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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I really want to test out Artifacts because it's something new to the game that we've never seen before, but i have to say that Blizzard could have done a better job on how obtain Artifacts.

Something a little bit challenging, something like the Stealth quest in Glineas for Rogues daggers.

I can't wait to play and test out Death Knights (it's my main class), explore the new region, and bug finding... we don't want buggy live game? right?

By the way, i started playing in WotLK, and it's still my favorite expansion, loved Naxx, loved Ulduar, and ICC, for me it's the best expansion ever, and i'm happy that my Dk will be wearing something that belong to WotLK. I'm a little bit frustrated that we don't and probably never be wearing Frostmourne. :/ When i first heard of artifact in Legion, i was so hyped for Frostmourne, but.... Nope.

So far Legion has potential to be one of the best expansion ever, at least for me, even if i don't like too much Demons and Green! I prefer Blue and icy things!


Edited by Fr0z3n

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I like the model of artifacts, not really excited about the random legendaries.


I have been playing since vanilla, and I think my most fond memories are when we had to have 40 people and multiple hours to raid...

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Happy 5th Anniversary Icy-Veins! Thanks for all the aide in my adventures.


My fondest memory is actually questing in Wrath of the Lich King with my very first character. I remember hitting the shores of Howling Fjord on my undead mage, helping the Forsaken with their fight, all while listening to the musical masterpiece conducted for that zone. It still pulls on my heartstrings.


What I look forward to the most in Legion is hitting the shores once more. I am excited for new quests and new adventures in new zones with new friends on new mounts with new gear (especially those beautiful artifacts!). Lore has always been an interest of mine and I'm excited to see where the story leads us regarding Sylvanas, the Horde, and the Val'kyr!

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I'm excited to see how Hunters actually turn out. (Gonna love how much I can change up my play style per fight with all 3 specs and talents.) Getting to learn the intricacies behind hunter is always awesome. (Especially when everyone else says our class has no depth.)


Also super excited for the Transmog and Challenge Mode systems making dungeon and old raid runs more of a weekly thing for myself and guild mates.

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Can't wait to try the new pvp system. Hopefully Blizzard does a good job at balancing the pvp now...considering they are balancing pvp and pve separately, finally..

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Really looking forward to legion. Have loved every content I've seen or heard of so far. Specifically looking forward to a huge revamp to pvp and the updated animations and sounds make the combat look way cooler and more up to date with some of the upcoming mmos

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My favorite part of WoW has definitely always been the social aspect. When I first started playing back in 2006, I was absolutely fascinated by the concept of a game that took place in this massive online world where you could interact freely with thousands of people. It sure helped that I was young and impressionable, but the magic was there. Most people were fairly new to the game (since this was during the explosive growth of WoW, as opposed to the long, slow "death" we've been going through every since subs peaked during Wrath) and everyone seemed to just talk and mess around a lot more. In cities, "trade" chat was always full of nonsensical spam and Anal [X] or [Dirge] memes, running dungeons required you to harass randoms through /who (and actually talk to them!) if you didn't want to spend an hour spamming LFG/M in some global chat as a DPS, etc.


I'm hoping Legion will help breathe a little bit of new life into the game. As with WoD, there seems to be quite a bit of hype for the new expansion right now, and I hope that unlike WoD, Legion won't waste the initial sub boom by driving everyone away with in-game Clash of Clans and the worst case of content drought in the game so far. The new class looks super fun and it's something Warcraft III fans have been wanting forever, and the fact that the expansion is centered around the Burning Legion should also make many people interested, as opposed to the time travel AU story of WoD that might have felt like filler to some. I know the game will never be exactly the way it was when I first started playing, since it was just a completely different time (even though it was "only" 10 years ago, when it comes to gaming and the internet that's quite a lot!), but I hope it'll recapture some of that magic.


As for my favorite memory, it's also related to the social aspect of the game. There was this super casual guild I joined in my early days of TBC. We were just a bunch of low-ish level immature guys saying stupid shit in /g chat (and later on Vent) while leveling, and most of us spent more time screwing around than rushing to the end game content. Eventually though, most of us did end up reaching max level, but it was too late into the expansion and we were playing too casually to actually do anything other than a couple HCs. When Wrath came out, we collectively decided we were going to try to raid semi-seriously, and to cut a long story short since I've been rambling for several paragraphs, we did end up killing Arthas (we had plenty of time, since Wrath brought about the first real end of expansion content drought in the game). Unfortunately though, shortly after Cata was released, I had to stop playing for RL reasons.


