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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I'm both excited, yet nervous about many of the changes coming in Legion. I often don't take change well and I have a hard time retaining new information due to a condition I have and a medication I take butting heads.I have been playing WoW for a little over a year now and it took me roughly a year to become a decent BM Hunter and Feral Druid. I watched many videos and learned of this wonderful site, which has helped me greatly. I just hope it doesn't take me another year to become decent once again after the changes, LOL. That being said, some of the changes I have read for the classes I play do sound awesome. The artifact pet that BM Hunters get for one. I'm glad that I not only get to have the artifact pet at my side, but another of my choosing. I could never stop using my Jormungar, Mudwiggle. Though I am upset that BM Hunters get stuck with a gun. I know that a bow option was recently added, but it is hideous in my eyes. At least I can tmog the artifact weapon, so there is a solution out there for me.I'm in love with all the Feral kitteh forms and am glad there is such a wide variety.I also like how the tmog system is being overhauled, my banks and void storage are overflowing at this point.

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So many things to choose from, it's so hard! I'm really liking the weapons, each with their own inherent lore tied to them. I started playing at TBC launch, and was enamored with the lore and raids (I raided each tier while current up until BT clear).


I feel like this expansion will be a breath of fresh air in what is otherwise a semi stale game.


Oh, new animations! <3 

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The one thing I'm most looking forward to is the open world questing. My husband and I will finally be able to quest or whatever together without me having to "park" a specific toon at whatever level he's at. I have more play time than he does so this has always been an issue and has started a few minor "spats" over the years lol My fondest memory happened a "few" years ago. During BC I was playing my alliance hunter and had just joined a new guild. I'm one of those players that it takes a lot to convince me I can play well. My new guildmates somehow convinced me to try my first raid ever. I kept telling them I didn't think I should go my gear wasn't up to par, my dps wouldn't be high enough, whatever reason I could think of. In reality I just didn't want to go because I was afraid I'd mess up because I have zero confidence in my play ability, still do to this day sadly. Anyway we go in and down Mag and I'm all happy because I didn't cause a wipe lol Then a guildmate whispered me the dps results from recount, I came out second in dps to my utter shock. She said "see, told you that you could do it." That was the start of a wonderful friendship that continued until she passed away 4 months ago yesterday. I'm hoping to find a good guild again once Legion drops to make some more happy memories with.if I can come back out of my shell again lol

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What I'm looking forward to most in Legion are. It's a toss up between two things, really. First are Artifact weapons. Not so much for the gameplay they offer, but the lore. I am a massive lore fan, and love to experience the game's story firsthand wherever possible. I'm currently working on getting an alt of every class up to level 100, and across both factions too, just to be able to do -every single one- of the artifact questlines. I want to see the story behind each weapon, I want to learn about their origins, and I want to see it firsthand, rather than reading up some guide about it. Guides are for gameplay, not for story, in my opinion. Second is Demon Hunter. I have mained a Hunter for all nine years I've been playing this game. But sadly, my love for the class has gone down somewhat over WoD. Even if the expansion has had moments where we've been incredibly OP, mechanically the class just hasn't been as enjoyable as it used to be. As such, I am very tempted to take the chance and dedicate myself to actually maining a Demon Hunter. Call it faith, I guess? I'm sure many will roll one as an alt, but some people will need to main them too, right? And with me not loving my main as much anymore. Yeah. Part of why I'm hoping to get into the beta is to test the hell out of that class. Also going back to my point about lore, I have always been a sucker for anything Fel and Legion (the bad guys, not the expansion), so Demon Hunters are right up my alley. Hell, I've even already created a backstory for my Demon Hunter, being a roleplayer. She'll be a Night Elf, and a presumed-dead cousin to my Priestess. She was a former Warden who assisted Maeiv and the Wardens who followed her in chasing down Illidan. Only to end up betraying them. See, Maziane (Even got her name ready.) fought in Hyjal when the Legion invaded. And whilst Archimonde may have been defeated, she saw firsthand that the only way to truly defeat the Legion once and for all was to fight fire with fire. This is why she volunteered to help hunt down Illidan to begin with, knowing it was the best way to find Illidan and join his cause. Her family never got word of her betrayal, only being told she was lost. As such she was presumed dead. The bond with my aforementioned Priestess will be. Interesting. She realizes the Legion is a huge threat, but she also despises the use of Fel. I'm uncertain if I'll have Maziane get along with her old cousin or not just yet. I rambled a bit there, but yes. As you can see I am quite excited for Demon Hunters ^^

