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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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I'm looking forward to new quests and unlike some I enjoy leveling both my Frost DK and Hunter. I love new toons so that said I can't wait to make my very own Demon Hunter. My love for the Burning Crusade and questing in Outland is about to be rekindled with demons,demons and more demons I can't wait. Bring it on :)

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im really exicted about the lore and keep playing my death knight in new places, im also really intrested in the artifacts, they look really cool for the dk :D
and the new raids, loved them in WoD, so I hope they will be really great in legion!

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I cant wait to play legion, I am going to love demon hunters and a lot of the stuff they are doing to the game please I want to be in the beta so badly, me and my wife uses this web site for all our builds and we think this site i good, keep up the good work and anther 5 year

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Wow is my favorite game of all time, its the place i have the fondest memories of and have many a story to go with it. But I have to say the nest-alga of first coming in to wow and looking at your surroundings and hearing the lore/ story, is the best feeling, and so is my favorite wow moment. I look forward to more in legion, and love a beta key to test it. If anyone wants to add me im on EU and my battle tag is: thunder4ros#2939

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Hey guys!   This is my first post on Icy veins, Woot! 
  While commenting on more than one topic doesn't affect my /roll for a key, I'm pretty long-winded in general, so.. Yuh.

 I'm pretty freakin' excited for Legion in general, It's *the* expansion I've been waiting for since I read the war of the ancient 10 years ago. 
Come on.. Finally being able to set foot inside of Suramar and getting to the meat of my favorite culture and story lines? /sploosh I'm a lore-fanboy and a heavy roleplayer, so I'm extremely excited to see what impact legion has on that note. ( The transmog system is a dream come true, and I'm looking forward to building mogs around artifact skins :D)
Demon hunters!! Yaaaaaas! They're likely the class I've been waiting for as well. I mean, they ARE because I've been obsessed with Illidan since I was 12.. In terms of game play though, I was skeptical at first but the alpha footage I've seen gives me hope. The most exciting feedback I've read pertains to how agile and mobile the havok spec feels. I also love to tank and I'm looking forward to better insight on how the vengeance spec will play. 

  I was 13 when I started playing, I was amazed by everything! haha.. I'll never forget the first time I saw a level 41 huntress use multishot or call on her mount. Fast forward to my first tier piece, I lived in Germany so I had to raid with an Australian guild at 5am before catch the school bus. I was the only hunter without the shoulders when they dropped so they sent it to me and I literally woke my parents up to tell them ( they both play too and were already wearing Tier 2 pieces so it wa sa pretty validating moment as a kid, haha. )
 My favorite in game memories are made up of moments spent growing up with a small group of dedicated roleplayers that I met when I was new to. We met as novices near a pond Teldrassil, They literally taught me how to swim that day and from there we worked our way to 60 in kalimdor as a team. It was awesome to really play with the world as we went, everything was an opportunity to roleplay a little and have fun living in the world and exploring.  Top of the list actually stars my mother and a 13 y/o version of myself, alongside 3 adult players, camped outside of a military retail location in germany that had the collectors editions of burning crusade in stock. They raised the gate, and upon seeing the older men drop to their stomachs to slide under the gate and get there first, I followed suit. The mad dash to electronics was epic and hilarious.

Over the years WoW has continued to impact my life in a lot of cool ways and I'm looking forward to maybe finally checking blizzcon off of my bucketlist this year! ( Though EDC is coming up, we'll see... ) I'm looking forward to many more years of it and seeing where the game and community go from Legion forward :)  Thanks to anyone who read this to completion, I'd go on but dinner is ready and I'm probably going to post more in a while, I've had WoW on the brain a lot lately >.> 

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I am very excited for Legion. The features I look forward to the most are the leveling zone scaling and the Artifacts and their talent trees. I have High hopes for Blizzard making this a good expansion, so, heres to Legion!


As far as WoW goes, I've had a lot of great times in WoW. I've met so many interesting people and made some good memories. One of my favorite memories is way back when I first started playing in BC. I didn't understand quests very well at the time, so I just killed mobs and did a few quests here and there to level 40ish. I look back and think how far I've come to get better at the game.

