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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I'm most looking forward to demon hunters and the new PVP system. I'm a monk main and I love them most for their mobility. So in very excited to play Demon Hunter as they seem very fast and fun. Also I've been someone who has pvpd for a very long time. I have achieved high ratings and the new prestige system is kind of exciting.

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VERY excited to return to Azeroth for the next expansion. Moose tauren are best tauren and High Mountain looks lovely! Artifact quests and the class halls look great too. Class halls seem to take all the fun parts of the garrison and integrate it with being around other players again. Can't wait for my favorite hub of all time to be relevant again too, wooo Dalaran! Demon hunters look very fun as well and the new zones look gorgeous!


On the other side, rather disappointed that the beastmaster hunter's artifact is a gun and a pet we have to have following us around. I spent a ton of time on taming my favorite pets and it bugs me that when I finally am able to have two pets out at once one is a pet I don't get to pick and that everyone else playing the same spec will have. 

Also the changes to stampede make me sad, but I understand that it had to happen because of the spec changes. I would like to see stampede use pets from the players stable if possible.

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Looking forward to trying the DH , and the new animations for Warriors. 


I enjoyed the leveling process in WoD and want to see how the new choose your starting zone will work. 

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As a raidleader since MoP, I'm looking forward to test the dungeons and raids during alpha smile.png.


Background: Our guild WipeouT was created 10 years ago, basically with the birth of the realm Terrordar-EU. I joined while I was leveling my undead mage. We got along quite well and I became a mage-officer. This bond was held until the end of WotLK, a lot of people had to quit WoW for reallife reasons (and cataclysm didn't sound promising at all). The rest of us was scattered on multiple different realms. 

I continued to play on Blackrock (my first realm, before the birth of Terrordar) and because of the random dungeon finder, I met one of the old WipeouT-Guildleaders. He said that he started to gather all the old people and rebuild our old guild. I dont actually know how, but around 80% of our core-roster members that played in classic came back, despite playing on different realms. We gathered on Blackmoore-EU and I decided to pick up raidleading since I wanted to keep our guild alive and do some kind of "active role" to achieve this goal. Looking back, I was a really poor raidleader but I'm feeling way more comfortable now -- even leading some random raids now and then.


So what is the point on this wall of text? (aka. TL;DR)


I'm looking forward to learn about the new dungeons and raids in Legion, even if it's alpha. We're just a "filthy casual guild", since we're all age 30+, but I want to make the start of this expansion as smooth as possible for our guild. Also, I like to min-max as much as possible, so maybe I can contribute some opinions about the encounters as they are currently running on alpha. The raiding guides and especially the heal/enhancement-shaman guides provided by this site (and the "pro-players" ofc!) were really helpful on helping me to do my job while raidleading and I'm really thankful for that! Furthermore: All hail WeakAura sections!


Please keep this site alive, I really appreciate your work smile.png




Edited by Kovu

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It was many years ago, that I first awoke under the giant tree Aldrassil. The wonder I felt upon hearing the peaceful music and seeing the rich color palate is still unmatched to this day. I was instantly immersed in this new world without even doing a quest. 


World of Warcraft was my first MMO. It was uncharted territory, and I had entered it alone. (None of my friends were playing this game at the time) I've met so many unique individuals over the past decade (most were pleasant and some not so much) I've forged not only pixelated weapons and armor, but long lasting friendships with people all over the world. I feel very grateful to Blizzard for making that possible.


I am looking forward to exploring new lands and new stories in Legion. I am hoping our Class Halls will bring a stronger sense of community to game; Something I feel has been lacking since Garrisons were implemented. I love seeing old friends return for a new expansion. The excitement they genuinely feel reminds them of the epic times they've had over the years. Sometimes those people stick around for good and sometimes they fade away, but having them around even for a little bit is a great treat!


Besides the sense of community, I'm looking forward to the more technical aspects such as NEW animations, Outlaw Rogue, and (my main) MELEE Hunter [what?!] - The new PvP system looks inviting and I like the idea of the 'prestige' option for cosmetics and bragging rights. I think it will open up that side of the game for people that might have been previously intimidated by PvP. I am also looking forward to the profession revamp.  wink.png  

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I'm excited to explore the new Isles, and to get the very thrills like my first time walking through the dark portal facing the Legion. Together with my mage and my friends I want to chrush this almighty foe anew, get to see new Dungeons, new Monsters and to live a new Story. The most interesting thing is to craft a Legendary Weapon for my Char and the new PvP.


