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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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First of all congratulations on your 5 year anniversery. Been playing WoW since vanilla and can't wait to get my enhance shammy into the new content. Currently looking forward to some of the class changes in legion and giving the demon hunter a try

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I'm looking forward to respecing my hunter to Survival and play the way I've always wanted to since I first started playing back in 2005: as a melee hunter. I used to spec into all the melee talents (back when we had talent trees) and play as closely to the melee style of Rexxar. Used to use two 1 handed axes, throw up Aspect of the Beast, and prowl the jungles of Stranglethorn hunting trolls and raptors.I'm also excited to finally have a real career and a set schedule, so maybe I can start raiding a bit more seriously. I've always felt like I couldn't be relied on when working retail, and never joined raids to progress except for Dragon Soul, when my guild cleared the whole thing. It was only on normal, but it was great for us as we weren't hardcore raiders or anything, mostly RPers and PvPers to be honest.

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Really pumped for legion! As a fire mage main i really like the look of the new animations on the alpha but I'm uncertain about the actual gameplay. I have whatched and kept up with it through videos and patchnotes but there is a difference between watching and playing.


I'd love to check out the new honorsystem aswell, the idea sounds good but the actual execution might not be... yet. I feel the pvp talents this far looks a bit underwelming, they could really put some cool active abilities here that for example were removed because it didn't suit pve. The idea of prestige however, is an idea which I really like. I just hope it actually rewards you with something that screams "THIS GUY GOT HIGH PRESTIGE! - HE IS AWESOME!". 


Furthermore I'd love to explore all instances by myself, what I've seen so far has looked amazing, the instances looks beautiful, the bosses seems cool and the mobs looks really engaging for once! Maybe this is where i turn to the pve side for good? 

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My favourite time in wow was when I started raiding for the first time in ICC in Wotlk. Back then I found my guild that I stayed with till end of MOP and loved playing with them. I have so much fond memories of that expansion because there were so many ppl playing and the community was bigger and better. I hope with Legion we can get back to the glory days of Wrath and enjoy a lively game.   I am really excited about playing new Demon Hunter class and would live to play it on beta to see if I want to main it. Also, being a hardcore RBGer, I would like to see how the new PVP system works in the legion and experience it first hand before it goes live. In the end, I am really excited to do all the above mentioned things as well as experience the rest of the features that will be coming in legion.

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I'm looking forward to see how professions and dungeons integrate into the end-game, really tight integration between all the different systems is what has been missing for a long time now and I'm hoping they're making a few more steps in that direction this time just to push a bit more variety.  As for my favourite wow moments: Farming Noxxion in Maraudon to get Nature Resist trinkets for AQ40 and defeating Princess Huhuran because all the melee were properly prepared for the fight

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In Legion the thing I am looking forward to most has to be getting back out into a major city and actually being a part of a community again. Be that the community of everyone on the server in Dalaran or the community of our class in the order halls. I really like going into a town and saying "whoa that's a cool transmog" or "hey why is there a giant conga line of mammoths riding through the city". It is one major thing lacking in WoD and is essential in my opinion to having a fun experience. Right now I log in go to my garrison and am alone in a giant space it sucks a lot of fun out of being in an MMO. Other than community I am looking forward to the class halls interaction with the world. Having NPCs send you off on quests to actually go revisit zones and have the content be relevant to your level and give you a challenge sound very cool and can help slow down or stop the stagnation of content that we are seeing now. Cannot wait for Legion!!

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I am looking forward to the hunter changes, I think it will be great with three distinguishable specs - I hope they will be all very similar when it comes to damage output so there will be truly the option to play whichever spec you like the most and also that way making it so you could swap specs during a raid tier just because you felt like doing surv for a while, or bm or mm. I'm also really looking forward to being a gnome hunter, going to need to have two though so I can still have a female dwarf hunter. 


One of my fondest memories in wow must be meeting my husband.wub.png  It was shortly after wrath was out, we met in stranglethorn. I was a complete noob getting camped and he came to help, we started chatting and he asked if I'd like to for us to add each other to friends list, I said "sure, but how do you do that?". After playing together a couple times he asked if I'd like to start fresh with him, level a toon together. I liked playing with this guy, so figured why not? He made a druid and me a rogue and we chatted and played together, eventually we exchanged emails so we could chat outside of the game, which later escalated to skype - which eventually escalated to us deciding to meet - which ended with a proposal and later a wedding, we had our 4 year wedding anniversary on February 12th. 

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Greatly excited to try out the new demon hunter class, hunting down demons with my twinblades of the deceiver!


Experiencing my greatest moments in wow so far as a healer and a range dd, I look forward to explore this expansion from a meele pov! tongue.png

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Super excited to battle the Legion! Artifacts look amazing. A wonderful idea. The transmog UI will clear up so much space in my bags and void storage (which is full) I will more than likely have more than one transmog set because of it. I guess now its story time. When the WoD beta was released I was watching all the streamers play and was thinking "man, wouldn't it be cool if I got in." No luck for a few weeks. Few more weeks. Seeing more and more people getting in. I had lost hope. Then Blizzard CS had a giveaway on twitter. I decided what the heck. I'll enter. No luck with the US CS. THEN the EU CS had one a week later and I was chosen! I played the beta as long as I could! Played side by side with Swifty in Ashran and got in one of his beta videos! I guess long story short the only way I get into WoW betas is through giveaways/promotions (like the MoP beta with the season pass) :P Heres to hoping again. Its a long shot but im feeling lucky. Whenever I get stuck with a new class in game I come here. Thank you for all your help. I love this community. :)

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The thing I'm looking forward to the most is the new PvP system (finally PvP specific talents. Also really excited to see what they can do to make dungeons more relevant, because I personally feel WoW needs a real alternative to raids. But don't forget about the profession changes.There isn't really one specific favourite memory I had while playing WoW. If I had to name one, It's the many great people that I got to know through WoW. A lot of them I can sincerely call my friends after having fun, sharing personal stories, playing games and getting drunk together in Skype calls or Teamspeak. Anyways, looking forward to Legion, hoping me and my friends can create even more great memories together.

