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Icy Veins' 5 Years Anniversary: 200 Legion Beta Key Giveaway

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Super stoked for Legion! Most looking forward to being a melee hunter, and have been putting together transmog sets based around melee weapons in preparation! The animations look awesome, and I'm just all around looking forward to the game feeling better.


As for WoW memories, I have a really fond memory of a dungeon I did on my hunter while leveling. We were goofing off, and I was using Eyes of the Beast on my turtle to run around and tank things. Nothing really significant or memorable happened, I suppose, but for some reason playing as my turtle while we made jokes and lol'd has stuck with me.

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I'm looking forward to a few things - being able to play as a Demon Hunter, the artifacts (FINALLY! My paladin will be able to wield Ashbringer! That rumor from vanilla took on positively aerith-resurrection levels of belief), and the updates to the garrison system will be a nice change. Warlords of Draenor felt a bit too much like a single player game, with individual garrisons being the primary hub of the expansion, as well as the slog that was building and upgrading them and the chore of doing missions. I'm also hopeful that there won't be another year-long tier of raid content, since PVP is so far away from being my focus in WoW that you wouldn't even be able to see it with a telescope.


My fondest memories come from vanilla WoW. I started playing live at release, and was in the beta with my guild from Dark Age of Camelot. When WoW released, I dragged my best friend over from DAoC to play with me. She's no longer with us, but I'll never forget the times we spent playing together. Between bar runs to BRD trying for her barman shanker and scholo runs (152 of them!) trying to get a headmaster's charge to drop for my warlock, or even just sitting in Stranglethorn Vale farming gorillas because that's where thottbot said the broken blade of heroes dropped.


This is probably going to sound sappy, but I guess the thing that keeps me coming back to WoW are the people I've met through playing it.

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looking forward to the new animations, that's the one thing that i like the most in a game, if i don't like the gameplay of the classes then i will not enjoy the game. Fury warrior gameplay is the one that i always look forward to this coming expac.

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I'am really excited to play on Legion because of all... we might see Sargeras, i will finally have that amazing Ashbringer... and more epic encounters, more of epic story/lore... 

And somenthing about me. I'am playing wow since TBC come out, and since then i never stop... and one more thing, i am super excited on Illidan and on Demon hunter when i will play by myself and enjoy it. 

And, I am old PVEer and RP player... so looking forward to kill that green **** Gul'dan.


So, i am really excited and i am looking forward to Legion, see you ppl in game in future... :)

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I believe what makes any mmorpg truly great is that it allows every player to feel immersed in the storyline and connected to the lore. While MoP introduced a fun new continent, and WoD an interesting alternate storyline, I believe that the two expansions failed to measure up to such icons as Arthas or Illidan in previous expansions. Being that WoD was also on an alternate timeline that seemingly failed to connect back to our own, our time spent on Draenor seemed a little... Wasteful.

I think Legion will help the player base feel like they're immersed back into the lore. Finally, we're facing the greatest, most iconic threat once again. Also, we'll truly feel like legendary figures as we'll be surpassing great leaders like Thrall or Tyrion because we're taking up their weapons. Garrisons were a great idea in that they supplemented the idea of being a leader, but the isolation that resulted killed the communal feel to WoW.

More specifically, I'm mostly excited to play a Demon Hunter. I have loved the hero class since I played night elves in Warcraft 3, and I remember being disappointed that they weren't available when WoW was first released. By extension, I'm thrilled that Illidan will be returning to the story. Anti-heroes like Illidan and (for a time) Arthas make storylines much more compelling (think Deadpool), and it'll be awesome to see how a somewhat shunned hero and following will blend into the current alliance/horde structure, just as the death knights did in WotLK.

I believe this expansion will be the deciding factor in determining the (longevity of the) future of WoW, and I have high hopes that Blizzard will deliver!

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Hmm, where to start. I think I will start by talking about some of the things I miss about "old wow". I miss the talent point system days it allowed players to pick and choose where to spend their points over more than one spec talent tree. Miss having the best Arrows/ Bullets/ quiver...ect... I was a hunter then and it was the only time I enjoyed playing a hunter for anything other than farming. Think about it farming those dang "skettis, and dragon eggs" for the nether drakes was a heck of a grind but was oh so worth it when you were one of 15 people in guild that could fly.



      I hope it is as great as it appears to be. Of course i think the new class will be a bunch of fun, but the artifacts and Character mods.... example I like the most is the druid form color changes I don't play my druid a lot but will a lot more to flash out some of those. I like having the individual character stuff because lets face it end game wow is not very good these days I cleared Black hand and wasn't impressed with the HFC not even a little. I am really hoping the new raids and Dungeons hold up to the hype it might actually bring some players back the only reason I keep my wow account active is to see if i get my beta key.... I hope to hear from y'all.



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I am look forward to the new world and new raid. But my favorite thing is class identity that they are implementing. This alone has helped me to make one of each class to level 100 before legion and I am having fun leveling up one of each character!

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I think what I've most enjoyed in the last few expansions, outside of raiding of course, would have to be the challenge modes. I still remember convincing my friends to try them out and staying up all night deciding the best strategies to get through the MoP cms. We must have wiped on Temple of Niuzao for 5 hours before we came even close to a gold time. But once we saw one gold it pumped us up to keep going. And over the next week we spent every night conquering the other eight.


In WoD a few friends decided to quit before before we all had the time to complete our first set of cms, but we found some friendly new faces and grinded them out. Finding out some of the shenanigans you could pull off with spell reflect and dark sim made the WoD cms pretty hilarious at times.