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Oh boy, I can't wait to find out how all the artifact weapons are together with their quest chains and lore! Aswell as the questing and leveling in Legion, not to mention the dungeons and raids! And don't forget the Demon Hunter class, which has been something that ALOT of people (including me) want in this game for a long time. I always did like questing and raiding in WoW, especially with friends. I remember how I started with two friends back in WotLK, playing as a Human Warlock because controlling Demons seemed as such an awesome idea! And not to mention the Death Knight class which could be playable later on smile.png . 

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I'm really looking forward to see all the lore update that we are going to see in the next expasions: who lives, who dies and expecially if this time we'll be able to have at least a gaze of the Dark Titan itself..... also hearing something about the Azeroth World Soul woudn't hurt wink.png About the gameplay something that would make us recall the good old time of WTLK or even TBC would be really something amazing..... I know that we'll never have the olds talent's trees back, but at least something with a bit more options woudn't be bad. Also a bit of improvement of the Wod garrison system in the Class Halls would be great, maybe something that would make that a bit more dynamic that a simple menagement work. About stuff that for now have really catch my attention, for sure there is the new Demonology Lock spec that it seeming really something different from what we have seen before..... so many pets and so many ways of making them count in each situation.... on the other hand the changes made to the Balance Dudu spec don't seems that great in my opinion, but nevertheless they may open some new way of playing it ;)

Edited by Setebos

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My warlock was my very first character and is still my main!  I love questing and raiding; I love all the little storytelling details in the game, and (even though I'm still a bit salty about demon hunters) I'm looking forward to the new lore in Legion.

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I don't normally pvp, but Legion's new pvp system seems interesting and is one of the things that caught my eye, I also think that the artifact weapons and legendary gear will add a different playing experience for everyone.

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I'm really hyped about legion :) and I'm looking forward to new honor system that i will definitely try out , i'm really happy for new ele shammy animations wich looks great :D

and most of all artifacts and all story about it.Congrats of five years of service icy' :)

(sorry for my bad english)

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I'm really looking forward for this expantion due to the artifact weapons and legendary world drops.

Since im a big fan of blizzards diablo series i see this drop system as a really fun way to mix my two favorite games together, as far as ive red and understood mobs around legion can drop legendaries that improve certain spells and with that they bring back the old "Grind" system, which you will need to grind mobs to  recive more items.

With these items you can create various builds with your character JUST like diablo3, improving skills and making combos with spells and gear will be awesome!

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I'm super excited for the new class changes in legion! i love the idea of having a weapon that grows with you all during the expansion giving you new spells and passives! , the classes i'm looking forward the most are MM Hunter, Fire Mage , Affliction Lock, Ret Pally and last shadow priest!!! they all look amazing and i can't wait to try them out to find out what i will end up playing in legion. As for my most fondest memory in wow it was during wrath when i was playing with a ton of friends and it was so amazing all raiding together during it , joking around in the raids and actually having fun and doing progression at the same time was the best! also doing dungeons with some friends and always trying to get them killed lol biggrin.png biggrin.png biggrin.png  ahh... great times...!  

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Back in vanilla , me and my friends that I actually meet in the beautiful world of warcraft was living the game as if we were there and conquering our way to greatness. This feeling of friendship and empathy with total strangers as brother in arms was faded throughtout the time with new expensions. I want to achieve that fun back as I start in a new game that is called world of warcraft and live those moments once more as I level my way up to 110 with new and old friends in bloody battlegrounds or mighty raids!!

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I'm looking forward to Legion because it feels like a revitalization of a game thats almost 12 years old now. They've completely reworked most classes and want to adhere to class identity more than they did in the past. They've also taken inspiration from some of their other IPs for mechanics too, such as Diablo III, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch. Between that, new animations (seriously can't wait for that), a more threatening villain, it feels like its shaping up to be WotLK 2, that was by far the most fun time I've had in WoW. I would be surprised if they dropped the ball like they did with WoD. AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR DEMON HUNTERS AND ILLIDAN!