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I'm really excited for all of the changes coming in Legion. I'm looking forward to all of the new spec changes the most. Seems as though blizzard is really trying to make all of the specs very different from each other.


Not to mention that I am very excited to finally get to play as a Demon Hunter! Illidan has always been one of my favorite characters. I just really hope that Legion returns WoW to it's glory days. I haven't had as much fun as I have since WotLK. The game has gotten too simple and I hope Legion brings back the challenge of the glory days!

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 Too much? The thing im looking really forward to is the artifact weapon and the different ways the tree is going to give different ways of playing your character. Been following quite abit on the arms warrior stage, and it look really interesting. On a side note the transmog closet is going to be epic. <3  To round it off i'd like to put down my most fun experience in the game, which is the epic spell reflect on an elemental shaman at lumbermill in Arathi Basin where he tries to kick you over the side with Thunderstorm, but reflecting it and therefore cannonballing him away. Best feeling ever afterwards. //Khalenn

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I'm decently hyped for Legion and like their concept of how they want to make the world more relevant through dailies that matter. But on the other side I'm quite worried about artifacts creating a situation just like with the capes and rings akin to Syndromes evil plan in the incredibles to make everyone be a superhero, so that none is actually super. 

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Im really looking foward to Legion because i want to become even better than i am now. I believe Legion will become more balance friendly and thats when i will once again climb the ladder to reclaim my spot as one of highest rated sub rogues. Reason i want beta is because i want to give as much feedback as possible about my class and others so it will be more enjoyable once the game expac releases

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I´m really looking forward to legion. I have read all the various articles here on icy-veins. Unfortunately I wasn´t able to get an alpha key for legion, so I hope to be able to play the beta instead.  I have been playing this game for almost 10 years now and as I know for now, I will keep playing World of Warcraft: Legion definitely.  I´m really excited to play through the new class halls and the new artifact weapon system as well as defeating the new raid bosses.  The best moment in the past 10 years of the game was defeating Deathwing on Heroic difficulty as one of the first german players, funny times with nearly no real life activities. So I´m looking forward to Legion and would be really happy with a Beta key.S: You are doing a great job with Icy-veins. Over the past years it was growing and got better and better. I´m very thankful for the detailed class guides and I really hope that you are doing this for legion as well. 

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Im very eager to see the changes made to Affliction Warlocks as I have mained on now since pandaria , I remember the first time I knew that I wanted to play and main lock was in my first guild Hearts Desire on The Scryers a buddy of mine from guild was on his and during a raid he was in first spot on damage charts everyone amazed at his DPS even the hunters in the group and I knew that the lock was for me

Edited by Foronis

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As I'm an altoholic it'd be awsome to try out feral, retri and MM hunter before-hand to choose which one to gear up before Legion hits! biggrin.png

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So far I have been really impressed with the new spell and character animations. I'm hoping legion brings back some of the things I loved and I missed from the Burning Crusade time. Illidan was always one of my favorite enemies in the game.


The artifact system seems exciting as well. Adding another level to the game that makes your character interesting.

