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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I'm looking forward to the raids and the artifact's in Legions. Hopefully the artifacts play well in the game and possibly future expansions. I'm really glad for the wardrobe being added in, I will now have a lot more in my banks haha. I'm actually more curious about how the new honor system is going to work. I might actually start pvping if it works out really well, have another thing to do with my time and unlock the artifact skin from it

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I'm super pumped for legion, particularly the profession changes, and the new Demon Hunter class. I love me some melee dps, so Demon Hunter will be lots of fun to try out. I think one of my favorite things about wow was finding my own personal spot in the economy. I loved grinding materials in MoP to sell on the auction house to make money. Sadly with WoD gathering professions became sort of useless, so here's hoping Legion makes them fun again.

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Im excited to see who the epic end raid boss will be in this expansion, and playing my Hunter with melee again like in MOP will be the best thing ever. The first time killing Garrosh on Heroic after so many wipes was such an incredible moment

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I'm looking forward to Legion because of Ashbringer, the most epic weapon in the game, and of course to see Gul'dan die already/again.

Back in 6.0 before WoD hit the fan, with my guildies we decided to raid Orgrimmar (SoO) once again, and for the last time. We killed Malkorok in the most epic way. When malkorok got to 5% hp, most of the raid members died, but a few of us were still alive, and they managed to dps down malkorok to 5-6k, in the end, the last member alive was a resto druid. The druid took down with Moonfire using it from his spellbook, 'cause he didnt placed it on his quickbar, and he had to open his spellbook and use it from there, meanwhile the boss slapped his face.

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I'm really looking forward the new warrior class hall (Halls of Valor). It really looks like walhalla and Oden is totally badass with that lava beard. And also the Death Knight starter quests because who doesn't want to wield a weapon made of the fragments of Frostmourne

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I think the thing I am most looking forward to in Legion would be the new artifact weapon system. Having a single weapon and building upon it throughout the entire expansion is actually something that appeals to me a lot. Other than that, I am also excited for the new Challenge Mode system. My fondest memory in Warcraft is when I was still new to the game back in Vanilla, and I would spend hours upon hours just running around and exploring everything. I specifically remember doing a lot of wall jumping around Stormwind and trying to get under it and stuff like that.

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I think what I've most enjoyed in the last few expansions, outside of raiding of course, would have to be the challenge modes. I still remember convincing my friends to try them out and staying up all night deciding the best strategies to get through the MoP cms. We must have wiped on Temple of Niuzao for 5 hours before we came even close to a gold time. But once we saw one gold it pumped us up to keep going. And over the next week we spent every night conquering the other eight. In WoD a few friends decided to quit before before we all had the time to complete our first set of cms, but we found some friendly new faces and grinded them out. Finding out some of the shenanigans you could pull off with spell reflect and dark sim made the WoD cms pretty hilarious at times. I can't wait see, at least part of, the emerald dream. And most of all I can't wait to see where it ends, because I suspect that we will at least get a look at sargeras (after reading the warcraft chronicle I am completely hyped to meet him). But I know that no matter how the rest of the expansion plays out, I'll still have challenge modes as a back up. The addition of the new (diablo 3) variable mechanics means that even when my friends and I know a dungeon forwards and backwards, we probably won't be able to turn on auto pilot. So for legion I would say raiding is still number 1, but the new challenge mode, because of the experiences we've had in the past two expansions, is a very close second

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What I am most looking forward for the upcoming expansion, Legion, are without any doubt the Demon Hunters. The reason is actually connected to this memorable experience I want to share with yo:  I started playing world of warcraft

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I'm looking forward to all the profession changes. Specifically the gather professions and the neat bonus object quests that you can do with them. I like that blizzard is adding a layer of complexity to the gathering profession other than just go herb this go mine that.

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I'm glad they've finally brought Illidan back, I missed him as one of the bigger WoW lore characters. The question I wonder though, is if he will be on our side against Gul'dan, teamed up with Gul'dan, or will he choose to be Gul'dan's temporary ally and then turn on him? I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees the guy who's skull he used for power actually alive, let alone releasing him from the chamber he's encased in. I'm really excited for not just the story, but quite a few things, the artifact weapons, the class changes, new places to explore, treasure demons. Demon hunters. I think this will be my favorite expansion so far, so much detail and work put into this it's really impressive. Not only that, but now I can finally wield artifact weapons I've always wanted to have, and it will be interesting to learn about the other ones I didn't know existed. And as far as PvP goes. Most MMO's don't have great PvP either, but this one does. and I'm happy they're taking a bigger look at it, seeing what needs changed and what needs fixed. I loved the PvP in this game for so many years, and it's nice to see after a lot of trial and error this PvP honor system looks like it's going to fix some of the most frustrating problems I've had in past expansions. I love the new ideas they've came up with for this expansion, and they've also added a really big class I've wanted for so many years. I can't really say what I like most about how this new expansion looks, but to say everything looks amazing. They've even updated the melee combat animations which are REALLY nice looking. I can't wait to actually be able to just see firsthand what Legion is like. I can't even imagine how awesome it would be to actually be playing this expansion. And I can actually visit Karazhan again and sit back and take a good deep breath, remembering how creepy that place actually was, it will be fun to take ashbringer into the older undead dungeons and just wreck havoc on everything. Finally some artifacts weapons we can actually wield. There are a couple things I hope they will do though with the artifact weapons. I hope they will make cool combat animations for ashbringer, like for example when you kill an undead, he burns into a pile of dust. LOL That and I hope they let us use the classic corrupted ashbringer look of the one from vanilla/Wrath. That would be my favorite customization, and I hope they add the ability to let frost death knights reforge frostmourne as a whole 2 handed blade. (A customization) It would be amazing to actually be able to use the original 2 handed frostmourne. XD

