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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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Can't wait to see what Illidan and Guldan are going to be doing in this story line. Also all the new changes to the classes. Finally Hunters get their melee weapons back!!!!!

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I've always been a huge fan of Thrall being an Enhancement Shaman main and all, but the fact that I get to use Doomhammer in Legion has my hype meter at full capacity!

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I'm looking forward to getting back to raiding. I haven't raided semi serious since cataclysm. Also  the new spell and attack animations look great and give the game some much needed update

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I'm excited for...the new Demon Hunter class being introduced in Legion, I'm really glad Blizzard is bringing this class to World of Warcraft because they said back in Vanilla that Demon Hunters were an available class to play at launch but it didn't make the cut, so I'm glad that Blizzard is bringing back the whole Demon Hunter thing from BC with Illidan Stormrage. I'm also hyped about the Xmog system in legion, being able to go to a UI and seeing all the transmog weapons and sets is just astounding. Speaking of Xmog, I love your website for looking at xmog and where to get the pieces, it really helps a bunch and my Warlock wouldn't look good if it wasn't for you guys. I also love your guides, relasing talents, rotations, cooldowns etc, can help a lot of people learn how to play there class right and learn how to both raid and PvP. Another thing I'm really exited about is the zones they look stunning, and thats my opinion on your site and the new upcoming expansion Legion, I;m really hoping the patches this expansion have more content than Warlords. So Farewell and keep it up ;)

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Well i am excited for the new hero class. I just hope that it doesn't start feeling too stale.Im looking forward to the changes in the warrior class, especially the talent tree (never surrender). Though i am still skeptical about the new artifacts and the new class-specific locations just do not excite me. I would rather they introduced guild housing. Similar to Final Fantasy's guild housings but more WoW style. Most MMO's have this feature and i am surprised that WoW still has not implemented it. Customizable housings and awards for raid clears/ achievement clears, like objects you can put up in the housing. I know that it is pretty generic since so many other games have it, but i still believe that it would be a great addition that kind of make guild more cozy and tightly bonded. I think this is much better than trying to be "unique" with the class locations that kind of makes it wierd since it seems everyone is the "leader". I think that some of the Artifacts have a bit cringeworthy designs but overall they look pretty exciting. SO that is why i love that you can transmog them. Overall Legion looks to be a bit of a revival for the WoW community (Hopefully)

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I hope the new pvp system will be very nice for the pvp players and im waiting for the lore of legion. For Lordearon !

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First of all, I just want to sat that your guides have been incredibly helpful. When i came back to WoW I was dealing 10K dps, after reading some guides, and getting some better gear, I now do 60K dps. As for what I'm looking forward to in legion: The new lore. I'm a huge fan of Warcraft lore, so I´m very interested to see what will happen during the expansion, and during artifact quests.

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I am looking forward to the New challenge Mode system and all the fun it will bring. Also to see how the story will unfold throughout the xpac and of coarse all the artfacts and the story lines and all the new class changes for the fantasy for each spec.rtefact

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Looking forward for the new endgame content such as raids and the new cm modes with the keys.

In the past I always enjoyed to raid new content and pushing my characters to the limit (be on the top of different rankings or the first who achieve certain things).


Good Luck everyone!

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​ok my favorite thing that has happened while i was playing happend in pandaria pre nerf i told my friend who also played to watch what i was doing (he had come over that day) i went to timeless isle and went across the broken bridge with a Goblin Glider  http://www.2/goblin-gliderwentover to the first Eternal Kilnmaster i saw and said ok this is the eazy 1 he told me "ill bet you 10 bucks you cant beat that guy" i told him deal i soloed him the my friend said "double or nothing if you can beat  Archiereus of Flame solo ill give you 20 bucks" so pre nerf my characters item level at the time was about 530--550 night elf blood dk level 90 swiched to blood spec at level 86 from frost learnd to tank as a dk from this sight and how to gear from http://www.askmrrobot.com/ along with a coupple of tips from a famliey friend i soloed  Archiereus of Flame so my friend said "woh dude how " i said im just that good so that is my favorit thing from wow so far im looking forword to doing a simaler set of things in leagon and the artifact wepons

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I can't wait to play Legion because The Emerald Dream will finally be available content! I've been waiting to go to the Emerald Dream since I first saw the portal in Duskwood when I first started playing the game. Can't wait!

