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Transmog focused guilds

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Are there any guilds out there that are focused on transmog runs and older content? I understand that players are usually focused on current content since they've run the older stuff plenty when it was current, and it seems like most guilds I've joined find running old content for mog and achieves as a waste of time in general. Part of that is because casual guilds tend to have a lot of people just using the guild for the level 25 perks and aren't necessarily focused on being active where guild events are concerned, and of course hardcore raiding guilds are only interested in defeating current raids, the same with PVP focused guilds.

So are those old content focused guilds out there?

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My guild has dedicated cheevie/morg nights, friday and saturday. We're weird in that we do a little bit of everything. Our schedule is something like this

Sunday - Current Tier Raiding.

we took alot of time off during the end of last year so we're a bit behind, we're moving into ToT as soon as we're all geared for it.

Tuesday - Challenge mode, May become alt raid night,

Friday - Raid Cheevie/Morg night

Saturday Raid Cheevie/Morg night

Friday and saturday fluctuate in that if we're working on the drakes from Firelands, we won't do something hard the next day, or vice versa.

Thursday isn't a scheduled guild activity night, but is there are enough people on we'll do morg runs or help people who are running say Naxx

or ICC and are trying to get a drop..

We're Casually Retro on the Dentarg Server.

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