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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I am so excited for the transmog interface that I have two bank alts with max bag space full of greens and blues and I can't wait to have space in my bags again -.- Also, I'm beyond thrilled for the lore to actually move forward again. The only thing in Warlords that is related to the rest of the game is Gul'dan escaping which, let's be completely honest, could have been established in a novel. I am glad that Gul'dan is back though, as I've always played Orc and I always saw him as the looming shadow over the Orcish race and one of the best villains in Warcraft lore

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Super excited about Legion, especially the new Shadow Priest. Although if I had to pick one thing out that I'm most excited for it'd be those first few weeks after levelling up, when no one has any gear and everything is new and it's all just a mad scramble to be as ready as possible for the upcoming raids.Favorite memory of WoW would be killing Yogg-Saron for the first time, first of all because it was an incredible boss, but more over because I was leaving for a few months the next day, but we were close, so my group stayed late so that I could be a part of the first kill. Looking forward to more moments like that in Legion

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The thing I expect from Legion is classes being unique again, and this expansion seem to be aiming that (Old-style paladin buffs, the whole artifact weapons etc. And to try these changes out, I'd like a beta key so I can enjoy the game and also report what's wrong with it and make the game better

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I'm excited for a lot of things come Legion. Demon Hunters, obviously, but there are a lot of tweaks to classes that seem very interesting and I can't wait to check them out. Plus the lore, and the new areas look beautiful from what I've seen.As for favourite memories, I can't really choose just one. I've been playing since Vanilla but since I started when I was young I had a ton of experiences where people helped me out with stuff from getting gold to taking me through dungeons, and just meeting people willing to help others and have a good time usually stick with me the most

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I look forward to the new challange modes and raids in Legion. As well as some nice refreshments to my class. My favorite moments in WoW has been all the time I've spent with my friends and guildmates, I could not ask for better people to be around

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Hello the guides that you have done are amazing and have been so helpful! I have used tons of your content across all the games you have and I thank you for everything!


The Thing that I am most excited for in Legion is Demon Hunters. Not jumping on the bandwagon just cause. Illidan has been my Hero! Been a character I really have enjoyed since Warcraft 3! I was not happy to kill him as a boss in BC. I have always seen Illidan as a good guy and just trying to do the right thing but just miss lead. Being part of Illidans army and using warglaives is a huge fantasy check off for me. Demon Hunter is my class! So excited about this expansion I can't wait. I constantly check char creation screen to see if Demon Hunter has been added in. I have probable seen all the demon hunter videos out there tank, dps, pvp all of it. Played around on talent calculator and I can't wait to get my hands on one been so excited for this since seeing all the Legion stuff at Blizzcon. Even if I dont get a key im so pumped and excited to create Ellarius of the Illidari!!!!

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I can't wait for the artifacts and Bloodworms, but still kinda worried about Class Halls. What I love about WoW as it stands now, is cool artwork(cough, Gurthalak, cough), unique story and the fact that Garrosh is dead

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I know it has been said many times but I am really looking forward to the Artifact Weapons. Also being away from pvp in WoD, I am interested in getting back into pvp with the new talent and honor system. It looks really interesting and I think Blizz is working hard at making pvp more balanced. Lastly, having the ability to swap between which ever spec I want will be Awesome.

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One of the things I'm most looking forward to in Legion is the new Artifacts. I have been playing since back in Vanilla, and I think it is exciting to be getting back a talent tree-esque system again. Also as a warlock, really excited to see how the Skull of the eredar will work.One of my fondest memories in WoW was when my raid team full of mostly RL friends downed Deathwing for the first time. We had basically wiped on the last phase, with the boss at a couple million HP left, and our DK tank was the only one left up. He managed to survive for a couple more seconds and it turned out the boss didnt die at 0 hp but a couple million so getting the kill was a surprise and everyone was going crazy in vent

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I am prepared for Legion and play demon hunter. I read a lot of information and post about the new class. I can't wait to play demon hunter The new map, new dungeon and the class halls attractive me so much too. I am also interested in playing the existing classes and try the new talents with new playing style such as the demonology warlock, outlaw rogue and new shadow priest. There are many other features in Legion which I can't wait to play the new expansion

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In Legion, I'm looking forward to check different classes, I'm really do not sure what class to play. Holy Pal? Shadow Priest? Hunter? My favorite expansion so far is Mists of Pandaria, and I started to play wow in Burning Crusade

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I will always remember the first time we killed Ragnaros back in vanilla.
Legion could be just as awesome

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I am mostly looking forward to the Guardian druid look changes. I think it is pretty awesome how the different weapons change the look of the bear. Also raiding of course and trying to tank with the demon hunter. Artifact weapons will be amazing.