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I cant wait to wield the Aschbringer on my main Human Pala also i want to see Illidan back alive and see who will be the final boss. This expansion is great it takes me back to warcraft 3 when i first started playing the warcraft game and fell in love in it

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I am looking forward to the new transmog tab and the new dungeons. Oh and the priest changes.


As for my fondest memory of wow, I remember when they released the short story about Gallywix. I did not even have a max level character at the time, but after reading that story me and two of my friends spent about an hour climbing the mountain to reach Gallywix's pleasure palace.

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I am looking forward to basically everything in Legion, it seems like the game is really changing for the better for example many specs has gotten so many changes that it is basically a completely new spec to try out, for example demonology. And let's not forget the completely new class Demon Hunter! The new PvP system and the new challenge modes seem very interesting too.

Also the new beautiful (mostly melee) animations make the combat seem so much smoother and more enjoyable. 


All my time in World of Warcraft has been very enjoyable so there are not many particular memories that stick out a lot. However I do remember when I first found out about the game; it was when my older brother had left the game open while he went outside for a smoke. I sat down and tried it out for a couple of minutes but I wasn't very impressed at first, but after getting the game for myself and figuring some stuff out I soon became very fond of it.

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All the new content looks good, and should be good fun.


But it's the new transmog system i'm focused on - no more headaches from looking at my bags :-)

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Let's just give a go then smile.png


Started playing WoW at the end of TBC. 

All I did was explore and die to high level mobs since I just could not believe how large the world was.

After that I started raiding in TBC (just Kara and ZA). Had a blast and looking back to those moments every time.


After seeing the Legion trailer and gameplay I just can't stop checking the launcher if the beta is there yet.

Just thrilled to try it out after looking at the footage on Youtube and streams.

Hopefully Legion will bring my friends back aswel so I don't have to play alone anymore /sadface.


Legion seems to offer a lot of variety of gameplay and I would love to try it out because I can't wait.

My goal with the beta is to encourage my friends / other players to start playing again by sharing the footage as much as possible,


Oooh and Demon Hunters! Drool! 

Edited by Xycho2d

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I'm really excited for the artifact weapons the most! It truly adds a new dynamic to the game play and I cannot wait to see how it will turn out in the long run. It's also one item less that I would need to roll for. 

In term's of what I enjoyed the most in the past was meeting many people online whether it be through Heroic/Mythic raiding, pvping, or simply afking in a capital city and talk in trade chat. I also enjoyed achievements because it added a difficulty to bosses I have already defeated and it is nice to try and get as many achievement points as possible.

Anyways, I hope I can win a beta test key! Best of luck to everyone else as well.

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New pvp system looks cool, and all the new mounts and animations. Really looks cool, hope is good. Best mmo for mora than 10 years... And counting.

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My WOW experience is not much, I am not a Vanilla Veteran. I started playing after 5.4 MOP was released. But I can tell you what I have enjoyed so far; I have enjoyed the complete immersion of this game as you enter a world that allows a truly beautiful escape. This game has been catharsis on rough days. But i have enjoyed finally being able to get into end-game raiding as I have done this expansion. Yet, I look forward to the same things as before, the story, the lore. I look forward to the catharsis that WOW has always been for me. I am excited for the new xmog changes in Legion, i am not really excited for legendaries and world drop items. I am excited to see the profession changes. Making professions more involved again instead of leveling it in such a mundane way that you can simply level it all the way in an instant. I am looking forward to the shared nodes wether it be mining or herbal that will allow for them to be shared. WOW has had competition after competition, and I have played some but there is no game like this one. 