Years later, halfway into MoP, I decided to resub on a whim. My old main was obviously still there, but I had been kicked from the guild due to inactivity, which was also to be expected, so I didn't think much of it. However, after speeding through Cata leveling in a couple of days and realizing that I should find a guild if I wanted to see any of the new content (LFR never quite sat right with me), I decided to try looking for my old guild. A little bit of memory jogging and /who-fu was all it took to find out that they were still playing, and quite actively at that. A few seconds later I was back in the guild and on Vent, reminiscing and messing around with the people I had grown up with half a decade before. I was already a grown man at the time, but it still brought a tear to my eye, and it turned what was supposed to be a month long nostalgia trip before I quit for another year or two into a full-on return to the game, and I've been playing ever since then. That was when I realized that what I loved in the game was not the act of raiding itself, or the gear treadmill, or the PvP, or any gameplay mechanic, it was the time I spent with the friends I made in the game.

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I'm most excited about artifacts and how they are going the change our place in WoW. I have alot of alts, because it is required by my guild and I'm looking forward to look into all the awesome stories behind of all those weapons.

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I am looking forward to the vast expansion of lore Legion promises to offer. Through artifacts, Titan Relic quest-lines, and finally seeing the Tomb of Sargeras, Legion is looking up to be one of the most lore heavy expansions to have been released. I am a little upset they spoiled N'Zoth through hearthstone, but I am excited that we might be facing him in a raid soon! (Please don't cut content again Blizzard) And the possibility of actually seeing Sargeras, or at least an avatar of him, has me seething with excitement! 


As a semi-hardcore raider, I am also looking forward to the new raids since the bosses and mechanics in WoD are what brought be back from my hiatus originally. Like most expansions, Legion has loads of potential! I am hoping that Blizzard learned from their mistakes (AND successes) in WoD and have produced another great expansion for this game! I am, and always will be, the optimist! 

Edited by Anaveil

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The thing I'm most looking forward to is the return of class fantasy.  I realize that this might take away some of the quality of life attributes we've been given as various expansions have been released, but this is  an mmoRPG after all.  For me, it's the little things in a game that really draw me in, though this seems like it will be on a larger scale, with class halls, artifact weapons, and the return of class quests.


A memory from Vanilla that makes me cringe and smile at the same time, and really illustrates the class fantasy aspect being brought back, is the pally mount quest. Anyone remember that? smile.png  The biggest challenge I had - aside from putting my head through the brick wall I encountered every time - was finding a solid healer to keep us all up during the encounter, or at least one that hadn't been drinking too heavily.  A very dear friend of mine was one of my guild's main healers, and she loved to crack a bottle of wine every time we started a Scholo run for my mount.  It created some really fun times, as we tended to be in there hours on end, but ouch, that fight was rough.


So I'm really looking forward to correcting the skull deformity I gained by bashing my head against a new wall in an attempt to finish a new class quest.  That will work, right?


Happy Anniversary!

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The thing I'm most looking forward to in Legion is playing a Demon Hunter, both as a tank and DPS, and fully mastering the class. I've wanted to play as a Demon Hunter ever since WoW was released as I've always been a huge fan of Illidan and his tragic anti-hero lore. I really hope that Blizzard uses this expansion and the Demon Hunter class to better flesh out and reveal other parts of Illidan's story and motivations as I think that it would be really awesome to see.


My fondest memory of WoW would have to be the release night of The Burning Crusade. I remember standing in line for hours at my local game store to pick up my pre-ordered copy of the Collector's Edition and then rushing home to install the game off of the crap ton of CD-ROMs. Just thinking of sitting at my computer in the wee hours of the morning waiting for those prompts to insert the next disc fills me with joy and also makes me laugh at how far we've come with digital goods.


