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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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Wardrobe system and demon hunter are by far what I'm looking forward to most. I've started keeping transmog gear in my bags since my bank and void is full.And new classes are always exciting. My favourite moment was probably in BC, doing progression on ZA and having the holy priest of the group barely finish off the boss as the last man standing

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I've been playing since vanilla and i love the raiding in wow and cant wait to finally do emerald dream and really looking forward to playing the ench shaman again and might try the DH tank.... also im looking to try the new way they are doing the professions.... so please help me get a beta key after trying for nearly 11 years of not getting one thank you for your timecool.png

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Cant wait to get my hands on some new content as im almost done grinding all the stuff i want for now. Im looking forward to trying out revamped classes aswell, also getting a wardrobe for all my tabards and stuff is a godsend. Also looks like professions will be abit more exciting in Legion which is a nice touch. Kinda bummed out about losing burst of speed as a rogue tho. But im sure it will work out in the end

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I really hope I get into the beta. I of course want to get in for personal happiness, however, I think my feedback could help make each class and spec much more fun. I'm particularly excited to try out the warlock and shadow priest. Surrender to Madness seems like an epic moment of glory. I already study this alpha like crazy without access, and since I don't have access to the alpha, I have no access to the forums. I think I could add a new perspective to the forums, and it would be a lot of fun.

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I have always loved the story lines that are a part of the game, as well as, the music. The artwork is fantastic and always leaves me in awe. I look forward to seeing more of the history of the Druids and experiencing the changes in the Druids spec's, as well.


I have many memorable moments, and achievements in the game, including the very first one which when I first started not long after BC came out. I wanted to surprise my daughter and son-in-law, and get everything installed, started the login process and then had a panic attack when it asked me to pick a 'Realm'. LOL! I ended up calling my daughter and between her and my son-in-law, they got me into the game, and after close to 11 years, I have never regretted a moment of being a part of the story that is World of Warcraft.


Favorite places are Feralas, Hillsbrad Foothills (before Cataclysm), Nagrand (Outland), Grizzly Hills, Storm Peaks, Sholazar Basin, Jade Forest, Shadowmoon Valley (WoD). Races/Classes...I love the Druids, NE, Tauren and Troll, and love the storylines behind all three that enrich the races themselves regardless of the class. I also love the Pandarens, their history and the Monk class.


I am very excited to experience Legion, and with all the ups and downs of each expansion, there really has not been any expansion that I have not liked. Some more than others, but there is something about each one to be enjoyed even when I go back and do it again on alt toons.

Edited by Vyncent

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In WoD I've been quite bored with how Warlock and Priest are atm so I've been putting off the game until Legion, and I hate to say this but i've been playing FFXIV in the meantime, anyways, seeing all the changes to my two main classes has just been getting me more and more hyped that I've been doing little to nothing other then watching streamers play Legion. Demo Lock by far looks to be the most fun out of all the other specs I've seen in Legion, it just seems so cool to control a horde of demons (Even if the "Beholder" is really ugly) and the talents overall look to almost all be useful in certain situations and need to be changed when going from one boss to another. 

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Honestly, im really exited for the vanity updates! The new transmog system and the different skins for artifact weapons. I love to look rad and I think Legion really helps us stand out. 

Im also really glad about the new pvp system. I found I could never just pvp for fun in any of the other xpacks as I wasnt really into gearing like that. 

As for my fondest memory, It was probably my first time doing a proper raid! I was nervous af, and was a healer, but my guild leader was really nice and, and even after told me how great I was doing! It really made me happy that there still are nice folk in the raiding community. 

Good luck to all! <3 

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I'm dying to play as a demon hunter and slay some demons. My fondest memory of playing wow was back in cata launch days, where me and some friends nolifed hard and didnt sleep for days while juggling work and playing, getting ready for raids. Cant wait for Legion!

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I'm looking forward to playing my Druid! Swapping into those new beautiful forms!

A memory from BC was when my guild started raiding original ZA and we FINALLY made the timed run! But sadly we didn't realize it was literally like a week after they took the bear out :p. Was still fun times though!

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I'm looking forward to play Demon Hunter with amazing glaives and incredible mobility.And new Artifact weapons bring so much storytelling to the game.About the past years - I'll never forget my victory over the Lich King) Also, introduction of the Mastery stat added new and interesting gameplay for each class