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I have played WoW on-and-off since BC. It's always been my favourite game. It's always hit the right balance of fulflling my intangible 'RPG' desires of playing specific classes and my inclination to 'min-max' for tangible outcomes.


An MMO is very much defined by it's community and since I play from Australia, I have come to treasure WoW just for the fact that it's community is so large that even 'down-under' I can find people who enjoy the game as much as I do and who I can learn from and with.


I've always played in the top 10 guilds on my servers and in general have had a high degree of success in the roles that I have played - mainly DPS and healing, but the most distinct memories I have of WoW are in TBC and WotLK


My older brother and I had our own accounts and we started at the tail end of Vanilla. He played a paladin and I played a hunter. We got level 70 around the same time after having quested through the outlands as a pair.


I remember that the night after we hit 70 he needed to go on a trip somewhere - I forgot where. So he asked that I play a little for him to help get some gear. (I know... it's against the ToS to account share but we were only 14 or 15 at the time.) 


The problem was that I was so enamored with the Retribution spec at a time where it was probably the worst spec in the game. I ended up spending all his honor points and resources on PvP ret gear. Best part being that I didn't even buy the weapon first, but instead bought pieces like wrists, rings and necks because they were cheap.


The result was a poorly geared Draenai ret pally running around BG's with Terrokk's Quill. Obviously, nobody wanted to take it into Karazhan or even H dungeons. I remember queuing into a WSG and when I loaded, a guy was /pointing and /laughing at me the whole time during the wait period in the Alliance Flag room. Good times. 

Nowadays, I main a paladin and my brother mains a hunter. We have always followed a pattern of reuniting to raid together after the release of an expac and as an expac approaches the end of its life we leave WoW for a couple of months or so only to return for it's rebirth in the next expansion.


I'm looking forward to Legion not just because of the sweeping class changes that I personally think look healthy and refreshing but because I'm looking forward to spending time with my brother at a time in our lives where we no longer live in the same household because we have separate lives as adults. 


Having just one beta key between either of us is going to let us taste the excitement of an expansion-worth of fun. He's thinking of maining a mage this time round and I'm thinking of playing a warlock. I love to be able to see just what those classes will be like in Legion. 



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Ever since the class previews were released I've been looking forward to play survival hunter and frost mage(can't wait to play without elemental). I joined the game in WoD 6.2 and have to say that Hellfire Citadel was the best part I enjoyed in my short time here

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Well what do i look forward to. Well up intill Legion ive Been running like a headless chicken whit my Moonkin. And it's finally come to a Point where Moonkin gets moore depht in there gameplay togheter whit an awsome artifact weapon and new modell! Cant waiting to Explorer the works whit all the new info that ive got :D

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Hi, my name is Scut. I've been playing WoW since I was in the 3rd grade. I've been bullied because I played this game back then, but now I embrace it. World of Warcraft has been in my life longer than it's been out of my life. It sure has been an adventure through the many many expansions. Vanilla wow... Then taking down Illadin in Burning Crusade. Leveling a death knight at in Wrath of the Litch King. To coming into the new world due to death wings destruction. Leveling a freaking PANDA in MoP. Then watching the game begin to die at the start of WoD. I've been bored out of my mind without content from this game. I have 11 level 100s, and I've played and nearly mastered every spec/class. I'm just looking to try to have FUN for the first time in this game in over a year. Please, please... I really hope you consider picking me. <3

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I look forward to legion for demon hunters, and to see how they will change the game. I also wonder how artifact weapons will impact each class and change gameplay as well. Really looking forward to legion and I hope blizzard makes it phenomenally  enjoyable.

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I'm really exited about the new pvp system and the new zones. Also i'm really looking forward to know more about for the lore of legion cus i love lore! I hope that i can find a cool new guild cus the old one died... and i got to run my first raid with them, and we were a bunch of noobs but it has been my favourite moment in wow so far. I hope that legion will give me more memorable moments! I hope i get a beta key!(sorry for my bad english) Good luck everyone and may the ods be always in our favour!

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