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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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All I want from Legion is that old feeling we had back in Wrath of the Lich King where we saw our land filled with opportunity. I once simply decided to enter this cave for no reason ... I ended up wielding Shadow Mourn. I saw a random drake flying by my nose ... I had the rarest and hardest mount to farm in the game Tamed. I looted a small item in the halls of reflection and I ended up with that blade the no one knew how to get near Argent Tournament. Hopefully Legion will present us these details that will ignite into a big fire. This is what I am looking forward to and what I enjoyed back in the days.

Edited by Voolcan

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Fondest memory of my World of Warcraft experience must be the first time I was in the (old) Blackrock Depths. Think it was '07 or something. My friends and I were just a couple of kids that did not know what did the acronym DPS actually stood for. We were progressing through BRD like 4 or 5 hours. Long, but hilariously fun and entertaining.


And about the upcoming expansion, I feel like this is the first expansion that will actually live up to the expectations. Ultra cool new weapons, new continent, DEMON HUNTER at long last, demonic theme all together, simply put, Blizzard will be raising some new subscription numbers. 


All aboard the hype train choo-chooooo!

Edited by zerocoded

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Happy 5th!


Truly, as much as I am looking forward to the Artifact system and all the new instances, I may be looking forward to Demon Hunter hero class more. I was always jealous of those blindfold wearing beasts. The lore of the battles with the legion, and what we will need to do to stop them! Can't wait!

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I'm really excited about the demon hunters. I feel like there will be new mechanics in dungeons and raids for their double jump and glide. Also iam looking foward to the new artifact system, it looks amazing and it is a really good idea to get back the missing subs!


Now about my WoW life, i started playing in MoP but i've really played in WoD. At WoD i've had my first guild raiding experience and it was amazing! The most funny thing was at Highmaul first fight when kargath entered in the Berserker Rush state and one of my friends was running from him and fell in one of those tiger cages hahaha.


I hope that legion can provide me such good moments as these ones biggrin.png

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I am definitely excited for Legion :D, I am looking forward to the new class hall system, as well as the new artifact weapons. Plus the new PVP system which I feel will bring a new balance to all players is a serious plus, not to mention playing as a Demon Hunter and learning the background and lore while playing as them is just gonna be AWESOME!!! What I enjoyed in the past with World of Warcraft is how the first new playable races came in BC, along with a new hero class (Death Knight) and the lore behind Arthas in WotLK, the environmental changes in Cataclysm, and the whole lore aspect of Warlords of Draenor where we got to play along side the Orc Warlords we read about.

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I am looking really forward to the artifact weapons. They just look really good and i do love that blizzard is not afraid to try something new. 

One of my best memorys is the first kill on ragnaros back in Vanilla. The 40 people nerd screams, ill never forget. Best PvP moments were also in Vanilla the Southshore wars were fucking great to put it pluntly.

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Really looking forward to Legion. We have been into MMO's since Everquest and my fondest memories of EQ are the quests and hurdles in getting our epic weapons and it looks like we are finally getting something like that in Legion. I hope Bliz is up to the task...big shoes to fill!!!

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What I am looking forward to see in Legion is Blizzard paying attention to their player base and not neglecting the release of content, especially in the form of raids. Wod raids were not bad at all but they were to spread out and people got bored of just farming the same old raid and doing garrison stuff. I am really hopeful they will release constant content because if Blizzard doesn't change its way WoW is done for.

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Many things I'm excited for, first, demon hunters, I'm really excited about doing some melee dps, haven't done any of that since they took away 2 handed enhance shaman (which I'm still really bummed about, miss those huge windfury crits)and none of the older melee classes/specs appealed to me, second I'm a big fan of multi role multi spec classes and I like the idea of not having to find new weapons for each spec, although I realism it would be some time until we are able to collect the other artifacts, and third I like how they are individualizing the specs to make them each feel different, so the dps (boring) classes get to do some different stuff between the specs and can actually justify having dual talent specialization lol, all in all really looking forward to legion.

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Can't wait to see Doomhammer in action . Enhancement Shaman will be amazing . J'ai hâte de voir Marteau du Destin en action . Le chaman amélioration sera extraordinaire

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I'm looking forward to all the new stories that's involved with the fantasy of each spec and the artifacts. I'm especially looking forward to Shadow Priests as they seem to have the strongest fantasy, or showing there off. Not to mention the NIghtborne is very interesting as a story momentum, especially for the Night Elves and Blood Elves. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Legion and all the content it will bring with. 

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I really hope to receive on of the Beta keys. I have been looking forward to the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion. I look forward to the Demon Hunter Havoc and Vengeance. I also look forward to the artifact weapons of many class/specs.

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Most looking forward to the artifact weapons in Legion. There's a long and storied theme of naming/anthropomorphizing weapons in history and literature, especially in Germanic/Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian traditions. In Norse mythology Thor wielded the hammer Mjölnir, Beowulf wielded the swords Hrunting and Nægling, King Arthur wielded the sword Excalibur, Odin wielded the spear Gungnir, Fergus mac Róich wielded the greatsword Caladbolg, Cú Chulainn wielded the spear Gáe Bolg, and Roland wielded the sword Durendal. The list of mythical weapons continues on and on.