I really hope to get into the Legion Beta whether through this giveaway or by random luck in Blizzard's invite waves, as I hope to test the game as much as I possibly can and provide solid feedback on features and mechanics. I've not been this excited for an expansion since The Burning Crusade and I want to do my part to make Legion the best expansion it can be.

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I´m not really interested in Demon Hunters,

but I like that my Druid will finally get the Quadspec he deserved :-)


The story will probably also be pretty cool, but its always hard to follow ingame, thats why I read the books.


I´m looking forward to getting new quests again, with the class halls,

and the feature that we can level together with friends now, and in every region we want, seems pretty cool. Looking forward to it.

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I am looking forward to Legion like a lot of my prot buddies for the Demon Hunter class. Tanking can be an obsession and having all the tanks at max level helps your chances of getting a raid spot.  Being a good tank, thats a whole different story.  I think the artifacts will be pretty neat as well.  While you don't get to loot a new weapon on boss kills, upgrading your weapon of lore will be very rewarding.


My fondest (well funniest) memory comes in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.  I was a resto shaman and we were progressing on Heroic Arthas.  3 people left alive in the raid group and Arthas is at 11%.  Me, tank, and  an enhance shaman.  I was spamming heals so hard, I didnt even notice I squeezed the mouse so hard that it broke into little plastic shards of skin shredding death.  But we won. biggrin.png  And then I went to Urgent Care.


Edit: Because I forgot about the nostalgia factor, and I know people felt the same...  In Vanilla, leveling your first toon and getting fully "equipped" when you had a helm, shoulders, and cloak for the first time.  That felt really rewarding. (strangely)

Edited by JuggernautProt

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I'm really looking forward to the new raids. Wow raids have always been top-notch. For the past few weeks a bunch of the raiders in my guild have been doing Glory of the Hellfire Raider. We all can't wait for the new raids and new achievements.

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I've been playing WoW since the original open beta and I'm curious to see how the new approach to class fantasy draws back on the original concepts that were instrumental to creating the game we play today. In some ways it is exciting to try and break away from the homogenized classes we've had over the last few expansions, but at the same time we've all spent a great deal of time playing them in their current forms that change can sometimes be scary.  I'm hoping they can find that good balance between class fantasy and practicality as the alpha moves more into beta. As a guy who has played holy paladin most of wow career it's a time of mixed emotions with all of the changes and I can only hope things become more defined as the process moves on

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SO excited for Legion! It's really gonna make the game interesting for me and many others again. I'm currently leveling all classes to 100 to try out dps this expansion (I've always been a healbot and want a change). I want to try everything to make an informed decision once the pre-patch hits, though a beta key would help even more. ;)


I started playing a few days after launch when my roommate had me make a character on his account. I got a druid to level 4, was hooked, and went to buy the game immediately. Molten Core and BWL were my favorite experience in the entire game! I raided a bit in BC but got burnt out and took a break. I came back for Wrath but the new Naxx didn't capture the same magic.


When WoD came out our old guild reformed and went to town! Our old group of friends were reconnected and are now very involved in each others' lives and we owe that to a video game. smile.png

Edited by Mahanaxar

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First things first, I really look forward to the new transmog system. It has become a real mess to carry all the stuff around in your inventory and ofc in the void storage/bank… especially since the system was announced, because now even my alts are literally full! I also like that the new transmog will be accountwide, so you don’t have to collect the same gear over and over again if you decide to level an alt with the same armorclass/weapon. :3

Since I plan to roll a Havoc DH ph34r.png (maybe as a main), I hope it will be as awesome as it was promised. I like the idea of combining movement and damage instead of just keep standing behind the boss, waiting for the next mechanic to avoid. wub.png

Also, I’m curious about the new Legendaries and their tuning… I hope they won’t be too op while adding more depth to the gameplay at the same time


To name just a few of the most important additions in the past, I like to mention the nhc/hc/mythic bonus missions from the garrison and ofc pet-battles. Individually obtaining some additional items helped me to equip some of my alts, as well as getting that one item that never dropped or someone else needed, too. Collecting some cute little pets has become one of my favorite pastime activities. It was a real satisfying moment to finally beat the MoP pet tournament without using any guides and I still love my xuen-cub smile.png*purrs*  *.*

Edited by Therisha

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