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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I have very high hopes for Legion because I've been somewhat disappointed with the last 2 expansions, yet I still love the game at its core. In Cata and Wrath I just wanted to play all day long almost every day, and no computer game has captured me like that since. One of the things that has really caught my attention in Legion is the artifact talent tree. It seems similar to our old talent trees where you can put multiple points into different talents to increase the strength of certain abilities or add different effects to abilities. That was a lot of fun to me because I felt like I was tweaking my character to maximize my damage/healing/whatever. I like having a ton of small choices rather than a few big choices when it comes to customizing my character.

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Goodness, attempting to quantify and name what it is I enjoy most about the world of Warcraft is actually rather challenging. Namely because there's a number of things that make it great the massive community chief among them. That said: the thing that resonates the most is actually the story and lore. I can recall the first time I realized that my character was working to foil a hostile take over of Stormwind's monarchy when we got Lady Prestor to show herself to be a black dragon that had been working to destroy the human city from within. It was the first of many times that I felt the story I was involved in give me chills and remind me that I was part of this world along with my friends who later hunted the vile drake down in her lair.  So keeping with that I am looking forward to the story of Azaroth's third legion invasion. As a full time roleplayer I have literally built my character's backstory around the elimination of demons, she has the Legion to thank for loosing her father before her very eyes, and she has them to thank for the most hallow revenge of her life when she managed to hunt down the Satyr that killed him. I have made it Ashoke's greatest fear and greatest aim to be able to thwart any demonic incursion. So the idea of -finally- being able to take the next step in that journey and become a true blue demon hunter is enough to make me break sound barriers with squeals. I am eagerly awaiting the chance to learn the story of the Illidari, their methods and their goals, I want to learn more about the demonic worlds and realms the dark Titan has corrupted or destroyed. I want to read every bit of text, conversation, and nugget of story that Blizzard has Lovingly woven into their world because it inspires me. Not to mention seeing something happen with my favorite lore figure, Illidan, along with his novel's release. This expansion feels like it was tailor made to render me a raving fangirl once again.

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I am looking forward to the class halls and the new PVP system in Legion. My fondest WoW memory was downing heroic Lich King (25man with 182 wipes) during its release, which was my favorite expansion. The one thing I miss about the previous expansions was the immersion of the world and people in general. With Warlords, I felt like I was playing a single-player game with occasional bumps with strangers when doing cross-realm stuff. That is why I am so eager to try out Legion to see what changes Blizzard has incorporated and to see if the community aspect has changed with Legion.

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I'm really looking forward to the upcoming transmog changes the most I can't wait to get bank and Void storage space back. Plus the ablity to save tmog outfits are going to be great!!

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Uncommon Patron

The Artifact weapons look really interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they work. The Demon Hunter and seeing the new zone is going to be awesome :)  I'm also interested in how the Class Halls are going to work.

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I would have to say that I'm looking forward to new pvp system. The pvp changes, the new honor system, the transmog more and more. Of course first of all i want to start test my darling <3 

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I am really looking forward to seeing the Tomb Sargeras. I think that is going to be an amazing place. I hope we get to see some sort of reference to the runes that show Gul'dan's trip to the tomb.I only started playing at the end of BC but the best thing from the past was druid flying form couldn't get over how awesome it was

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Wow has needed a revamp like what we are seeing in 7.0, I feel like its been a bit dry lately and I hope the future fixes this. Been excited since before the release of the title to the next expansion. At first I was excited to go gnome hunter but now that I've seen animations via youtube, I think I will stay nightelf.  I'm excited for the new hunter setup, we finally get mongoose bite back yay. Hunters look like alot of fun in legion and I can't wait to try out all the other specs too.

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I am really looking forward to level my Fury Warrior and Retribution Pally and smash some demon face with the new artifact weapons including dat Ashbringer. And immerse myself in the leveling experience on those shiny new Broken Isles. And the new dungeons and raids look amazing and I hope they don't nerf them.

I like the new transmog system too. 

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Cant wait to actually play legion . Bring back the spark of the game for me . Miss the good old days so hope to see that in the new expack . been playing this game for a long time . my first was a hunter and now i play my elemental shammy . 

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As a lore nerd and a big PvPer I can honestly say I can't wait for Legion.  I'm looking forward to all the new lore in the new zones as well as the new PvP system to make it more even and skill based rather than gear based. Also looking forward to play my fury warrior in legion, Bring on the new awesome animations and sound effects

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Me personally, I have used icy veins pretty extensively. Just now created an account for the forums however I always refer here. The guides you have on here have helped me in becoming a great Blood DK tank for my guilds raid group especially after coming back from a 2 year hiatus, I needed the refresher. Recently, I started playing an elemental shaman and your guides hands down have helped me learn the class. What I look forward to in legion would be your guides helping me learn how to get the most out of my classes I play with all of the changes they are making. Appreciate all the help, and keep making great guides

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"Ahoy!!!!!" My fondest memory of WOW was when I created my own account after leveling a balance druid on my boyfriends account. I didn't realize I'd like the game so much, but it didn't take long to get hooked! What I look forward to the most with Legion will be exploring the Broken Isles and playing a demon hunterbiggrin.png 

Edited by Bfly87

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The raids, of course! Most of the new bosses look brilliant and unique  (Ex: Trilliax), and not to mention that the Emerald Nightmare sounds like the COOLEST entry raid to an expansion ever, AND we get to whip Gul'dan in the Suramar Palace! Out of all of it, that is probably what I am most hyped about, but everything else seems brilliant as well  -  Artifact weapons, the new challenge mode dungeons, demon hunters. Even though WoW has gone downhill during WoD, I do hope that Blizzard has learned from their mistakes and will make up for it in Legion (And, though I am only cautiously hyped in the case another WoD happens, it looks to be that Blizzard is trying to make up for their mistake indeed)

As for my best memory of WoW, I would certainly say that it would be when my guild first downed Heroic Blackhand. We had been trying to down him for months, and when we finally killed him, it was absolutely incredible! (Not to mention that only ONE PERSON was left alive when we killed him, AND i recorded it all!) Other than that, I would say that it would be when I finally got Rivendare's Deathcharger after 256 attempts. 

