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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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The most importend memory of wow is the fist raid or better my first raid. it was the time of Cataclysm the run on Firelands and my first own raid.i know it is not much for everyone but for me my favorit memory of this game. I was so proud because my first real raid with gildmates and the such a start. For Legion i interested in the lvl zones the storys and the lore. a big point for me ist what happend with illidan and see Neltharions lair.so i can´t wait the see all of these ingame for myself i don´t read or watch alpha videos for the story still yet. so there would be nice to get a key that can sneak out for myself some of these points not all there i wait for the final version, but one or two on beta? hehe  so good luck to all and thx to icy-veins for this chance

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It's hard to decide what my favorite thing is about the expansion as a rogue I think I'm excited about the character changes and how they'll each be more individualized not just for rogues but every character. As far as my favorite moment goes I will never forget the weekend I had some surgery which led to be being up at night from pain so I played WoW and tgat led to me having really hilarious painkiller induced conversations with the man who became my husband. WoW will always have a special place in my heart and I really love the game

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Legion has got me excited quite a bit. The new form of dailies via the Order Hall as well as the artifact weapons are all really exciting. I just wonder how they're going to approach the artifact weapons after Legion, as any weapon after that might feel like a lesser weapon compared to something like the Ashbringer. Anyhow, my greatest wish for content in Legion (to be added in patch content, launch seems to offer a lot already) is to see either Kul Tiras, which will fit in fell with Jaina being gone from Dalaran, or to have additional racial skins (Dark Iron Dwarf, Nightborne Elves, Mechagnomes, etc

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 I'm most looking forward to seeing the diversification of classes and specs so that we can finally start bringing some class identity back to the game. I most look forward to seeing new Balance/Resto druid things.  Also having done CMs in MoP and WoD i'm looking forward to the new CM system and being able to progress throughout the entire expansion.

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Im really excited for Legion due to the  pvp honor system and the artifacts and ofc the amazing raids .I really wanna play the Demon Hunter .Im also wanna play the mage and the warlock in legion again, i love WOW I play WOW from 2005 and i keep playing till the end

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Grab your chance to win a Legion beta key.Icy Veins is turning 5 today and we wanted to celebrate it in the best way possible. We're giving all of you the chance to win a key for the upcoming beta of World of Warcraft: Legion.As 2011 approached, two young gentlemen were sat discussing ideas for a World of Warcraft website. Ideas were passed back and forth, drafts were drawn up and the first edition of the Icy Veins website was released on the 21st of March, 2011. With a total of 3 guides for specialisations, 2 of which were Mage guides, and 1 raid encounter guide, Icy Veins was beginning its long journey.  5 years later and here we are. With a brand new design just released and with more changes planned in the near future, Icy Veins has not only grown, but matured under the watchful eyes of its founders, Damien and Vlad. With their tireless work ethic and their dedication to the site, we've seen Icy Veins expand from a small World of Warcraft guide-hub into a Blizzard-wide gaming community.  I feel like the word community is worth focusing on, since that's the general theme of today's post. With a growing membership on the forums and an increasing viewer-base on our news posts, Icy Veins has grown into a family. Without the users that visit the site each day, Icy Veins could never have become what it is today. Readers allow our team to do what we love: creating content for all of you. For everything that you have done for us, we thought today would be a perfect day to do something for you. Legion Beta Key Giveaway As many of you know, World of Warcraft is releasing its new expansion this year: Legion. The expansion is overhauling a huge number of aspects within the game, as well as introducing a number of new parts into the game. Many of you won't have been able to experience all of the new content that is being released, so we wanted to help. With the aid of Blizzard, we're giving away 200 keys to the upcoming beta

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I'm eager for a change, as WoW really needs some fresh content after the long drought that is HFC, but I am more than a little concerned about the massive amount of changes and pruning that Legion brings to the table. A dip into the beta waters would put my mind at ease, along with those of my guild mates, so here's hoping!

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I feel like Raids and Dungeons will be great since we know Blizzard rarely fails in Instanced PVE. I'm really interested in seeing the new CM Dungeon system and how it will work out over the expansion.The Artifact system also seems quite solid. Should make it easier to balance classes/speccs with the help of Artifacts. That said I will mostly look forward to the World Content in Legion. I feel like it's something we've missed out on in WoD and I really hope they make it so that we can go out in the world more often. And with this new thech that allows Zones to scale to out lvl it can surely open up for content being wide spread across the Broken Shores.

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I really look forward on trying the new PvP system and Resto druid can't wait to see it. Not sure how I feel about the artifact thing, seems like a mandatory thing to do

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I'm super hyped for Demon Hunters as well as the Survival Spec for hunters. Survival Hunter was actually my first class so it's kinda nice to get a change of pace. The Class Order Halls look AMAZING, the art team really did a bang-up job on them

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What I'm looking forward to for Legion is


1. The Demon Hunter I like the way it looks and feels as I have been watching Alpha videos on them and I to have been waiting for them since BC I can't wait to try one out their mobility is insane I can just see myself bouncing around the place.


