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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I'm looking forward to intense executes phases with Surrender to Madness - as well as the comeback for Atonement. But Challenge Modes and the revamped follower system - actually going out for quests - are what interest me the most. Well, that and Sylvanas. And whatever happens to a ton of lore characters. And the new Hunter specs. Too much >_<

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The thing I'm most looking forward to in Legion is Genn Greymane and the Gilneans getting more of a role than they have ever had since the Worgen starting zone.My fondest memories in World of Warcraft would have to be listening to Lorewalker Cho talk about the Pandaren proverbs, because it's just wanderlust inducing

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I really like the whole Legion Lore and i can't wait to test each class/spec and quests lore.i want to see each changes to each class at all my characters

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As unoriginal as it is, Demon Hunter got me pre-ordering Legion before anything else could even be whispered. I've wanted to play Demon Hunter since we first met Illidan back in Warcraft 3, so for me, Demon Hunter is all I've wanted for so long. The rest of Legion looks great, but the reality is I would happily pay $50 to play WoD on a demon hunter -- that's just how badly I wanted it. My fondest WoW memory is tough, but I think it peaked when I was about 12. I had been leading a very successful PvP guild on Alliance/Rexxar when we realized we couldn't progress any farther in PvP without knocking each other out of gear, so we needed to raid. We didn't have the raw body count to raid on our own though (we had enough people in the guild, but our time zone distribution was such that we could have at least 1 PvP group running 24/7, not necessarily 40 people on simultaneously), so we decided to merge with another guild that had the first few bosses of MC down and was looking to start a second raid group as well as fill out their first. What I was told was that my guild wasn't going to be excluded from loot -- we were going to eligible to roll for the first month in MC via loot council/priority, my officers would all retain their officer positions, I was supposed to be co-GM. Of those things, I got co-GM but without the ability to promote my officers. Literally none of the other things I asked for happened. No one in my guild was happy. The 5 of us that made it into that first raid night were trying to decide what to do when a Paladin and I realized there was one thing to do. Half way through buffing up, 2 molten giants start running at the raid. Half the raid is afk. I watch the Paladin die half way through pulling them back -- not wanting to waste the opportunity, I pop evasion, grab the giants, and pull them in, wait for one of the tanks to panic and pick them up, and pop vanish. My guild is laughing hysterically in our private channel. The paladin gets kicked from group and guild. We're still cracking up. No one says anything to me in /o about it. Everyone releases and runs back, barring me, who stayed vanished the whole time. The raid runs back in. I decided the Paladin's good work isn't finished, and by now evasion is back up -- I see who in the raid needs hugs from a Molten Giant again. Turns out, 39 people did. Again, I'm the last one standing. Apparently nobody saw who did it this time, so nothing happens. 3 times is a charm though. I pull the molten giants a third time, at this point crying I'm laughing so hard because how in the world is no one seeing this. I accidentally hit my teamspeak push to talk instead of ventrilo, the raid guild's Teamspeak hears me cracking up,  realized I've leeroy'd them 3 times now.  My entire part of the guild leaves guild and raid. Next morning, GM goes insane and disbands his entire guild, gives away all of his gold, d/e's his gear and gives that away. Last any of us saw him. 10/10, would recommend.

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It might sound weird, but what I'm looking forward to most in Legion is the updated transmog system with the Wardrobe! Although it is a cosmetic change it will feel sooo good to finally free a lot of bag space and make the transmog smoother! This will be a boost to the whole gaming experience according to me.


I've been playing Wow since june 2005, so i have a LOT of great memories from all these years. But what i value most is the first months in Wow, when I first explored this great world, and time just flew away while I was totally sucked into this game. All these warm summer nights in 2005 when exploring Azeroth.... I will never forget that time. 