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I really looking forward to legion, because i always wanted to fight the burning legion again. the burning legion has been the best enemy ever and wow itself has been the best mmorpg ever - so i think this expansion will be awesome.

i had my best raid and guild moments in mount hyal, fighting the burning legion. Endless waves of enemies. And then the endboss,  Archimonde. He was so hard for us.He burned our Raid hundreds of times. It was such good feeling, when we finally killed him. I want to fight the burning legion again. For the Alliance!

Edited by Weesel

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I'm looking forward to the artifact quest lines for each spec.


What i fear most is Demon Hunter and i hope it will be same OP class as deathknight in the beginning of wotlk.




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My expectations for this new expansion would be especially a diversity of content. What I mean is that in warlords of draenor we experienced a huge lack of new content for the patches. For example the first patch added only the foundry raid which should have been available at the same time as Highmaul. And the second patch added only the selfie camera. Only the tanaan patch was really worth something with the new zone and the new raid. I love this game and I really want this expansion to be worth what we expect for the fight against the entire Legion. And I hope that it will contain enough to keep us entertained during all the expansion. From what I've seen so far, they're on the good track. And keep up the good work Icy Veins to give them the best feedback.

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Really just excited to kill the burning legion and learn more on how we can murder sargeras. But I really miss vanilla for the intense burning legion they had us fight as well as burning crusade for the same reason

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I'm really looking forward to the new transmog wardrobe option! Having so many items spread all over different characters is currently a mess! It will be so nice to consolidate bag space and share collected appearances!


One of my old school memories back in Vanilla was doing the initial run from Darnassus to Iron Forge. Taking the boats and running through the different zones on a level 15 was an actual journey!! I remember you would have a higher level meet you in Darkshore to escort you, if not, it was quite the adventure.

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At this very moment WoW is in a critical state. There are fewer players than ever before as shown by the latest subscriber numbers that they had to announce and the decision to not release any further numbers that followed the message of a 5 million player loss since the start of the expansion. It can't be denied that a game which loses 50% of its playerbase in the first few months of an expansion is in a bad state. There is not a lot of fresh and repeatable content thats fun (at least for me). So all I and most of the players I know, have to do is clear mythic one day a week and then do either alt raids or go play a different game. The benefit that blizzard has is that their games quality is usually really good. Thus I happen to be playing diablo, hots or hearthstone more or less frequently but in all of those games you are missing the social & mmo aspect which is kind of sad but thats not what these games where designed for. This role should be fulfilled by WoW which, at least in this expansion, it doesn't. There are several issues with WoW just one of them being the ridiculously long times between expansions or content patches. The closer to an end of an expansion we come the more it feels that WoW is in a state of abandonement. No more content patches, no fluid transition to another addon. There we got at least a small raid in the ruby sanctum to keep us busy for a few weeks. Why not have more of these smaller dungeons and a diversity in raids you visit. At the moment we have just hfc as a relevant raid, sometimes a switch in atmosphere achieves more than having a single raid that you can do. Therefore I hope that we might get a few more small raids like Gruul's lair or Obsidian Sanctum. And I also wish for the developers to not abandon the game and leave it in the exact same state for 1. Especcially with this little of content there is just nothing that will keep the playerbase. For many a player Legion will be WoWs last chance for redemption. If Legion turns out like a disaster similar to WoD, the World of Warcraft could have opened its doors for one last time with no more expansions on the horizon because the subscriber numbers are going to drop even below the 3 million mark. However at the moment Legion doesnt look like a bad expansion. We will have to see if there is more content in the pipe or if we will just get a base expansion and then wait for an eternity to get another patch that can be called a patch. As for now I am cautiously hyped about Legion. We do get a new class in the demon hunter. The artwork looks fantastic for all of the new zones and also most bossfights seem to be interesting though there are a few weaker ones. I hope that WoW will feel more like an MMO again come Legion. 3 It's the first expansion where you will have only one weapon so thats an interesting choice which has worked out in other games like Blade and Soul. What I dislike is that we are labeled as some super hero who has to save the world and therefore needs the most powerful of weapon. In that regard I find it most questionable that we, the heroes that the world needs to fend of the burning legion, will be sent on quests / missions to collect 10 pieces of dirt or go hunt a deer and bring back its meat. Now either the local population is to unable to use a rifle themselves to hunt a deer (in which case we should let the burning legion do its job) or the quests simply dont make sense.We, the almighty heroes, seem to have nothing better to do than to help some dude collect a few pieces of meat which he could have perfectly gone out and gotten himself when you see the weapons he wears. But hey I guess saving the world comes after getting some stranger a bit of meat for his lunch. I'd rather have blizz go back to the theme where we are adventurers and aid the local population and thereby happen to stumble into some action regarding whatever they can come up with. But maybe after Legion we will return to this theme or Legion turns out to be the exact right way for the MMO to go. I am looking forward to it and wish it to turn out well. It's not the playerbase that is at fault for the state of the game as there is plenty of feedback out there and readily available it just seems like the devs are too busy experimenting on things that are hit or miss instead of listening and tailoring the game to the playerbase. The playerbase is very critical about the content but that is because we are used to Blizzard style games. Games with very high quality. So my question is: is WoW worth to still have the Blizzard stamp in the future?