2. The new dungeons and raids it looks very well done and looks like we get a lot more choice as well especially at max level really looking forward to doing them with my guild.


3. The artifacts I love that they are unique to a spec and you get a separate small engaging quest line to get them plus the customization makes me really excited for this system.


4. I love that classes are getting a much better feel for them like all new abilities, talents, artifact traits e.g Beast Mastery Hunters are all about the beasts, Survival is all about getting up close with your enemies and wailing on them with your pet.


5. I'm for once in a long time actually going out and farming items for transmog as the new wardrobe is an exciting new feature that I want to be able to take advantage of.


6. PvP even though I'm not much of one the prestige system will get me into doing more of that.


7. The leveling zones look absolutely beautiful I can't wait to read all of the lore and experience everything that it gives to me as lore is a big part of the game.


8. Class halls look amazing as well as the new Dalaran I can't wait to see the finishing results.


I met my best friend in World of Warcraft and have been playing with him ever since we had some awesome moments in the game.


I also remember when collecting Soul Shards to summon your Demons (Warlock), Pet happiness, Pet leveling, Ammo and Pouches (Hunters) as well as Key rings for different Dungeons etc used to be a thing big nostalgia trip right there for me as I first started playing the original Warcraft trilogy that then went on to me being in the beta for Vanilla World of Warcraft and ever since playing.

Edited by Kushiko

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I´m going crazy for the new Expasion. Since i´m started to play WoW and see the first Demon Hunter in a Quest, i´d would like to play a Demonhunter. Now is the Time. And the Best is he has a Tank Specc. 


Looking foward for better Content and cool Design of the new Continent. I Hope i can test it with a Beta- Key. 


Wish all here good luck.

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As a Retribution Paladin the thing I'm totally hyped about the Ashbringer of course smile.png

I like the mechanic of leveling one weapon throughout a hole expansion. I hope the zones and leveling experience is as good as in Warlords. This was except a few little other things the good part in WoD, unfortunately.. For some reason I didn't really liked the raids and the overall endgame in Warlords and I would be really happy if this will get better. The garrison disappointed me a lot and I really wish the new follower system won't go the same way.

The thing I'm a bit unsure about Legion are the new world legendary drops. I will see how this is going to be implemented before judging.

Ohh and of course I'm looking forward to the Legion lore and a few other things I can't remember at the moment smile.png

Edited by Dunlan

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The artifacts and new dungeons are probably the most interesting thing in Legion for me. My favorite moments in WoW are ones I've spent exploring the world with friends

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Im a HUGE lore fan .And im really looking into ANYTHING the lore about to old gods and the legion alltogether .Warcraft Chronicle was a blast and really looking into what Wow:legion will bring to the tableAlso.nuff said

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Hard to say just one thing that i am looking forward to but i guess i am more excited about all the lore and quest that are going thru legion.i also enjoyed wod lore aswell, really awesome quests.If i have to pick the fondest memory it has to be when i first went into icc as a offtank(first time tanking a raid) and it was also my first time there, basically my first raid.I was so nervous to not screw things up, omg i was such a noob back then XD

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Looking forward to trying out hunter changes, especially giving melee a go. Also want to check running around solo has not been compromised in the name of keeping all classes equal in all things

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#Hype for Artifactsystem and the new Honorsystem and how the artifact weapons will influence that. I´m really exicted to see how everything will work out in the end

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I've been playing this game since 2005 when I was in 5th grade and I've had ups and downs as everyone has. My favorite moments have been downing amazing lore figures with some of my best friends from my childhood. Now we're all older and I'm leading a guild of my own full force into legion. The one thing that I absolutely can not wait for has been my dream since the beginning, playing a demon hunter. They were my favorite hero in Warcraft 3 and the class I've made rogues to imitate with the cursed vision of sargeres and wielding the warglaives of azzinoth and now my dream will finally come true. And this is just one of the many things I can't wait for in legion but definitely the most exciting for me

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As an altaholic I'm looking forward to all the class changes. It really keeps wow alive they they're always reinventing class balances and improving on the gameplay

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I really looking forward to try out the new Demon Hunter class. The artifact weapon systems sound also very interesting. Since i've played druid since 2005-06, i would really like to explore the new moonkin possibilities. Guild Halls also sounds like a good addition to the game. in Short i really look forward to the expansion,

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I honestly can't wait for the artifact weapons in Legion. I feel like they'll bring a whole new feel to the class you're playing, and give your character some self-worth. Also, finding the BiS weapon is hard enough as it is. Another thing is the leveling. I just cant wait to get out of my damn Garrison, lol. Most of my time spent logged in is sitting inside my garrison having other NPC's do things for me, while it was a good idea, it really isolates the player. I try to do everything with friends (whether it's mythic dunegons or HFC pugs). This really gets me excited for the new leveling system, of which I can honestly not wait for. No more stream lined questing. I just hope they designed it right so one zone isn't better than others. Anyways, thank you for the opportunity. I'd love to get in early and check out how everything is working. With the WoD trailer, it left me feeling nothing, but with Legion, I'm actually excited. <3

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