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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I am excited for legion looking forward to the challenge mode dungeons and demonology warlocks.  The changes to professions also look like a lot of fun

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I'm really looking forward to the new PVP Honor system and the artifacts. I've also heard about the new Transmog GUI and I wonder if that has been incorporated yet. In the past I would usually stuff my mog gear in my void storage so if the transmog storage is implemented I would love to take a look at that

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I'm mostly looking forward to the story and how they're pushing the story forward. A pet peeve of mine is that in previous expansions/stories, they'll push "this" small aspect of the story, with a small list of characters. This can cause other characters to be neglected for YEARS and storylines abandoned.  With Legion, it looks like they're doing something I can only compare with Cata, in that they're pushing EVERYTHING forward. We're getting everything: pushing forward old friends from Honor Hold, Northerend, the remnants of the Scourge, the elementals, building on the Titans, Old Gods, the Council of Tirisfal, the Guardians from the past, the leylines in the Nexus, the Dragonflights, Vykrul, Valkyr, it's just everything I've always wanted Story-wise. Legion has an all star cast and I'm really glad we're getting back to the fundamentals, and I hope we mostly stay in Azeroth from now on

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I'm looking forward to playing in fully textured Suramar. From what i've seen recently the art team created probably the best looking city in WoW. Legion's stuff to do at max level looks very promising too(there seems to be a lot of variety) world quests, Suramar zone, keystone dungeons, class hall questlines, not to mention profession revamp. Blizzard is finally focusing on endgame and it makes me very happy

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I am a long-time WoW player, starting way back in Vanilla.  For Legion I'm really looking forward to the new animations and UI touches.  I suspect the game is going to "feel" new again being so updated.   


I'm also looking forward to the new dungeon system with the keys and challenge modes.  Raiding and dungeon-crawling are my favorite things to do so dungeon content remaining relevant throughout the expansion will hopefully work out well.


Two of my favorite memories are killing two raid bosses:  Kil'jaeden and Kael'thas Sunstrider.  Those were two incredibly epic encounters, and felt great to finish.


Probably my best memory comes from a particular kill of the original Archimonde in the Mount Hyjal raid.  At the time we had him on farm, but on this particular pull two-three people messed up just as he got to about 12%.  I got thrown into the air and when I came down he was at 11%, everyone was dead, and he was running across the field at me yelling and carrying on as he does.  There were bodies everywhere, so it was looking like a wipe.


Back then holy paladins had little to nothing to attack with, so I started frantically looking around my bars and in my spellbook for anything other than auto-attack, thinking 'surely the dots will kill him, surely the dots will kill him ...'


Everyone in vent was yelling and egging me on.  In a panic I found exorcism just as he got to me, pressed it, and BOOM - he died - well, the shield popped on me and the wisps came out, but same thing.  Vent erupted with yelling and cheering, it was quite a funny moment.  The wipe was saved by the lone holy paladin and a single exorcism shot.


My response?  Very calm and collected, I needed to drink to rez people so I sat down with everyone dead around me and said in /raid:  "You people.  Must I do everything?!"


For the longest time I kept a screenshot of the chat announcement:  [You killed Archimonde].

Edited by Unir

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In Legion, I personally can't wait for the next addition to the thrilling series. I have followed it since I first found out about it in 2004 when a friend of mine showed me Warcraft III.


What makes it even more exciting is for being able to gather all my friends and some family to be able to have an amazing time in raids, dungeons, and some battlegrounds. That has to be one things I love most: When tons of people learn the game once again together. It is what makes this whole game community great. Even if you are on another continent, getting better and rising up on the charts (even if its not that high) with people you enjoy playing with is what keeps all of us playing. As someone who played since vanilla, I have always loved when an expansion comes and you can start anew once again with either new or old companions!


With the new features and tweaks to all the classes, I have not a singe shed of doubt what this will be a great experience, regardless of how the game plays.

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Time for some demon hunter slice and dicing. What I enjoyed most in the past was the "thrill" feeling in both pvp or pve and I believe Legion will bring it to us and probably even better. By far, the one moment I will never forget was when I got the "Deathbringer's Will" in Icecrown Citadel, boss  was Deathbringer Saurfang. Thats the one item I just can't forget looting and I dont know why, I guess I just really liked the idea of transforming

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I am extremely hopeful for legion as I see a lot of potential to open the game up to new players and reinvigorate veteran players. I am probably most looking forward to the new 5 man challenge mode dungeon system as an alternative source of end game gear and second most anticipated thing will be the new raids and lore. If I could hope a change is brought about that isn't announced it would be some sort of a flexible or alternate raid size for mythic raiding. Fixed raid size makes mythics super difficult on a low pop server such as mine. Favorite WoW moment is more a collection of thinking back on all the progression kills on major bosses that I have shared with the same guild over 10 years. I can think back to our first time killing Ragnaros in Vanilla MC and how exciting it was to conquer a massive boss that we had worked our way up to for months. Oh and I can't forget the progression kills where only 1 last person is standing manages to land the killing blow on the boss. I know standard nostalgia trip but its really the best memories I have thinking back.Mcbandwire-

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I simply can't wait for the transmog system overhaul. My bank and bags are screaming for air. So much bag space to be had once Legion comes out.