When it comes to legion I can't wait to fight gul'dan. I can't wait see, at least part of, the emerald dream. And most of all I can't wait to see where it ends, because I suspect that we will at least get a look at sargeras (after reading the warcraft chronicle I am completely hyped to meet him). But I know that no matter how the rest of the expansion plays out, I'll still have challenge modes as a back up. The addition of the new (diablo 3) variable mechanics means that even when my friends and I know a dungeon forwards and backwards, we probably won't be able to turn on auto pilot. So for legion I would say raiding is still number 1, but the new challenge mode, because of the experiences we've had in the past two expansions, is a very close second.

Edited by korvox

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I'm looking forward to a lot of things about Legion. I like that Blizzard is starting to 'lock down' the lore with books like Chronicle, and it seems the book has quite a bit of synergism with the upcoming expansion. I love the changes to leveling and questing; being able to pick where we want to go will be huge particularly during launch.


And of course, can't say enough good things about the updates to the transmog system. I've always been a hoarder of armor sets, having them available for all my characters is amazing. I also appreciate the addition of some items that are not currently transmoggable, to be moggable in the future!


I still have some concerns about the artifact system, but I am impressed that blizzard seems to be taking a lot of the feedback to heart about them. My hope in the future is that they might keep something of the artifact system for future expansions- but work more on building a unique item that is a symbol of 'our' character, rather than heroes past.


Here's hoping its a fun expansion! 

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Really looking forward to the new Artifact system and seeing how that'll play out, and also all the new animations :)

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I'm really looking forward for everything, to be honest, but if I have to pick the most anticipated stuff, then they would be the artifacts, their questlines, the transmog system and the lore.

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As many out there, I'm looking forward to the release of the demon hunter hero class. Tanking has always been my favorite role in WoW, and having played the other tank specs to death I am really looking forward to a variance in playstyle and mechanics (brewmaster did nothing for me).


However - more importantly, and what I'm really looking forward to is the draw Legion is having towards all my old friends who have moved on from WoW or chased other MMO's during Warlords. I have probably 5 - 6 old gaming buddies (going back to Vanilla) that will be coming back to play during Legion.


Really pumped for that more than anything. There's just something about a WoW xpac that keeps bringing us back, take that, then throw in Illidan and artifacts? GG.

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First of all, I am most excited about the PvP talents, and seeing where the monk class is headed to (playstyle wise). I've been playing monk since release, going through good and bad times. My fondest memory would be hitting 2600 in 3s durimg WoDs first season, my first season I ever participated in and I hope to achieve even higher ratings in the future. Playing Legion to get an early preview would be great to find my class' niche. Also, seeing what I am cappable of to do with my character would allow me to have some great PvP moments come Legion!

Of course, being able to play my own "Illidan" will be awesome too. Ever since I played WoW for the first time in TBC, Illidan became my favourite lore character. Seeing how the demon hunter class shapes up in PvP would be interesting to experience first hand, instead of watching streams.

Thanks for the giveaway, there may not be many keys, but I do hope to get one! :D

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Since WOTLK i play DK, want to see all new spells and also new zones !


Happy birthday Icy Veins !

Good luck everyone ! smile.png

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Personally, I'm mostly looking forward to the end game raiding content that legion will bring. It's going to be fun to after a long break from progression to go back in there and kill bosses as a guild. Just hope the long wait will be worth it!

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I really want to test the articaft weapons and new dungeon system. Seems very customizable and fun.


Also im an altaholic so i cant wait to get all 36 artifact weapons hahahaha


And Demond Hunters! Will not main one but they look a lot fun to play.

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Well, that's an easy one really.


Back in TBC, I was "hardcore" raider (back then it essentially meant you did any raiding beyond SSC) as enhancement shaman. It was a wild time, because enh was very melee focused and had no way to stop his threat generation, except for overaggro and ankh. And this was the most cool time I had during any expansion, with early Cata being very close.


Now, let's look at Legion. Burning Legion and demons galore - check. Enhancement is sort of going back to it's TBC roots - check. Naga threat and KJ looming at horizon - check.


If everything goes right, this will be real "Back to TBC" that WoD struggled to be for me.  

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Very excited to explore the new lore and PvP!




We have so much lore! Vrykul lore, Tirisfal lore, old humans lore, probably troll lore, legion lore, tons of elf lore, black dragon lore, Light lore, arcane lore, fel magic lore, Azeroth lore, titan lore, tauren lore.



Like the list keeps going, as far as story goes, Blizz is really pulling out all the stops. Can't wait to see Illidan again!!!

Edited by conza1723

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I'm just ready for the pre-patch to get all my toons their bag space back and then to fill up the transmog collection tab with new stuff.

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I'm looking forward to Blades of the Fallen Prince and the first thing I will do is return to slay NezGhul and return to ICC to slay the former Lich King.

As far as my favorite moment, first time I played my DK.

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I am most looking forward to class changes. I enjoy seeing the new talents and redesigns that happen and keep gameplay interesting. The thing that stands out for me this time is, https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/15412-artifact-series-mage/artifact weapons! I think the whole plan sounds pretty great and should keep interest further into the expansion than we typically see. 


Just look at how cool Felo'melorn looks, who can pass this up! The lore history is also super interesting, it's names we all recognize with an exciting story to follow it up. If there's one thing blizzard does well, it's tell a great story.  (i suppose the staff of the dragonheart is also ok.. but only ok)

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