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I am really looking forward to the expansion. I still and a bit worried about the weapons though and what it will mean for the lore

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I'm really looking forward to getting the artifacts and unlocking all the traits, also the new pvp system could play out really well. Also the few things I read about the new challenge mode system (level x key stones) sound really interesting. Also the new guardian/feral forms unlocked via the artifact are pretty sweet. But the thing I'm most excited about is the vrykul lore. Something I enjoy remembering from the past was being able to fall down in most of the dungeons/raids. During Wrath of the Lich Kind I tended to fall down to my death during somewhat 'not-so-well-timed' moments. Tanking Kologarn and taking a step too much to fall right through him, Forge of Souls nearly everywhere and Halls of Reflection during the gauntlet at the end are some things that come to mind. While in its' own not the best of things to happend it happend to me while playing with some friends who found joy in my clumsiness and are still playing with me to this day and keep teasing me

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I can't wait to see my Priest and Druid class changes.  Also, I want to see if they did any changes to crafting.  The crafting for WoD seemed mat intensive. One of my favorite memories from my years of WoW was doing a guild run of UBRS in vanilla.  We were at General Drakkisath and our hunter started his kiting of Drak.  The rest of us were killing the others when we saw the hunter die and heard on Ventrilo "uh guys, Drak is coming back."  We were scrambling because it was too early for him to be pathing back.  In spite of Drak's early return, we finished UBRS.  We asked our hunter what happened, did Drak bug out or something?  He goes "nah I ran into a wall and he killed me."  We laughed till tears came to our eyes.

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First of all, sorry for mistakes, english is not my native language. Second, i hope that my fresh registration does not affect my chance of winning, i'm a member since the IV Launch but it didn't feel necessary to create an account. I hope Legion brings the old feeling from Burning Crusade, this Addon gave me so many goosebumps. I was one of the few lucky ones who got a glaive from Illidan, I was 17 Years old back then. The artifact weapons are a good idea and i hope this will be fun and not just a grind. I hope for class quests like the warlock fire quest, those quests are really impressive and much fun. I looked at the Boss testings and i have to say that this looks very hard, since there are so many Abilitys. But maybe that's the other side from making classes easier

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I really want to try out the different artifacts in Legion, continue the fight against the Burning Legion and Guldan. I really enjoy the lore of the game and just hope they don't make silly decisions in the story again like they did in Warlords. A lot of the new zones look really cool and the new scaling system for the zones will make leveling alts much more enjoyable than just barreling through the same zones again. As for my favorite moment, probably finally defeating the Lich King and the different character speeches you get when you finish the shadowmourne quest line

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The two things that I'm looking forward to the most are


- The new PVP system;

- Class halls / artifacts.


The PVP system would be an excellent way to revive my love for Battlegrounds.


The Class halls and artifacts would be an opportunity to give a new take on daily quests to gain artifact power.

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With each expansion there have been things I was excited for, but none has excited me more than Legion. With the class rebalancing, new hero class, artifact weapons, new areas, class halls and new lore concerning the Burning Legion and Sargeras, this is exactly the expansion I've been waiting for

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I am really looking forward to new PvP System that´s going to be released, that might make pvp in bg more fun than its right now.Thought i am a little bit scepital about the prestige system because i might prestige 1 time then halfways in to that i will  get tierd about it and stop play so i hope that its something more coming then just a badge, mount and artifact style.But its somethings i really want to try is the demon hunter and all the druid customizes

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And happy anniversary I used to be a raid leader back in Burning Crusade, fondest moment back then was to sort out the groups, I mean building a raid was actually very hard for a raid leader, put melee classes in 1 group with a warrior for attack power buff, put "attack speed hungry" classes with shaman in a group for bloodlust and so on. Not only raid leaders' job was hard but diversity of classes in raids was higher back then. Specific boss encounters required specific strategies with specific roles, like in battle for mount hyjal a paladin tank could work wonders, well nowadays every tank has all the abilities, single damage, multi target and a lot of threat after cata buffs to tanks. But back then you had to bust your back to keep aggro on mobs, I mean tanking was hard, now you might fall sleep in boss fights as a tank, it's so boring because no one can overaggro, remember Omen Threat Meter addon? used to be a must have, now it's RIP.So what I'm looking forward to in Legion is the diversity of classes in raids. Not like raids after cata which forced guilds to bring only OP classes like Mages as dps or OP healers like Disc Priests. I want to see a monk healer in a raid because the class has some unique abilities that is essential to the raid. But these days you can't join a raid because you're playing a class that is not op in raid this patch, next patch your class gets a buff and you can start raid as a op class but guess what, you don't have enough items to start doing bosses cause no one invited you for raids last patch and you were benched the whole time.Paladins used to have Blessing of Kings which was unique to the class, so guilds had to bring a paladin for the unique spells, but nowadays why play retri pala? just go as the fotm class and do unreal damage. I wanna see those unique spells again, I wanna see unique strategies and comps for each boss. Like in sunwell raid, I remember I was enjoying even watching boss fights from youtube, because for example cleave wasn't something that every class could bring to a raid, cleave was unique to only some classes and doing it perfectly required a pro player. So you used to fall in love with a class because of its unique spells not because of how easy or op it was.But I doubt they bring that back again, since the new approach of blizzard is to make this game as easy as possible for every kid out there, no hardcore gaming anymore, top guilds in the world are being disbanded every day, just because those guys are getting older and this game is not bringing enough hardcore gaming for them, it's just not fun anymore as Kungen said. Blizzard is focusing so much on casual gamers right now that their hardcore gamers are getting bored. Ouch, that was a long story, sorry.