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I am most excited to see how Discipline Priests play out. I expect that they will be balanced around raids and dungeons to a good extent but what about Arenas and Mythic Dungeons? If Disc can heal Mythic dungeons, any other healer should be able to with ease. As for arenas, Disc will have to heal doing damage; If the priest can't cast there will be ZERO healing going out. How will that work? Aside from that, I'm very excited for the new pvp talent system and I have high hopes for the Legion invasion event in a few months! 

As long as I've raided and throughout the bosses I've killed, my fondest memory was killing Heroic Blast Furnace for the first time. Not a Mythic boss or any fancy world/server firsts.. Heroic Blast Furnance in BRF. For an unorganized casual guild composed of a tight group of friends who saw the fight as impossible and harder than Blackhand himself, it was an amazing moment.

Edited by Phuryz

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I'm most excited for the new class: Demon Hunter. My warrior has been my main since WoW's release and I think I am actually going to switch to a DH this time around. They just look amazing and their toolkit is awesome. Let's not forget double jump and glide! I'm also really excited for the new PvP system. It's about time they tried to balance PvE and PvP separately. Pretty much everything about Legion is looking good. The lore, the new attack/spell animations, class halls, crafting. I really think this is going to be WoW's best expansion in a very long time.


My favorite moment in this game is hands down when I got the Eye of Sulfuras off of Ragnaros back in vanilla. The amount of screaming that was going on in vent was insane. The raid leader didn't even tell anyone it dropped. He just gave it to me and I didn't even notice until everyone was yelling grats to me. Man, I was just 16 back then, raiding with others my age and some as old as 50. Now I'm 27 and still super excited for the next installment of this game!

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I'm hyped about a lot of things in Legion. One of the top things is the vast increase in viewing distance. Not only does it allow some nice views from high mountain, but also all the old places which is going to make it truly awesome to fly across Azeroth again!

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I'm looking forward to demon hunter and the artifact weapons. Also interested in the prestige system as well as the wardrobe option instead of hoarding all my transmogrification in my bank. I personally miss reforging, but I liked the whole garrison idea. I just wish it was implemented where it could be a player v player kind of thing

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Oookay...let's start.


First of all it would be amazing to get a key since I never had the chance to participate in any beta.


My opinion on Legion? I'm honestly excited. After recently coming back from a longer break I'm really looking forward to the Legion content. Although I have enough to do right now (catching up on recent content and doing some old stuff for mounts, etc.) Draenor just didn't do the trick for me. I think I'm an Azeroth-Guy.

Judging from the current news from the Alpha/Beta there are several things I like and dislike (but the like-stuff is more atm). Features I'm looking forward to most are:


- Artifacts with their own talent trees bringing back a bit of that Vanilla talent tree feeling.

- NEW ANIMATIONS! (one of the best things in my opinion)

- A bit of fresh wind regarding class gameplay.

- Demon Hunters...my biggest hope in playing something other than DPS and start tanking a bit. All other classes didn't do the trick until now.


And last but not least I may have the opportunity to start raiding again (not the hardcore way like back in the days, but a little bit).



My fondest memory...difficult question. Since I'm plaing since Vanilla there were many moments which would qualify.

Taking the first three moments coming to my mind it would be running Karazhan with 3 man (Prot Pala, Holy Pala and me as a Rogue) before the WotLK pre-patch hit the servers. Lot's of fun...lot's of crazy stuff...lot's of running away from the big bad wolf ^^

The other would be that poor Troll Rogue at Hellfire Ramparts in BC. He tried to gank me while I was waiting for my guild mates. I accidently jumped off the wall, landing safely on a ledge being happy as f... that I didn't die...when suddenly that poor Troll zooming down before my eyes...hitting the ground very, very hard.

And last, but not least when Mimiron finally went down after what felt like a million wipes. The screams where deafening and my neighbours hate me until this day (it was 2am ^^).

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I can say I'm most excited for artifacts. Ever since vanilla and learning the lore the Ashbringer, I've always coveted the legendary weapon. Now with Legion, I'll finally have a chance to have it. Don't care one bit that all other rets have it!


As for a fond memory... I had just started WoW back in vanilla and a rogue friend of mine had shown me he could pickpocket lucky charms from certain mobs. Well being younger at the time, I wanted one myself so he went and got one for me. I've held onto it all these years believing it brings some luck to me. Plus my raiding my guild back then and our required gnome sacrifice for boss kills in Naxx.

Edited by Varicose

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Legion looks pretty good. I am very happy with how the dungeons are coming out, which pumps the hype up for me, because I can't wait to do Challenge Modes. Hopefully I can try to get realm best :P

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I can't wait to be able to play as a demon hunter in this new expansion pack and definitely can't wait to be able to have all the artifact weapons with the different skin variations. choo choo

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Mostly looking forward to the warlock Demonology changes.

I played a Magician in Everquest and always felt like the WoW Warlock lacked a bit in the demon-army regard. The changes so far are looking really good, giving off that demon-master vibe as it should.


As for my nostalgic moment, it has to be my Sinestra kill. 10m raiding was finally a viable alternative to 25m raiding that tier and it was almost immediately my preferred setup. That whole tier had great moments and those first months of Cata are probably the most fun I've had in game.

Sinestra 10m was considered one of the hardest fights up till then and bringing it down with a sub optimal group was the cherry on top of the cake.

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