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I am excited for Legion for several reasons. First, I’ll start by saying that my favorite character is a ret paladin. I have been playing ret since 2007, when my lung collapsed 3 times and I was home from school for 3 months. During this time, everyone else was at school or work, and I was home by myself with noone to talk to and nothing to do. That is when I leveled my ret, and I never looked back. He helped me get through a tough time, and because of that I will always be fond and passionate about my spec and class. An emotional connection was formed and with that emotion comes some of my fondest memories while playing this game. With my friends that I made in game, we did things like farm Kara to doing things like earning my Hand of Adal title or grinding arena to get shoulder pads (2000 rating back in the day.)  I find Legion to be exciting for several reasons. First, as a ret paladin, how amazingly awesome will it be to wield the Ashbringer?. Even now I am farming different transmog sets to match the different variations of the notorious blade. I am also excited to be able to delve further into my class’ lore with class halls. Having Dalaran back is also kinda cool and nostalgic. I think that the PVP honor system revamp is also something that is going to be a lot of fun. I hope I am selected because I want to be able to communicate feedback with the developers based on actual testing. I feel like I have a valuable perspective and want the opportunity to share that.

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I'm definitely looking most forward to the artifacts, wielding legendary weapon seems just great. My fondest moment of wow would be my first time getting a character to level 60 that moment was just the best

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While I am looking forward to the zones, new raids (Emerald Dream. don't care if it's got nothing to do with that old barely-finished zone you weren't supposed to get to, I'm so excited about it.) can't wait to explore the new stories and see how Chronicle ties into it all (it has tons of information that seems to be connected directly to Legion), the thing I'm looking forward to the most is. DUN DUN DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN The Wardrobe. Finally, all transmog in one place. No more will I have to grind the same raids on 10 toons, no more seeing stuff drop on one which the other needs, no more half-finished sets - this is the feature I have been waiting for since transmog. No doubt there will be many beautiful moments as there have always been - the best things in WoW have always been related to people. Like the first time I was in a raiding guild and we killed the Lich King - we were so proud of ourselves. <3 Or back when a very close friend of mine and I just spend the nights talking on a floating rock in Nagrand or exploring areas on the shores of the old world which no one was supposed to see. Then there's the moment I walked into the Valley of Eternal Blossoms for the first time in 2012 and thought it was the most beautiful place in any game ever and felt really touched, or how I stumbled into Zul'Drak on my first character and felt like I've been dumped into a dark Indiana Jones movie. (Still my favorite zone).WoW is a wonderful game and there's a lot I love about it. If I thought about it, I could list tons of things I found exciting, or beautiful, or touching, but I'm not supposed to write a novel here.

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Wod raiding was my first raid experience and it was awesome to progress together with your guild. Im so hyped for legion cant wait to sneak into beta

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the last couple expansions havent set well with me. when mop was announced my response was "seriously? pandas?" when wod was announced "well at least its not pandas." but now legion i am actually hyped for. theme is a big selling point for me and mop or wod didnt have it. i would have been fine with leaving mop in the mists and leaving wod in its inconsequential alternate time/universe. but legion there is finally purpose and consequence to our world once again. but ill see the story sooner or later when the game launches. as far as beta is concerned legion is bringing an insane amount of new systems and class changes. i would love to be a part of testing and give feedback for the class changes and the new pvp system. 

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I liked a lot of changes. Warrior finally proves to be a ferocious combatant. The animations are wonderful.

P.S. I think it would be a great idea to back the berserker stance:

Edited by leobronline

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Can't wait to test Demonology rework in PvP; I fell in love with warlocks and paladins since TBC. I wan't to test the new warlock artifact and explore every corner of Broken Isles

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I saw some alpha footage the other day of the new zones, and for the first time I can really say that Blizzard has really upped their ante and really increased the look of the game.  I am very excited about the shear beauty of these zones, the redevelopment of all the specs to make them more individualized, and just for new content

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I'm looking forward to all the new, beautiful zones! I can't wait to explore them and find all of the hidden little treasures within. With each expansion Blizzard's art team is getting better and better, and I can't wait to see what they have to show us in Legion <3

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