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I have followed the Legion alpha closely and I am very much optimistic for this expansion, specifically i am excited for the artifacts and the new challenge mode dungeon system as often I am strained outside of raids for much to do other than to level alts and I am hoping this will provide exciting and engaging game play outside of the raid schedule. I am an affliction warlock at heart and I am very excited about the new changes with the spec going back to its roots so to speak with Unstable affliction becoming the new big spender so to speak again. Thank god also that the talent choices are so diverse and allow most specs to easily make a decision between single target and aoe dps on the fly without having to respec and regear every other encounter - I am looking at you HFC. The artifact talents will also lead to engaging choices that will hopefully matter and to a degree be personal based on play style and not entirely hashed out through theory crafting in their leveling process. Every loves a good transmog and what better than weapon transmogs with the artifact weapons, personally I have never had an interest really in doing much pvp content and the like in world of warcraft but the artifact skins might just persuade me to step into other parts of the game I deemed previously un-interesting. The new demon Hunter class looks cool and immensley mobile and I will of course level one at least for the sake of trying as I did with a DK back in wrath but melee has not generally been my forte in the past so that might not stick as a main alt .Well I have always been a collector of rare mounts which inspired me originally to up my game and become a higher tier raider back in wrath purely for the mimirons head and Invincible so being able to go back and acquire those within weeks of each other in later content as I missed my chance in current due to a lot of guild struggles was really exciting to finally close the page on those expansions and leave nothing behind that I wanted for. Cataclysm the fire hawk reignited my love for mounts yet again with the fire hawks and I farmed heroic ragnaros and even got my friend to roll for me when it was current so I could have it just a few weeks earlier as it was my driving force for heroic raiding in firelands and dragon soul. On a more personal and less vain note my favorite activity or moment continues to be playing with my friends of many years and even meeting them outside of the game several times a year for drinks and good times, warcraft has provided me with friendships and experiences that I would never had otherwise had and regardless of whether blizzard are producing good content or going through a drought like in WoD I am firmly rooted here by those experiences and the enjoyment I get from playing with my friends.

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My best memory is while tanking Sha of pride in SoO.   i got MC and forced to use One with nature to port out of the raid when i did not have the glyph set.


Really loving a lot of the class changes coming to legion. Mainly demonology for the suicide imps! laugh.png

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What I am looking forward to in Legion is the return of Illidan. I met my husband in the Burning Crusade and we progressed through all of the raids together eventually getting the rare opportunity to kill Illidan. My husband actually came back to the game for the first time since pre ICC after the Legion announcement so the chance to experience a small amount of the nostalgia from when we found one another whilst sappy is a huge draw for me.


Ever since seeing Illidan and reading the Well of Eternity books I have been desperate to see a Demonhunter class introduced into the game and can't wait to see if Blizzard have brought in a class which will finally usurp my Shadow Priest after all these years.


My fondest memory of WoW however is from vanilla. My guild was on the bridge on the way to Majordomo in Molten Core when suddenly there was a huge lag spike and everyone in the instance (both horde and alliance) fell through the world and died in a massive tornado of corpses above Hillsbrad Foothills, there were hundreds of us dead in a vortex in the sky. It resulted in one of the best world pvp experiences I've ever had!

Edited by Azriellia

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I'm really looking forward the artifacts weapons, the new pvp system and mostly the new raids. I'm also hyped for the artifacts quests, they seems epics. The facts that we can have all the specs of our class is gonna be awesome and the new system of legendarys items is also something that i'm waiting for

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In Legion I'm looking forward to all those class revamps, especially those new animations. It's more than welcome update now that they just updated models too. Also I'm huge lore freak and Illidan is one of my favorite characters so there's that

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I'm excited for Legion for a number of reasons. New ability and attack animations, where most are now uniform across the board. I love it, because it makes it easier to detect what someone is doing, as well as doing away with the several limited animations that get spammed (i. Male worgen flip attack for EVERY melee ability). I'm looking forward to the artifact weapons, not so much for their aesthetic, but for the lore attached to them. Even the non-iconic brand new artifacts like Felo'melorn. This is also the first expansion where I haven't read every last little bit of lore that's been data mined, so I can finally go in completely fresh with no prior knowledge. And most importantly, the demon hunter. Feeling not so impressed with the direction Blizzard has taken with my current main (windwalker monk), I'm going to start off fresh with something equally fresh and new

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I am really looking forward to all the new lore coming out with legion, as well as the new Demon Hunter class. As a player that plays most classes on alts at high level, I cannot wait for the class halls, they will hopefully make completing endgame stuff on multiple characters less grind-y :D

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I know this is going to be absolutely buried among other comments but I hope that they're all being read. It's very important to me to be included in the Legion beta. Though many players have been unhappy with Warlords of Draenor, it's been my favourite expansion overall, because of the people I've been lucky enough to play it with. About a month before the release of Blackrock Foundry I found a group of people who have made this game very special to me, and after many hardships in the original guild I found, and after it disbanded, the best of them came together and created our own guild and are now 8/13 Mythic, a feat I'm quite proud of. This would probably be my favourite memory from the past. I look forward to legion for many reasons, the raid content and new challenge modes are quite exciting to me, and I hope my guild grows as we come closer and closer to the release of Legion. The pruning of even more abilities from classes worries me, though the new animations and class fantasy do seem great, I would like to test this firsthand and give as much feedback as possible. Hopefully I'm chosen so that I can help make Legion the best it can be for everyone else

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Ready to take my first step into leading my guild to be one of the best Raid guilds throughout legion.

I have always enjoyed the raids from vanilla all the way to WoD, I can not wait to see all the new stuff.


I hope to see some real lore connections this expansion.

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Hi, Frist of all thx for all the guides, news for WOW.In legion most favourite thing for me will be artefact weapons and new animation. Hope The blizzard don't make mistakes from WOD when now most ppl are bored atm

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