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Class fantasy!

I've mained Spriest since MoP and these changes look incredible to me. The play style for shadow just looks so much fun and the new spells look great! The void calls...

The changes to disc also look great, I think Blizz came up with an amazing new direction considering absorbs weren't really working out, disc looks even better than before, by far the most interesting healer spec to me. 


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Hello everyone, I really enjoy 5man content and always have, so I am very excited for the new challenge mode system, I hope it will be fun, challenging, and rewarding.I really loved the very beginning of cataclysm, 5man content was harder than before but my group had never problem farming it. It was a lot of fun because if someone failed on a crucial part of an encounter it was sometimes guaranteed a wipe, I miss that in 5man content.MOP challenge modes were also a blast

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Primarily looking forward to the new lore, new pvp system and Artifacts (i have wanted a Ashbringer for so looong). Another thing I'm also looking forward to is the new Challenge mode system that takes loads of aspects from the D3 Grift system together with the new legendary items that also has shaped diablo in a good way.


As i have played the game since early 2005 the one thing i truly enjoyed was the sense of a community, in later years (cata/mop/wod) i felt like this is something that has slowly died off to the point where the overall product is less enjoyable just because of this. The sense of mindlessly grinding mobs for loot/rep/consumables to sitting on VoIP with the guild defeating these amazingly well designed encounters is something that i will never forget from previous years. 


Also thanks for all the years with well written guides and good luck in the future.

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The reason why I am looking forward to Legion is the new Demon Hunter class. I've been hyping and can't wait to play the new class. I'm also really looking forward to the Warrior changes since that is the class I main. My alltime favorite WoW moment must have been during cata when me and my friend were roaming the Twilight Highlands, looking for rares. Whilst we are flying in the air, we notice that the sky turned dark orange. We turned around quick and right there we saw Deathwing, and we were inside of his mouth. And by that, we both got the "Stood in the fire" achievement.

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I am really looking forward to the new Dungeons + Raids.So excited for what i saw in some videos thanks to the Fatboss guys. I mean there's a boss who throws cakes. And i am very excited for the evolution of my little druid <3I have been playing resto druid for 6 years now and i just love it. Very excited for the changes. As what concernes the artefact weapons i am not really sure. i think they are interesting but a will probably be a lot of work. But in general, i am really looking forward to Legion

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I play WoW since the WoW Classic Beta.


I´m not a fan of pvp but i love pve content especially the raid content.


it was an interesting development from the Mopten Core´s Ragnaros to Archimonde and i´m looking forward to the next raid content in legion.

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I'm so exited to see the Affinity for Droods. I hope they let them as fun as it looks now.I will go testing my Drood on Beta, and bring the info in to the german ForumsMy best Moment in past.I was new in early Classic, so BC came out when I was lvl 55With 58 I was walking threw the dark portal and the impressions were amazing.The fliing rockets, the Moon and Planers in the sky, that was so epic.

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I admit I haven't been this hyped for an expansion since Wrath of the Lich King, though I did find enjoyment to some degree in all expansions. Legion, though, gives us soooo many things I've been wanting in WoW, most importantly that SWEET spider mount and all the Nightborne content--like the most amazing, darkest dungeon I think they've ever made--and slightly less importantly (I kid, I kid), the prestige system. I'm really glad they also adopted Diablo's transmog system so I can finally have bank space again. I thought that was the best of what they were adding, but then I saw the new animations for classes and I got 1000% more hyped for the expansion. Seeing streamers play their favorite classes with all new combat movements was so epic, I can't wait to get into Alpha or Beta myself just to check out my favorite classes and see how much cooler they got. At first I was uncertain of the artifact system but now that I've seen it laid out, it feels like they're giving us Pre-Cata talents back and that just makes me warm and fuzzy inside to the max. I miss being able to go down trees and pick abilities, as cheesy as that sounds (I was really looking forward to Path of the Titans), and it looks like we'll have that again. Plus every single druid bear form looks totally bossin' with the new skins, and makes me want to main my druid again since I've been working on him in WoD and learning how2cat thanks to this site (plus rolling a DH Tank for those awesome glaives they wield).  This expansion is lookin' to be the best ever, seriously and I can't wait to play it and I'm so glad I can check Icy Veins to keep up on all the new stuff that's released so satisfy my hunger

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Lovin the site redesign. Very excited for the new transmog system. I still haven't found a definitive answer, though, regarding what you have to do with BOEs to get them into your "closet." Do you have to equip them? Or at least cause them to be bound to you? Behind those questions is my wondering what the transmog market is going to look like. If you only need to have the BOEs in your bags to unlock them for transmog, and then you can resell them, then the transmog market is going to die pretty quickly. If, however, you have to bind them to you to unlock them, then some of the pricier sets will remain so, at least for awhile. This is what I'm hoping for :)

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I am a new WoW player and super excited for Legion. The demon hunter class looks like it will be the best one yet and am super exicted to play it. The glide feature looks like a ton of fun. I hope I get the chance to play it early through a beta invite. Grats to the soon to be winners and I'll see you guys on release.

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