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What i am definitely most looking forward to would be the class de-monotization. With the class overhauls, the artifacts and the new animations it's looking as if every class will be immersed into their own fantasy once more, which is in my opinion one of the most (if not the most) integral parts of the game. The lore and the new zone are looking really cool too

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Grab your chance to win a Legion beta key!

Icy Veins is turning 5 today and we wanted to celebrate it in the best way possible! We're giving all of you the chance to win a key for the upcoming beta of World of Warcraft: Legion!

As 2011 approached, two young gentlemen were sat discussing ideas for a World of Warcraft website. Ideas were passed back and forth, drafts were drawn up and the first edition of the Icy Veins website was released on the 21st of March, 2011. With a total of 3 guides for specialisations, 2 of which were Mage guides, and 1 raid encounter guide, Icy Veins was beginning its long journey. 


5 years later and here we are! With a brand new design just released and with more changes planned in the near future, Icy Veins has not only grown, but matured under the watchful eyes of its founders, Damien and Vlad. With their tireless work ethic and their dedication to the site, we've seen Icy Veins expand from a small World of Warcraft guide-hub into a Blizzard-wide gaming community. 


I feel like the word community is worth focusing on, since that's the general theme of today's post. With a growing membership on the forums and an increasing viewer-base on our news posts, Icy Veins has grown into a family. Without the users that visit the site each day, Icy Veins could never have become what it is today. Readers allow our team to do what we love: creating content for all of you.


For everything that you have done for us, we thought today would be a perfect day to do something for you.


Legion Beta Key Giveaway


As many of you know, World of Warcraft is releasing its new expansion this year: Legion. The expansion is overhauling a huge number of aspects within the game, as well as introducing a number of new parts into the game.


Many of you won't have been able to experience all of the new content that is being released, so we wanted to help. With the aid of Blizzard, we're giving away 200 keys to the upcoming beta; 100 of the keys will be given out this week, 100 in another giveaway next week. It's a pretty simple giveaway, you'll just need to post an appropriate comment on this post before the 29th of March to enter!


So what is an appropriate comment? We love hearing back from our readers and we love discussions, so why not mix the two and put together a giveaway! We want to know all about your opinions on Legion, as well as WoW itself. Let us know in the comments what you're most looking forward to, as well as your fondest memories in Warcraft history! Whether it's a guild moment, a personal moment or a moment in the game's story itself, we want to hear it.




As with all of our giveaways, there are some rules:

  1. Every comment must be relevant to this article, giving examples of what you look forward to in Legion and what you enjoyed in the past.
  2. The first giveaway will end on the 29th of March at 23:59 GMT.
  3. Only one comment will be counted per person.
  4. Comments on the linked articles will also be included in the draw if they are relevant to the topics.
  5. Commenting on multiple topics will not increase your chances of winning.
  6. The winner will be drawn randomly from all the comments that are deemed "acceptable".
  7. It is at our discretion which comments will be deemed acceptable, based on the extent to which they stay relevant to this article.
  8. We will not release the dates on which the keys will be released, as Blizzard have requested us not to do so.
  9. We do not know when the Beta will start, so please do not analyse our article hoping to find that. It's not there.
  10. The comments section will be checked via a bot used in previous giveaways, so multiple comments will be found.
  11. We have tools to detect cheating, so please don't bother.
  12. We reserve the right to stop anyone competing if we believe they are cheating.

Legion Information


If you're struggling for inspiration or you haven't been able to explore some of the information being released from the Alpha, we've made sure to give you a few pointers below:


Players will be equipped with the mightiest weapons of Azeroth, the artifact weapons, each tied to our classes with a unique link in lore. If you're looking to find some additional information on the lore behind your weapons, as well as some of the alternatives, you can always check out the artifact series we featured!