In each of these cases the weapons are ascribed supernatural/divine/magical powers and attributes, and the character of the weapon is inseparable from the wielder. Durendal was said to be indestructible and contain relics from various Christian saints, a fitting weapon for a paladin (the origin of this word) of the Holy Roman Empire. Mjölnir was said to level mountains, and was used by the thunder god Thor to smite the great Midgard serpent. Excalibur's radiance was said to blind its wielder's enemies, and its scabbard said to confer immortality (thus Arthur is killed only after having lost the scabbard to the treachery of Morgan Le Fay).
And now we have the artifact weapons introduced in legion. A scepter forged by the cumulative effort of hundreds of the demonic servants of a mad god, capable of rending tears in space and time. What better weapon for one willing to sacrifice portions of their soul in the quest for power? A great sword forged from the literal incarnation of darkness purified by the light, which smites the undead in holy fire. What better weapon for the implacable warriors of light? A shield forged from a scale shed from a great dragon that was once one of Azeroth's greatest protectors, since fallen to madness and nearly obliterating all life--- a literal representation of the heavy burden placed on Azeroth's champions, and a warning against the perils of power. What better bulwark for Azeroth's greatest defenders?
Yes, I am excited for artifact weapons!
Edited by gravyrainbow

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In legion I am most excited to try out the new demon hunter class! They look like a lot of fun. I'm also interested in trying the new survival hunter spec. It should be interesting to try out a melee hunter. I'm also excited for the artifact weapons and their questlines - it makes me want to play every class haha

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Just getting back to WoW after a ten year break and a early retirement in vanilla. Would be super excited to be one of the first to test the Legion as I was in the first beta in WoW vanilla also! 


I'm most excited to test my beloved fury warrior getting back to it roots as a rampage badass and not to wait for procs like i have to right now.

Edited by Vakke

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To be honest, the levelling is always my favourite bit of the new expansion. The scenery, lore, story and exploration is fantastic.

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What I'm looking forward to in Legion is the new mounts like the fox and the new druid forms and the new PVP system. In the past I mostly collected mounts and I played as a Druid Worgen, but then I switched to a Death Knight Worgen, trying to defeat the Lich King from the Wraith of the Lich King and learning the lore of Arthas. Oh yeah and I am definitely looking forward to the Demon Hunters and the artifact weapons .  biggrin.png




                              Thank you and have a good day!

Edited by Billyev

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Well, where to begin? I've pretty much started playing wow when I was about 14 or 15 years old, but my best possible memories are from when I just started playing WoW with my brother, who taught me everything I know.. Yet i'm the one teaching him now :D but right now? Legion is looking neat.. Very neat! I even bought my virtual ticket from blizzcon 2015 just to be able to watch everything legion related,  and I dont regret doing that, whatsoever! :D and having to pinpoint an exact feature from legion? Its gonna be hard but i'll try with these two, the Artifact and the class changes.. Since both of them go hand in hand, I decided to list these both.. I have to admit, I am somewhat of an altoholic and well.. These kind of changes really appeal to me! So yeah, I really hope I get a chance to win a key to legion, so I can submit any bugs I find and hopefully allow a smooth release for when it comes out! 


Thank you for giving this all a read! - Varios.

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I am looking forward to Shadow priests and will be coming here for my info. What I can remember is finding out I had been playing my dk wrong in mop after coming to this site I was doing mythic SoO at the time I was a noob please forgive. Looking forward to everything you guys do and the time you will put into helping others next expansion thanks a heap guys

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I like the idea with the scaling World so u can start anywhere u want and even play with Friends who are not on the same Level as u are. And giving the new PVP System a try. 

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Hello everyone!

I'm signing up for this beta simply because game looks astonishing even now from alpha's point of view. I like pretty much everything so far in Legion! Currently, I'm so hyped about Legion that every other game seems crappy and not as interesting.
I don't tend to get beta keys overall, but i remember getting one for WoD, talking about it with everyone and I really enjoyed my stay in the beta, just looking at the overall progress of the game. It was the only beta i ever got in and it was a really wonderful experience. Thus i wish to get into another beta and enjoy it like  I did first time :)



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I'm most looking forward to the class changes and new dungeons in Legion. Fire Mages, DK's, and Shaman look really interesting to me.


My fondest moments from WoW are from Wrath of the Lich King. I had a great raiding guild that I loved being apart of! We weren't top tier by any means, but we had a great time.

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I'm specifically looking forward to the Diablo 3 inspired endgame questing experience through the whole process of completing multiple objectives to complete the map. I've always wanted a structured solo progression like this and I think it's a great choice.


And of course I'm so excited to be able to finally hide my shoulder pads :P

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To be fair, there is alot that I'm excited about in Legion. I personally am excited for the new transmog changes because it seems like the space they gave us for the void storage is very limited, and when you have to sell the gear it would just be lost forever. What I like about this new implimentation is how it will virtually save every piece of gear you ever aquired, even quest rewards that you didn't pick. Another thing I think would be great for Legion is the Demon Hunter hero class, which looks incredibly mobile with double jump, glyde, and even having the ability to see enimies through walls, overpowered is a word that would probably best describe it. Another thing I an also greatly looking forward to is the scaling of zones, this would be a very nice edition not only to Legion, but hopefully to the low level questing experience, that way new players won't be turned off by having to go through zones in a linear order, and would instead choose where they will want to go next. Lastly, what I am most looking forward to in Legion is the updated pvp system, because for a long time pvp has just been incredibly unbalanced with gear being the major factor of being good rather than just skill. With the new version of pvp being implimented, players will instead have a seperate talent tree designed for pvp, and will instead go through a prestige system leveling up their talents via experience bar. Which will reward greatly, even with the inclusion of a perstige rank badge next to your characters health information. I have been in the game since the middle of Mists of Pandaria, and although I never really encountered much, I would say that my fondest memory would be achieving the title from patch 5.3: Escalation, being a Horde player at the time, it was a really big deal as we made our first march on to Orgrimmar and claimed a title that can't be achieved anymore. I have also really appreciated the social aspect of the game and have made a decent ammount of friends from it, and I would really like to see how Blizzard will improve upon it in Legion.

Edited by Hexoffender

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