Murfet 0 Report post Posted March 25, 2016 We are currently looking for members to fill out our roster for Mythic Raiding, as well as our Heroic Raiding team. We have two different raid groups that are available to our guildies! Mythic Progression: 1/13 and 15% on Iron Reaver Heroic Raid team :10/13 Heroic. Mythic Progression group is as follows; - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5:15-7:30 Server time. - Loot is given on a /roll basis. The Raid Leader reserves the right to disperse loot as he sees fit. Tier pieces are earned, not given. - We are currently 13/13 Normal and Heroic, as well as 1/13 Mythic. - 710+ Item level. - Required Legendary Ring + Ventrilo. Heroic Group is as follows; Friday, Saturday 6:30-9:30 PST - Loot is given on a /roll basis. The Raid Leader reserves the right to disperse loot as he sees fit. Tier pieces are earned, not given. -Currently 13/13 Normal and 10/13 Heroic. -685+ Item level. - Required Legendary Ring + Ventrilo. The Mythic team is looking for ranged DPS, but will consider all. Needed: Warlock WW Monk Bench (Mythic Capable players (even tanks as long as they have a heal or DPS spec) Please contact Rdruid-BoreanTundra Via in-game Mail or RealID (ProMenace#1445) if you have any questions or if interested. Heroic Team is looking for any and all Heroic Capable players that have acquired their legendary ring. And are looking to down some heroic Bosses (Maybe get a moose!) and gear up to be able to see Mythic Content! Contact Ziluu-BoreanTundra (Our GM) if you are interested in heroic raiding or joining an awesome group of people! Thanks! Feel free to contact me with any questions as well! Merfet #1733 ~Murfet (the friend murdering healer) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites