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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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With Legion's release, I'm looking most forward to the newly redesigned classes, artifacts and the new honor system.


I'm excited to see what kind of gameplay Blizzard has fleshed out of the current classes now that they've been redesigned to fit their class fantasy. As primarily a PvP player, I'll be interested to see what the new arena meta will be like as a result, I'm still undecided whether I'll try out the demon hunter or stick with my monk, as both classes share a similar agile melee DPS archetype I enjoy to play.


As for the most memorable moment, that would have to be my first Thok HC (currently Mythic) kill in Siege of Orgrimmar. After a multitude of tries, we got him down to about 10%, but the combination of screeches and fire wiped the entire raid. Well, apart for our two tanks. Instead of wiping and trying again, they thought "screw it" and kept going. The warrior tank died at about 5%, but our bear tank continued.


In the end, he miraculously soloed the boss with insane amounts of Vengeance allowing him to sustain himself as well as deal damage like a truck. The teamspeak was filled with laughters of utter disbelief and victory screams. It was hilarious.

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I'm really looking forward to finally play as a melee hunter. I never got the chance to raid as an melee survival hunter back in vanilla cuse of reasons. I'm also extremely excited to check out the class halls for the first time, which hopefully will be better then garrisons were(which can't be hard to beat). Aswell as completing all the different artifact weapon quests, because the time wont exist when the launch actually is. So it would just be a fun thing to see what blizzard have done lore wise with all the different weapons.



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I'm looking forward to demon hunter and the abbility to double jump. Also looking forward for more Illidan story.

+ Artifact weapons and hopefully the positive pvp changes.

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It's hard to choose just one thing in/about Legion I'm looking forward to. I'm a big fan of Warcraft lore. And, truth be told, I love villains. From Gul'dan to the Arthas, Warcraft villains have always been interesting and menacing. But World of Warcraft: Legion ups the ante even further. The people of Azeroth face not some crazed Dragon Aspect or a bloodthirsty Orc Warchief, but the Burning Legion, arguably the greatest force of malevolent power in existence. The Burning Legion has been setup as the arch-threat of the Warcraft universe. Even the Old Gods, as powerful as they are, have not posed as great a threat to Azeroth as the Legion has. I have to admit, the fact that this expansion focuses on a renewed Legion invasion is amazing!


Continuing lore wise, I'm also looking forward to the further unfolding of Sylvanas Windrunner's story. As I'm sure most of us have heard, it is rumored that Sylvanas will die in this expansion. If this is true, I will certainly be saddened, as Sylvanas is by far my favorite faction leader. Her story has always been a tragic one, and to have a tragic end, while perhaps fitting, is still quite sad.


Apart from lore, I'm immensely excited about the Rogue Outlaw spec. I've read the details, seen the animations, and I'm definitely sold on the specialization. I main a Warlock, but I have several max-level Rogues that I can't wait to test out Outlaw with.


And speaking of Warlocks, the return to the universal use of Soul Shards is something I've wanted for a long time. I'm a WoW veteran going back to the beginning of the game. I was there when Soul Shards had to be stockpiled, and we Warlocks had special bags for Soul Shards alone. I remember spending a soul shard to summon a demon. Ah, memories. When the game tried to give more depth to each specialization by making them distinctive of each other, I felt Warlocks took a big hit. Soul Shards were an essential part of Warlock gameplay, and also something that defined the class as a whole. Restricting them to only one spec seemed to diminish the class. I've loved Destruction for a long time, but I hate Burning Embers. The return to Soul Shards as a secondary resource is by far one of the things I'm looking forward to the most.


Finally, the change in Shadow Priests is also one I'm looking forward to. The more focusing of the spec on the Old God theme is intriguing. I may be a Sargeras/Burning Legion fan, but the Old Gods are nothing to mock. While the concept of changing into Void Form and running out an insanity bar feels a bit like the Warlock's demonic fury of Demonology (a system I never liked), I think it may work better for Priests with this kind of theme than it did for Warlocks.


In general, I'm just excited!

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I'm really excited about the new Demon Hunters.   Double Jump & glide is something I'm dying to try.   I've been a main tank in our raiding guild for the last few expansions with a Paladin.   It would be a nice change of pace to try out a new class and have the knowledge needed to be ready to go upon raid start.


I have been playing this game for the last 10 years with a short break here and there once the raiding season was over.   Unfortunately never got a statue because of it.   


Would gladly accept and use a Legion beta key should the contest choose me.


Best of luck everyone!



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There's is much I'm excited for in Legion and I'm not going to bring up everything, because that would make a long post. What I'm really glad for in this expansion, is the new transmog system. Finally there will be something that can compensate my full bank space. Something that I really hope for maybe in a later patch is time-walking raids like Molten Core on wow's 10th anniversary. I started playing the game in mid BC so I missed some raids at their respective level and I really hope to be able to play them one day without having to make a twink character. As you can see I'm mostly doing pve content.

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I always enjoyed playing DK, but the changes to Demonology may have won me over. Please we are getting a fucking skull for an artifact weapon! Hell yeah!

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Can't wait to see how all the focus back on to dungeons turns out, every new thing about it I hear just sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Dungeons have always been one of my favorite parts of the game, and hopefully they get back to some of what I loved in the past.

Edited by Ayemiam

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What happens next in the lore is by far what interests me the most. With Warcraft Chronicles available, my hunger becomes stronger every day :D


Not sure about all the legendaries and the artefacts but the new dungeon system (with the keystones) is very promising !


For now, I'm getting all my characters ready to start Legion in the best conditions, so yeah, can't wait for it either :P

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Just hope affliction will work out alright and not fall behind because it lacks a spreading mechanic for it's soul shard generator for   reaplication of agony,(the global cooldown and cast time of other spells forcing you to either drop some or skip main damage spells. Looking very much forward to trying the shadow priest and affliction/demonology warlock(currently playing destruction as the two others are not in a spot to be beneficial forthe group. (Really hoping that blizzard will add a 4 warlock spec that works in the direction of necromancy as I feel the unholy death knight has too much of a self focus with having to be in the middle of the fight.

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I cant wait for the new PVP system and all the new dungeons I also cannot wait for the Graphical update this expansion is gonna be Huge #Legion My best memory was when i started in burning crusade when i first started my uncle had played in vanilla and he gave me his level 60 undead rouge i was so happpy and i remember the leveling in outland seeing all the enormous creatures and how tough they were.

Edited by Xerez

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I always look forward to new dungeons, but especially now.  Blizz overcompensated after people complained that Cata's dungeons were too hard and even heroics degenerated into a pointless faceroll in WoD.  It sounds like they realize they went too far and are fixing it.  Some of my best memories from vanilla and BC were struggling athough dungeons with guildies.  I know we're never going to see sprawling dungeons like in vanilla again, but it'd be nice at least to have some of the challenge back.

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While there's a lot that looks fantastic I think I'm most excited about the revisiting of class fantasy/immersion. While I'm sure it won't all be right in the first pass the fact they are thinking about and acting on it is promising. Might help though that I really like where they are taking Shadow Priests. I might feel different if I was maining a Hunter right now.


As for my best memory, I paid very little attention to the Mists Beta (I started playing in late Cata) and so that moment when the Sha become apparent in the intro and I realized that this was not going to be the "happy" expansion and that the apparently jovial coating was covering something fairly dark was fantastic. The story telling in that expansion was deeper than the receive credit for typically and I loved the overarching twists.

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I'm really looking forward to trying out Demon Hunter and the reworked Demonology Warlock. Not really sure yet whether I want to focus on PVE or PVP, but am definitely going to try out both. Also I can't wait to see what my main, Resto Shaman will be like. Lastly I'm interested in all kinds of twinks and I can't wait to find out what the new expansion will do to them :D

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Congratulation on your anniversary! I'm really looking forward to the new  transmogrification and wardrobe systems. My bank is full! biggrin.png

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I can't wait to try out the new PvP/Honor System, Artifacts, the new CMs and the world in general.
I'm also starting full time streaming next month so this may help me to have something interesting to play.

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What I am most looking forward to are:

1. The Artifact Weapons

2. Saying goodbye to the garrison and hello to Order Halls

3. Professions having meaningful questlines and promised value in creating items/consumables.

4.Class reworks.

5. New dungeons and raids.

6. The new game smell!


Favorite WoW Vanilla gripe: Why are these idiots dueling in Goldshire? I can't complete my quests.

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I think the new artifact weapon they have made are cool, and a nice new way of making the expansion.

i really like all the new lore there have been puttet in the new expansion.

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I'm really excited to try out the content within Legion. I can't wait to try out the Demon Hunters. I'm also looking forward to seeing the lore behind Legion, I love finding out the lore in any of the expansions that has been out so far, I'm especially interested what the lore is going to be in this expansion.

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I'm so excited for Legion, I can hardly wait. While I like the idea of garrisons and player housing, it will be nice to get out and explore some new zones and see some other players. Demon hunters seem like an incredibly fun class to play, with all of their mobility tricks. I was born and raised a mage though, and am super stoked to tackle Legion as fire. Hanging out in Dalaran, artifact weapons, new dungeons, it all looks amazing. Probably the thing I'm looking forward most to is the new wardrobe and transmog system-a much needed change and my bank will rejoice.


My fondest memories in WoW are when my guild first started, we finally got together a full team of 10 raiders and tackled Dragon Soul, and then H-Dragon Soul. I miss having a set team of 10 and knowing everyone was going to show up for every raid. I am not a fan of flex raiding and I think Mythic 20 was a real kick in the teeth for small guilds like mine that can't double in size without losing their whole culture.


See you all in Legion (and the beta, hopefully)!



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As a fanatic mage player I'm looking forward to fire gameplay + artifact, releasing phoenixes and leaving corpses to burn forever. Plus that wonderful combustion animation!

My personal favorite moment til now in the game is when I first flew to the Isle of Quel'Danas, full of players trying to do their dailies amidst other players who tried to kill you. A perfect combination of PvE and PvP. The blood elven music, MgT and SWP were the most beautiful instances for me as well. 2.4 patch all the way!

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The things I'm most hyped for, for Legion, is the artifact system, and the fire mage, played alot on my fire mage late Cataclysm, barely played fire in MoP and WoD, so wanna see how much the artifact affects the spec. :-)


Old memory from WoW, the first that comes to mind is, from when I was alliance, and the Guildmaster writes in guild chat, how fast the guild is evolving, imagine where we'll be in 3 months and so on,

and someone in chat answers: We'll still be in Stormwind.......

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