If the artifacts aren't quite tantalising enough, there's always the swathe of new dungeons being introduced with the expansion, such as the Arcway.


Still not excited? You must be a PvPer then! Worry not, there's a sparkling new prestige system being introduced, as well as a number of changes to the way PvP will work from now on. 


Still? You're a tough one to please. Maybe you prefer a more pacifist route through Azeroth? You'll be able to enjoy more costumes and outfits than ever before with the new transmogrification and wardrobe systems


You can also check out the interviews I had with Venruki, Treckie and Tegu in our "Will Legion Save WoW?" article. You'll get perspectives on changes from some of the best players in the world in both PvP and PvE!


Before you enter, make sure that your computer is up to scratch for the Legion client by checking the system requirements.


While I'm not entering, I'll never miss out on a chance to take part in the fun! Personally, my favourite part in Legion so far and what I am looking forward to most is the lore surrounding certain characters. I don't want to put spoilers into this post, but you can check out the fate of some of them in our spoilers posts (Part 2). As a favourite moment of WoW, it would have to be the moment I first saw C'thun. The constant taunting as you approach, his appearance, it was just amazing. That for me is the peak of nostalgic feeling towards this game. 


That's it from me. Good luck to you all and I can't wait to read your replies!

i enjoyed when my DK was op back in wrath, im looking forward to more class based content

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A phrase that's been thrown around a lot when people discuss this expansion is "cautiously optimistic", and that's more or less the mindset I've adapted and stuck with. I won't say I'm not concerned about the future of this game, because I am, but that's not to say Blizzard hasn't already impressed me with some of the changes and quality-of-life improvements they've shown us in the Alpha. It's certainly something I wouldn't mind getting my hands on to explore more fully.

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Demo looks great and disc's atonment sounds fun. Artifacts are good, basiclly they add a new talent tree. I think the only way to ruin this exp is to make class orders like garrisons. This is Blizzard's last chance to "redeem" themselves.

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So how about some "BetaKey Giveaway Hype"  I believe the first thing I would do, ist to create 4 Druids and play the Artifact Questline with all 4 of them. They all look soooo amazing with the new Skins they get from the Artifact, and the updated Models are really well done. and if that's not incentive enough, than running all the normal and heroic Instances with Guildmates and Friends (who all have the Alpha already  ) is just like the Cherry on top of the Cake  With all the Changes to the Talents and Spells, I can't really decide if i want to go Feral or Boomkin in Legion. Blizz is doing a fine Job what Boomkins goes, as far the other 3 Specs go, I would love to play them on the Beta to see how they've changed. Also I would love to see the all the questing Areas, especially Val'Sharah   since it has a deep conection with Druid lore.As far as my ingame memories go, there are a lot of funny stories with my Guildmates and Friends, but perhaps one of the funniest was, when I, as Guiardian Druid in Firelands during Raggnaros fight, did manage to kick the small Adds to the Hammer and wiped the whole group  That was fun to see afterwards Sry for the long Post and the bad english 

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I´m reeally exited for the upcoming expasion and i like the idea of having a epic weapon for the entire exp. The thing i like the most is probably kicking the legion butt back to the twisting nether and killing guldan. i like the new mecjanics they want to implement such as the prestige system or the new challenge mode thingi.the most epic moment in my entire wow life was when we, my guild and i , killt lady vashj in ssc the nerd scream where incredible ^^.so i hope for getting a key but besides all others good luck too

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I for one can't wait for all the changes. I know it's always seen as controversial by Blizzard to change so much around(Or so little depending on who you ask) during expansions, but I enjoy relearning classes and playing around with the new changes. As someone who has been maining a paladin since vanilla(R.P seal debuff weaving), can't wait to see how the changes will play out, and how fun it will be to adapt and relearn the class yet again. And as an avid collector of gear, really looking forward to the changes(and soon to be bag room) that will be had from the new transmog system. There's just so much to look forward to(especially as an altoholic) that the release for legion can't come soon enough

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