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Well First of all, I've been using Icy Veins since long time, the Site is great, I have everything i need here, great work! But i feel embarrassed now because never felt like i should make an account, so here we go! I hope this opens a whole new world for me because I like theorycrafting like many people that wrote your guides.


As legion approaches i feel more and more excited, about the new honor system, about new raids, new content, but after seeing how warlords were i can't help but to feel a bit sceptic about it. I feel what the game is missing now is progression trough content, new players can jump right in to tanaan, and equip themselves in to items that are better than LFR's and RDF's in just a couple of hours. If they do a couple of battlegrounds as well they will already be ready for a normal raid. And by that the player is skipping months, almost a year of content from present expansion. And because the process of gearing is so fast people get to the point where there's nothing to do too soon. We have tens maybe hundreds of thousands players that literally have nothing left to but wait for something new to come up. I also don't like the fact that every single player will have a high end weapon throughout the whole expansion which means that there probably won't be any useful weapon drops from any boss in the whole game (only for t-mog). Getting a weapon after killing a boss is really rewarding after all the hard work you spent to kill him. That feel will be gone because right at the start of expansion we will get the best weapon in game and we will have to stick with it until the end. Everybody will carry that weapon that once had "legendary" status no matter if one guy puts a lot of effort in the game and other guy just logs for 20 minutes a day to complete his dailies.


But I will have to look at legion in a brighter light because it's gonna be something new and it's still is the game that we all love and no matter how blizzard makes it i think that people will play it.


Those were just some of my bad thoughts about the game so I'm sorry if it bothered you, you probably see this every day but i just had to get it out of me.


Take care and good luck to other participants.


~ Eyzen

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Personally, I'm mostly looking forward to the end game raiding content that legion will bring. It's going to be fun to after a long break from progression to go back in there and kill bosses as a guild

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looking forward to almost everything in Legion, from the new PvP system to the Artifact weapons, to the new zones, dungeons and raids and most of all, to the new Challenge mode system. i also can't wait to experience the leveling in Broken Isles since i always enjoy exploring and following the storylines 

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5 years Icy Veins, congratulations to all the persons involved  I'm realy hope and dream with the fact that Legion will be a great expansion, where all people, in more or less measure, will enjoy a game such as World of Warcraft. Personally what attracts me to play the expansion is the remodeling class system they are doing, keeping the DK blood in my crosshair. Something that has me excited are the artifact weapons, hopefully it will be a success mechanism that can remember as a fantastic period of WoW. And finally, with a subject that I always like to comment on . Looking forward, for me, Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel where the best band of all the expansions, with their mechanical, game modes and definitely a great difficulty. Hopefully Blizzard will strive to make attractive new bosses. PD: Sorry for my english

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I am very much looking forward to exploring the world, Highmountain looks epic. And trying out the new artifact weapons & legendaries. I think it has the potential to add very fun gameplay Also the new druid forms look amazing, definitely need to get my hands on those. Also i love the idea of the new challenge modes, that you need keystones & and can increase the difficulty even further for better rewards & glory. Love that they implement new things that are similar to those in Diablo 3 - like the new transmog system & challenge modes

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I'm most excited for all the new content and actually having something to do again.will be very cool getting to experience this new land and growing our own legend via artifact weapons.

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Legion has a lot of new features that i'm looking at, starting from the new artifact weapons that it seems to be a really cool thing, to the new PvP system that remind me a lot of Vanilla's system which is my favourite system ever. I'm excited for the lore, i really want to know what happens to guldan and i'm looking for the full story about Illidan (even if i wont play DH). Said that i really want to thanks Icy Veins and all the people around it for the greater work they did in this years and all the help you give us with you guide

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