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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I think the bulk of my opinion on Legion is that it will add an interesting new depth to the game with character customization and play style with the new weapons, artifact and legendary, and I'm hoping the story and content will be interesting and exciting. My opinion of WoW overall is that it has been a fun game, some ups and downs between the the content as well as the way the game was at times. Cataclysm wasn't so great, things got weird then. My favorite expansion so far has definitely been burning crusade, but WotLK, MoP, and WoD have all added some great characteristics to the game, with gameplay itself, zones, class progression, and simplification in some cases. I'm most looking forward to how my character is going to play with the new legendary and artifact weapons, and the demon hunter class. I'm also curious to see if the new playstyles will mean I enjoy playing a different class besides Mage, or if I will still prefer Mage over others. I'm also looking forward to the content. It reminds me a bit of the Black Temple raid from BC, which was incredibly exciting going into for the first time, and still exciting as I progressed through it. I'd say one of my fondest memories so far was when I made a new character with a couple good friends of mine. We were leveling in stranglethorn valley, and the hunter of our group set his piggy to be aggressive. It speed things up when it came to pulling, but when we were in the middle of ruins filled with trolls, we ended up fighting 10-20 mobs at a time, and they kept respawning. I was playing a priest and I was barely getting enough mana to cast a heal here and there to keep us, and piggy, alive. We never ended up dying but we had to work for it, and it was fun being with them in a LAN and yelling at each other in panic as more and more enemies kept showing up.

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I am most looking forward to the emphasis on bringing diversity back to the classes of WoW. Some of my favorite quests used to be the class quests in old WoW.

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I'm really excited about the new changes for this game.Since the end of classic I play enh shaman, and the best adventures were with the guild in Icecrown Citadel. until today a lot has changed but the shaman still makes fun.To legion come great changes, and I look forward to the classes and also speccs feel especially right again.I would like to see a beta key to all classes and the new pvp system.from leveling in legion however, I would stay away because the explore the strange world I would like take away for the release.

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Looking forward to see how the new tank spec feels like: DH vengeance. I've been playing primarily tank classes over the last few years and getting a new tank spec in game is quite exciting.

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I would be so happy to receive the beta-key so I could experience the new expansion and try out the new class-changes, so I know what class I will be spending time on. I also look forward to explore the new isles and try out the rewamped pvp-system

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i'm also going to get all those awesome artifact weapons and cant wait to see the new class animations, especially the enhancement shaman ones.i miss the old honor system from classic, doing alterac valley all day and advancing ranks was fun :3

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I am looking forward to have fun with my friends who stopped playing wow after cata and decided to come back to play for legion. Thinking to serve illidan is beyond imagination

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I'm excited to be able to receive more rewards and have better progression fromBattlegrounds. Can't wait to do bgs with my guildies and prestige up

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There are a lot of things that I'm looking forward to in Legion: New Honor system, zones that scale with you, artifact weapons, and hopefully getting some of my guild's old raiders back to help with tackling the great looking end game content. Had an absolute blast getting ten friends together to try and take down that timer

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I won't lie, the beta competition encouraged me to finally sign up for your site. I've been using it for talents and transmog for a good year or so, so thanks for that. I'm very excited for artifact weapons from a lore and appearance-unlocking standpoint, because they look goddamn awesome and their origins are even more badass. I'm looking forward to class halls because I've always felt that Moonglade could have been some awesome Druid sanctuary if it was used more. I'm holding off from watching the revelations of them until I can explore them first-hand. I've recently gotten Warcraft: Chronicle and I'm looking forward to seeing if there's any lore about Stone-Mother Therazane in Highmountain. Oh, and a complete overhaul to Druid gameplay would be just about excellent if you ask me. If it wasn't my main, it would be one of my least-played classes in the game.