I'm waiting with excitment :)

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What I've enjoyed in the past: Discovering the world of warcraft with friends after having played up to WC3: The Frozen Throne. (Also, the hype of when we actually got to kill The Lich King!!)

What I'm looking forward to in Legion: Seeing the story being pushed further. Also, kickass artifact weapons.

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World of Warcraft with me as long as eight years, although I had to give up halfway, but when I saw it again after news of 7.0 wistful. The new demon hunter career, stunning skills and artifact system, let me excited. I was PVE players artifact unique appearance attracted me, I dream of holding their own artifact, face the challenge of the forces of evil, shouting: I'm back ~ ~ ~

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World of Warcraft with me as long as eight years, although I had to give up halfway, but when I saw it again after news of 7.0 wistful. The new demon hunter career, stunning skills and artifact system, let me excited. I was PVE players artifact unique appearance attracted me, I dream of holding their own artifact, face the challenge of the forces of evil, shouting: I'm back ~ ~ ~

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I have never actually signed up on the site until today. Icy-Veins has been such a help over the last five years. The website was my go to for quick guides and helpful tips on how to improve my performance in World of Warcraft. I appreciate all of the hard work that was put into this site and hope that it continues to improve over the years. I am very intersted in Legion because of the changes to my class. I've been playing a Druid since Vanilla and really missed being able to heal and DPS at the same time. I am hoping the level 45 talents will allow me to play "Restrokin" spec again. I am also looking forward to the new lore, Chronicles really shook things up and I am glad that they're trying to patch up a lot of the open lore holes. I can't wait to see the new lore in the game! I have been a HUGE explorer ever since Vanilla going to areas you weren't supposed to get too. Old Iron Forge, The Endless Strip (my best video), GM Island, Smiley Face under Karazhan, Karazhan Crypts, etc. I would love to pre-explore the Broken Isles and the new dungeons before anyone else has the chance too. When I was about 13 years old I was in a hardcore raiding guild that had BWL on farm, it was great, they picked on my friend and I for the longest time but we had a blast. We were the youngest on the team. One day during a raid, can't recall which boss exactly, a piece of gear drops. I haven't really even gotten a T2 piece before and I attended every single raid. After not getting gear after weeks and weeks it was upsetting and I, being a young kind, demanded that I received it. I complained in raid chat, and eventually into guild chat. As a joke, at the time that seemed like hell to me, they created a guild rank called "Pauper" (my in-game name at the time) that wouldn't allow me to chat in guild. I was so upset, heart broken that they'd do that too me. I went to to Naxx when them AQ40, and they would mute me from guild chat?! I left the guild out of anger, yes I regretted it. But the worst part of it all was that the T2 shoulders dropped from Chromag that night... and there was only two Druids in the raid. If I would of just held my cool... I would of had the beastly bear claws on my shoulders... Lesson leanred for sure. Thank you for taking the time to read my story! I hope I get the beta key! :)

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Can't wait to test out the new PvP system ! Looking forward your guides on PvE Druid too. 

GL everyone ;)

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The new feature in Legion I'm most looking forward to is the revision of the PvP system; having an infinitesimal gear disparity for all players throughout the expansion should allow the devs to keep PvP combat more balanced with less effort, giving them the opportunity to work on more features for those of us who'd rather crush the Alliance than raid.


Probably my favorite memory from WoW has to be hopping off the boat into Howling Fjord for the first time. I'd waited with baited breath for Wrath of the Lich King. I picked up my CE from Gamestop (the only outlet available where I'm at), stopped by the grocery store to stock up on AMP and ranch Munchies, had my other addict friends meet me at my house with their laptops, and we pulled an all-nighter in Northrend. It was fantastic.

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I had to make an account for this, as I'm usually a lurker. I've been here since Mists of Pandaria and this site, to this day, has proven to be invaluable, because I'm not that great of a player (I'm in it for the story and lore!) and I certainly always need help, lol.