Edited by KristopherCosta

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What I look most forward to is raid testing with my guildies, Pretty much everyone has it except me and the previous 2 raid testings i was not there. And obviously try out my main classes/new zones. So far the I think everything looks good as always same optimism as for warlords, my fondest memory was when i was asked being a social in a raiding guild to come tank ultraxion in dragon soul, and afterwards being thanked for it, i had no idea what i was doing back then but i executed it decently.

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I'm like more excited then anyone I know for the new animations, the Fury warrior animations look so amazing. Also the 5 man dungs if blizz can keep them relevant in Legion, even if just for alts seem to be rly fun (The Arcway ls my favorite for what I seen of it).


My best memory in World of Warcraft was a long long time ago it was during Naxx 25 in Wrath of the Lich King. My whole family played the game and we would run Naxx 25 (some Ulduar) together every week. Almost none of us living close enough to see each other in person made it not only my best WoW memory but my best Childhood Memory as well. It was My mom, Dad, Uncle,3 cousins, Aunt, and a Brother that no longer lived at home, and me age 15. Ran with a guild of work mates of my moms, best time I have ever had in my life! 


But thought I should post what I'm not looking forward to in Legion too because why not? Artifact weapons they seem kinda weird, we all know that most class switches specs bases on the fight they are going into. I think they need to add a respec system for them. allowing me to move all my points from one weapon to another just incase my guild need me to run Prot instead of Fury for w/e raid we happen to be doing that day. Idk just my thoughts of the whole thing. 

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Looking forward to seeing Worgen play a bigger role, grumpy old man Genn keeping it real, hoping to see some more Dwarves too. Hopefully it's not a human-fest for the Alliance as it usually is.


Uh, also looking forward to no AU characters aside from Gul'dan, who only exists really to set Legion up.


The Artifact quest lines look pretty cool, I hope they continue the trend of making special storylines for certain characters. I hope they do more things like it in the future, regardless of how Artifacts pan out. Maybe even give different races more special dialogue and quests depending on who they are talking to. Speaking of races, less humans and orcs in the limelight, this can never be overstated, in my opinion. Keep characters like Khadgar, Thrall, and Yrel away, characters like Grom should be in a dumpster with Med'an.


Always excited about new gear and possibilities they can bring.when it comes to xmog, especially with the new system they're rolling out. Art team really never stops making great work, even if the gear tends to be a little washed out compared to the old sets. Here's hoping for updated Worgen and Goblin models sometime in the relative future.


I hope the pruning is slowed down a little and some of the baseline abilities put into talents are brought back, my ele shaman is going to feel a little less exciting with the lack of CDs to stack.


I'd like it if the world event coming has some swanky special gear, like Rhonin's Staff from the Theramore pre-event.


As for things in the past I've enjoyed, quest lines like EPL are nice, just small scale character stories are nice as opposed to always saving the world and the zone and stuff. I also enjoy world events when they go off the rails a little, like a giant PvP mosh pit in the crater of Theramore in the MoP pre-event. I loved the daily system from MoP and would very much like more rep groups like the Tillers, with various NPCs of various personalities, I didn't enjoy the rep system used in Timeless or WoD. A new area like the Farm would be nice. Not something huge like the Garrison, but a new space that we can relax in, put time into and see it slowly get nicer. I've always enjoyed the little details in a zone, finding every nook and cranny and the little details left.


So yeah, those are the things I'm looking forward to in Legion, things that I would like after, and a few things off the top of my head that I've enjoyed over the years.

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Especially because I play an enhancement shaman, with all of the changes they are making to them. I can't wait to see how the new play style feels. I've seen some footage streamed but it won't be the same until I get to play it for myself. And getting the Doomhammer as our artifact weapon just makes it that much better. I have a replica of doomhammer at home. I've had a lot of awesome times in World of Warcraft. I've made a lot of amazing friends ingame. I still talk to them this day. Even if they quit WoW I still kept in touch with them via social media. Can't wait to see what Legion brings to the full table.

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