demon hunter, and finally wielding glaive like weapons. Maybe ill pvp this patch but standing shield to sword with the toughest of raid bosses is where I belong protecting my allies. Heres a picture of my tattoo! https://imgur.com/cmeXg0f

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Im excited for the story, classes, artifacts and how unique some classes will become! I keep reading the alpha patch notes and I like the way they are moving it all. I am more interested in how all the monk specializations will turn out, sadly brewmaster is not in yet though..

My experience currently in WoW is pretty dull, but thats just how every end of an expansion has been so far.

Favorite moment would have to be the first time my previous guild killed Lich King in WotLK. We were so close to dying, but three or so of us were still alive as he went up, killed us as we got all resurrected. I remember that there were way too much shouting and I muted them all to see the cinematic that followed. Next thing I know, I disconnect and im unable to see if I actually got the achievement or not and missed the chance for loot. I couldnt sleep the whole night and kept wondering, I even skipped school the following day (not the best way to go around it) and got my internet back early evening. I logged in ASAP and found the achievement and actually screamed, resulting in my mother getting mad and started yelling "Skip school again because of a game and ill stop paying for internet" haha. Easily the most memorable and probably the best single moment of my WoW life.

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Being part of the Beta would be the greatest gift Ever. Here's why. My father and I used to play Warcraft 1, 2, and 3, all the time together. We didn't have that father son relationship so much, but when Warcraft started, we were both ready to fight eachother. Few years later, my ex girlfriend decided to leave, taking my son with him. I haven't seen him in years. So me being depressed, I sat down one day and decided. wth, i'll try WoW" From day 3, I was hooked. Not addicted, but hooked, I LOVE this game. the characters you can play to the characters you can interact with, the Music, the graphics, It's the best game I have ever played. Why i'm excited to play Beta ( should I be accepted). I can't WAIT for legion to come out, I have never once gotten my hands on a Artifact weapon, I was always the last on the list to get Tier items in HFC from my guild ( which I have yet to get, because they were ninja'd from me. ) On top of the artifacts are the new areas to search through, I LOVE exploring the game. I get amazing and excited like a kid when I see them. SO to know there is another place I can look around in,, will get my ADHD on fire. it might take me forever to reach 110 just bc of that haha.  As far as PvP goes, I'm not exactly the PvP friendly guy, but I'd LOVE to see the changes made in it. Every now and then I love to go in there and stop questing, See if I am any good. I Usually die but wth, it's part of the game lol. I can't wait to see the pets, the mounts, the New transmog, the new gear to obtain in leveling, It's pretty much the best thing ever. I played all the expansions and I have to say, this one by far is going to be the best for me. I mean come on. YOU GET TO BE A DEMON HUNTER, there's nothing cooler than that. so far my favorite would have to be MoP for the Asian theme Areas the 2nd most exciting thing for me is the Class halls. That sounds pretty sweet. I'm going to recommend to all my buds to play wow. and I use Icyveins for every thing I need that is wow. So thanks guys for this amazing website, for 5 amazing years of support and helpful hints as to making me a better player. and See you all in game

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I'm really excited for Legion, there are a ton of new features to test out and try. One of my favorites, the new transmog system, will really help free up all the much needed bag space. It's also got me playing a lot more now so I can farm gear for the new system. I think it will be an awesome addition to the game. From the pictures I've seen, the new land looks amazing. Highmountain especially. I can't wait to see them either in beta or on live.  World of Warcraft has always been a huge part of my life. I remember when I first started playing a buddy of mine told me to make a Dwarf pally. I got home, installed the game. And made a Night Elf druid. My friend wanted to level with me and he was already in the dwarf starting area so I walked all the way from the Night Elf starting lands to the Dwarf and gnome one. As a new player I was shocked at how big this land was it must have taken me 2 or 3 hours just to get there because I had to stop and look at everything. I got lost in Stormwind countless times. It seemed so big back then, now I know it like the back of my hand haha. Another great memory while leveling for the first time was being told not to go on that one different boat at the docks because it takes you to a crazy high level area (borren tundra) and of course I went there as a level 30 and started exploring. Many times. But it was fun and the huge iceberg with the penguins made me crack up. World of Warcraft is a great game and deserves to go on for years. This new hearthstone promotion is awesome, I'm seeing so many newcomers and helping them out. Dungeons can be stressful with them but they're learning just like we did when we were noobs haha. 

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