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I am most excited about the new catforms. Feral is my main character on live for a long long time now & these changes are just worldbreaking for me, i think i did a happydance for days. Really cant wait to test & see what feral is like. Another thing wich is really awesome is ofcourse Demon hunter. But will it be my main alt or will it still be balance druid? Hope i can test it out soon. Pvp seems allot of fun to pick up again with the prestige system. Curious for the new raids aswell, cant wait to kick Gul'Dan's ass I could keep on going here about how i look forward to this expantion forever, so this is it. Life is Legion. <3

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I'm really exited for both demon hunter and disc priest in legion and dont even get me started on the new transmog system.The overhaul of disc priest looks amazing and very fun to play and it will most defenitly be the second class I will level in Legion right after my Demon hunter. I always enjoyed melee pve with my druid, but that fell away after it was no longer viable and im hoping demon hunter will fill this gap for me

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Of course i'm looking forward to the new challenge modes!


New challenge modes will be extremely exciting, scaling up instance and not scaling down gear will be the feature that intrigues me the most and will keep all of us bound to the instances for the whole expansion like it used to be a long time ago!

This changes allow people who struggle to join mythic or simply raiding guild because of raid time schedule to play an end content with just 4 more players alongside!

The new united time for instance completion will be fun to handle since instances will increasingly get harder the more you complete them! definitely can't wait for it!

Talking about the past i kinda miss the days in WOTLK when we had weekly raid quests awarding some justice/valor points.

I liked the way they wanted you to go and see the whole content giving you a decent reward, not like now!

See you in legion!


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I am a pretty  low skilled pvp player and a mediocre raider but i play this game with absolute passion and i love everything about it. And this because of the lore and story behind it, because of the warcraft 2/3 campaigns who led to this game and who attracted my entire attention in the gaming area.

I bought every book related to wow my room is filled with posters of Azeroth and i try to read everything i can get my hand on, just to be sure i;m on date.

Even now i remember the time when i created my first char in november 2005. It was a tauren and i was in awe that i could meet ingame all the characters from W3. All this happened in a small internet cafee on a private server, it was buggy as hell but that led to the buying of the original game.


So all this created a hunger for more and my expectation from Legion, well not really an expectaction just a huge hype, is related about the lore. I wonder how many little stories will appear related to the big picture, how the crew from Blizzard will make room for the future and i can't wait to explore every single corner of the map.

As a gamer i think of myself that i have a huge experience and trough the time i came to the conclusion that Blizzard is one of the few companies who deserves my money so i.m sure the boys will not dissapoint.


For the Horde!

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Man, i'm not sure if i'll play my warlock in Legion.


I think this time i'll switch main, prolly DH, it sound really fun, glaives, double jump, and Illidan.

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I'm super excited for the artifact weapons, love the idea and visuals on them. But the one I'm looking forward to most is obviously the frost death knight one, blades of the fallen prince. Not only do they look awesome, but they're frostmourne re-made. Ever since young little 12 year old me saw Frostmourne for the first time, I've longed to have it and now is finally the time.  As someone who's mained a death knight since they were released in Wrath of the Lich King all those years ago I'm happy they we get this option. Only downside is that Frost seemed to have been hit hard with the new "Legionisation" of specs, making them easier. Unholy looks like a lot of fun and micromanagement, but frost seems devoid of that. It never was an overly complex spec, but making it easier seems like a bad move. Any of my fellow Death knight brothers and sisters agree with me?

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Looking forward to the new lore and new zones for the most part. I love that they made the highmountain zone, a zone mostly made of mountains, and the top is central located, so i can jump down with my new demon hunter with that nice glide and say hello to Dalaran. I just remember the days when i used to do this Cataclysm

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