Ever since 8 years ago, I've been a loyal WoW player. Though I was never able to play in vanilla (you can thank Star Wars Galaxies and I'm still salty about what happened with that game), I got to come in during Burning Crusade. At the time, I was a kid and had multiple problems in school. Long story made short, I needed something to capture my attention and this game was it. It's not only saved my life, it has also captured my imagination and my wonder. This game's story, no matter how much retcons or backtracking occurs, will always be the most amazing story ever told to me. I love this game, its characters, its lore, and every player in it. I think perhaps one of my fondest memories is coming out of Northshire as a Human Paladin for the first time and I had such a big world in front of me. Everything was new and had such depth, and I thought it was so amazing. I'd make several characters over and over again just to experience the same content and feel those feelings. It stayed with me up through the end of Wrath of the Lich King, which is still my favorite expansion in terms of story and emotion. I'll never forget the emotions that the story gave me and how satisfying it was to see what happened in the ICC dungeons and raid.


Though it's been toned down and WoD had its problems, I still look forward to Legion. Lore and story has always been at the front of my love for this game, so seeing everything being established with Legion and the new Chronicles book and the new emphasis on class fantasy is absolutely amazing to me. Once I saw Dalaran and it's involvement, it flashed me back to my favorite time in WoW too, so I feel like I have a lot emotionally invested already. And even though I've never been lucky enough for alpha or beta to help Blizzard refine their experience, I still watch videos every day to get a feel of how the classes and dungeons work, and I'm using this giveaway as a chance to voice my opinion to help them make the best that it can be. I'm saving the quest storyline for launch though and that's what I'm looking forward to the most (along with the transmog system of course!!), so no spoilers!

So that's my experience. I owe a lot to this game, its people, its creators, and its story. I owe a lot to you guys for keeping me from being a complete baddie along the way too! I guess at this point, it's no longer just a game. I even dare say it's impacted me and how I act towards others, and it has affected my choice of career (IT with a focus in software dev). Thank you for the giveaway, have a wonderful 5 year anniversary, and good luck to everyone.

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Apart from the chance to win a betakey, this is a perfect opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for 5 years of awesome guides, articles and forum discussions. It really helped me learn new specs / classes faster.  Keep up the good work and see you in Legion! Can't believe I didn't register earlier... what the hell lol

Edited by Xurion

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I'm really looking forward to the new dungeons and artifact weapons in legion. As for my fondest wow memory, that would have to be raiding with friends in a guild we created together back in wrath.

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i cant wait to see the game play of SW hunters and how good a melee hunter will be.


and Gz whit the 5 years :)

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The thing I am most excited for Legion is the new artifact system and the lore surrounding them. The most memorable moment for me was first seeing Yogg-Saron as he had a creepy and disturbing appearance.

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With the introduction of the mythic difficulty and its fixed raid size of 20 they created a gap for smaller groups that they did not fill so far.


My hope for legion is, that the new challenge mode system can fill it at least a bit.

I really look forward to trying them out :)


I just hope that it does not turn out to be a grind for high keystones.

It won't be fun to run an instance 12 times until you reach the difficulty you want.


Other that that I also look forward to the honor/prestige system. It might make PvP more fun to me.



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Thing that I'm looking forward to the most is the tune to your level zones and choose how and where you want to level.  The freedom to go where ever you want right after finishing your first artifact quest is awesome and can't wait to see how its going to work.


Also new raiding content, because WOW always introduces exciting new mechanics to raids.

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Im excited to finally have a bank that isnt full of old tiers and other gear I just couldnt bring myself to ever delete. All the classes look fun as hell to play. I want to play around with my pally when he gets his teleport ability. Looks so sweet!!

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I feel like Legion very well might save WoW. WoD promised on delivering a lot but ultimately came short. If they deliver for Legion, I feel like this game can be great again.


Changes I am looking forward too include the WW monk changes and the Shadow Priest changes. I play both specs at a high level and they are getting awesome treatment. Also looking forward to artifact weapons, a new/fun other way to progress in the game rather than praying for that weapon to drop. On top of that, all the customization that comes with it. The new transmog system will be a giant QOL change as well.


My favorite memory in this game is clearing ICC with my IRL friends back in the day. We had a full group of 10 of us, and we went all the way to Lich King. My biggest personal achievement was getting the legendary daggers on my rogue and clearing Heroic Dragon Soul.


Been around since BC, this is coming from somebody that has hope that Legion will be the first step to saving WoW.

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