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First, HFC is boring already, had enough of more then one yeah long raid tier with SoO. Second, artifact weapons are a really nice aproach, the certenly look good (at least most of them) and the customization and power ups really make me remember the progession system of FFX, with the nodes and spheres Besides, wielding weapons that once belonged to major lore characters makes us all feel op Third, class halls, a place where all the heroes of the same class can hang out and interact seems preety cool and way more sociable and fun then that facebook game they impelemeted in WoD called garrisons (plz, blizz, no more garrisons, unless its a guild sort of housing). Fourth, class changes, getting to relearn how to play the classes is preety engaging, with all the new spells and animations, is always something to look forward to in a new expansion (and of course to see which classes will be op as crap and the ones that will be getting the short straw and never see the light of day ). FIfth, the new transmog tab, that i really hope it gets implemented, cant be bothered to run old raids time and time again with the same toon only to get set pieces of different classes, keep getting cool mog stuff i want but most the times on the wrong toons Sixth, the graphical update and the whole new environments, they sure look good from what i've seen so far so it will be very interesting to explore this new landscapes. And last but not least, the new end game content (dungs and raids, cba pvp ), from what has been released, it looks preety cool and cant wait to kill some new bosses (especially that ratchet Gul'dan). And that is it, those are the main reasons why i look forward to legion, and would be awesome to experiment the new content first hand with beta key (well second hand, cause it seems only the mythic archi killing machines have the chance to paly first hand with alpha, which is unfair but understandable), cause i never had the chance to do it in past expansions

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Grab your chance to win a Legion beta key.Icy Veins is turning 5 today and we wanted to celebrate it in the best way possible. We're giving all of you the chance to win a key for the upcoming beta of World of Warcraft: Legion.As 2011 approached, two young gentlemen were sat discussing ideas for a World of Warcraft website. Ideas were passed back and forth, drafts were drawn up and the first edition of the Icy Veins website was released on the 21st of March, 2011. With a total of 3 guides for specialisations, 2 of which were Mage guides, and 1 raid encounter guide, Icy Veins was beginning its long journey.  5 years later and here we are. With a brand new design just released and with more changes planned in the near future, Icy Veins has not only grown, but matured under the watchful eyes of its founders, Damien and Vlad. With their tireless work ethic and their dedication to the site, we've seen Icy Veins expand from a small World of Warcraft guide-hub into a Blizzard-wide gaming community.  I feel like the word community is worth focusing on, since that's the general theme of today's post. With a growing membership on the forums and an increasing viewer-base on our news posts, Icy Veins has grown into a family. Without the users that visit the site each day, Icy Veins could never have become what it is today. Readers allow our team to do what we love: creating content for all of you. For everything that you have done for us, we thought today would be a perfect day to do something for you. Legion Beta Key Giveaway As many of you know, World of Warcraft is releasing its new expansion this year: Legion. The expansion is overhauling a huge number of aspects within the game, as well as introducing a number of new parts into the game. Many of you won't have been able to experience all of the new content that is being released, so we wanted to help. With the aid of Blizzard, we're giving away 200 keys to the upcoming beta

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I've been spending the last few months leveling alts as I cannot decide on which class to main. Hopefully I'll settle on something once Legion comes out

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I look forward to their new way of doing "challenge mode". it's a great idea to make the dungeons progressively harder and give the dungeons some more use (: Instead of them being relevant for just a week

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I realy want to see what Legion is going to bring interms of diversity and in terms of end game, I wan to see if the artifact system has enough to do for you to let people acctuly play for hours and hours to just get that 1 upgrade you want. Further I have never Pvpt but from what I heared about the new honor system it is better for the people that almost never or never pvp and let then be introduced. And at last I want to see if Legion is worth buying and is worth my time

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In WoW Legion, i'm very much looking forward to all these Emerald Nightmare shenanigans caused by Xavius and  his allies. What will happen with Ysera? How will we defeat Xavius and will he be able to return again or this will be his final end? And how will Malfurion react to return of his old enemy?.My favorite thing in WoW history were Druid class quests and I was very sad when they decided to remove them. Made me feel epic and special earning various shape shifting forms. I hope artifact quests will return at least some this feeling Otherwise, keep up the amazing work Icy Veins and thanks for all the info over the years.

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I want to try the demon hunter looks so awsome and get those new artifacts weapons! Hype for legion and im sure this will bring back alot of people!

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What most excites me besides the vast changes to pvp, is the chance to return glory to the great city of Dalaran where alliance and horde can commune in peace with one another.

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So far I am really excited to see what legion has to offer, however what really wows me is the new Demon Hunter class! The class in itself looks really smooth and so fun to play, I can't wait!


My favorite moment I've had in wow is pet battling my friends. It's fun absolutely demolishing their pets as they tell me to actually do something with my game time other than pet battles. ^-^

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I'm looking most forward to the class changes and added animations to spice up the combat. The new transmog system finally makes making an outfit or armor set for RP a lot easier.I'm also looking forward to the new region and questing zones. New mobs, dungeons, quest lines, and even the artifact weapons and their appropriate quests. The raids so far look great and the order halls are not too bad either with their almost garrison-like quality (Even if I did not enjoy it that much in Draenor), but the new bounty missions looks to make the game more interesting and engaging, such as the gathering nodes that come alive, or provide you level ups in your gathering professions.Most of all I'm looking forward to fighting the Legion, being drawn in with new lore, and seeing what happens to major characters, including my own

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I have never been so excited for an expansion Legion looks absolutely epic especially given as I started playing in BC and love that content. I can't wait to play the Demon Hunter Artefacts look great (I miss the old talent system so this in a way replaces that) I'm a big sucker for Lore so I'll be paying close attention to the storyline. *Excited Shivers* Can't wait to dive headlong in the action

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Far and away most looking forward to the new lore in Legion, especially in regards to the artifact weapons. I'll always be a little bitter at the location of Suramar relative to the Well of Eternity though. It was west of the Well. My fondest memories in WoW would have to be raiding Karazhan in BC with my guild. It fell apart at the end of BC and most people stopped playing. Miss those guys.

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For the first time, there were significant changes in the class and I can take them from the start. As I have not ALFA PTR , I get a little frustrated not to be learning now. I also have great expectations for the Legion , hoping (as always) that the class be competitive with all other melees.

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