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Looking forward to the story.They say Blizzard is killing Varian but he's in the trailers?How did Thrall come to give you his Doomhammer?How did Tirion Fordring die?What happened to Jaina?I started playing during Wrath of the Lich King, played the games, read the novels and comic books, these are all characters that were really important at the time. They were characters I looked up to. Quit at the end of WotLK, came back just for Legion. It's a really bitter sweet feeling for me

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I don't really like BM and it's artifact in Legion, will for sure try new melee Survival. Don't expect too much from dungeon, they will be fun in begining, but like the other expansions, dungeons get borring after some time. Looking for new raids and as lorewhore, looking to see how much GoT impacted WoW in Legion since they're killing everyone. Also, looking for demon hunter tank, if I like it probably will replace all my old tanks

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Im really looking forward to all the mounts that are coming out, and the Demon Hunters. I really liked all of the different ways they put mounts in the game before.

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 There's something about the beauty of the game that I've really come to love over the years, and its what makes the leveling of additional alts that much easier.  My fondest memory of WoW would be meeting my best friend of 7 years.  You can find the best of people in the most unlikely of places.  Good luck to all other contestants

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The one thing I'm looking forward to the most. Hard question to answer and not double guess later on but I'll say the ability to play more then 2 specs, Right now i'm raiding with 2 guilds on 1 character and not being able to play that 3rd spec has been a small issue to the point I even considered saving multiple UI setups and to switch addons loaded and run to the trainer multiple times a week, I've always like the idea of filling the role required rather then staying in 1 spot keeps the game interesting.   And to choose my favorite memory? that's like choosing a favorite child. but a moment that will always stand out was getting a realm best in Mogu'shan Palace, with only 1 person alive, the shouting and laughter as it looked so close will be forever ingrained

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Looking forward to Legion and it would be awesome to try it out early on. Can't wait for the transmog changes - my bags and bank and void storage don't have any space anymore =D Also I hope that it lives up to its hype, and that my old guild will reassemble to play together again, I miss the old raiding days

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I want to do new raids and dungeons. My funniest wow moment was when i first started to play and i fall down on the subway between stormwind and irongeforg. Didnt think i could get up from it so i started a new character lol

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Legion brings a whole new world of lore to the game, i am thrilled to see the 4 new leveling zones each have their own story instead of one whole linear story, as this opens up so much more content than the current expansion has. I am also looking forward to the character development and progression of our own heroes, in WoD we saw ourselves become commander of an army and led it to battle, this time we are becoming the leaders of our own class, i personally have always loved Assassination rogues and the changes to the class have thrilled me, and the artifact weapons look EPIC

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I love how Legion looks so far. I am a feral main, and seeing my spec get so much love really makes me happy. The new models are beautiful and the artifact idea seems to fit so well. Not to mention the druid tier 19 looks absolutely amazing, as with all the other specs' tier too. You've really outdone yourself, blizz. I can't wait for Legion!

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Unholy is looking really fun in Legion. Although a few changes to mobility would be welcome. I am actually all for less mobility if it means we get some cool mitigation or more death grip usage

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I myself have started frequently coming to Icy veins early in MoP whenever I leveled another alt and wanted to see how to start dealing damage with a specc. In the past I've always enjoyed raiding the most(Wotlk being my favorite expansion of all having delivered plenty of that, good and bad) and it is what I look forward to in Legion.However, almost obsessively following all the class updates, animation previes, Artifact quests and perks I have to say, that the biggest thing im Looking foreward to  is how FUN evry class seems to become, I have been playing since patch 2.3 and I can honestly say, never have I itched more to play the new design blizzard is bringing into every class. And theres the little fact of giving gul'dan a good beating, that annoying prick. Anyway, heres to hope you guys at least enjoy my little wall of text even if I dont end up being one of the lucky ones

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I look forward to demon hunters, and the new content in legion, I enjoyed the Blizzcon presentations, and they only served to increase my excitement. I started playing in Cata, and the new expansion excitement since then is almost unbearable :)

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Im most looking forward to getting each classes artifact and exploring the class order halls and quests. I only ever tend to enjoying dungeon runs and raiding when all my guild can too. Im dying for legion to come out and finally get my hands on that Demon Hunter

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