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I created an account here so I could reply to this guide. Thank you. It is excellent.

It took me many, many tries and no small amount of gold in repair bills, but as of today my fel flames are flyin'.

Each mini-phase of this fight must be mastered and there is very little room for error. After getting the first two imp/felhunter/doomguard phases down cold, I had issues late in the fight. First, the doomguards (one or both) would sometimes aggro on me. This was due to me getting excited toward the end and not gating enough. Also, don't forget that after the 2x felhunter phases, you are free to use Soulshatter anytime you need an aggro dump. Imps, stray Doomguard, whatever.

Second, the imps. Erhmagad the imps. He summons nothing but imps after the second round of doomguards, and the imps were giving me hell. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. First, I was positioning my Rain of Fires too far out - you have to bury that thing inside Kanrethad's portal (at least half of your target reticle) if you want to hit them all. Stand almost IN it when you have your Pit Lord do the breath on them. Then, gate, reengage Kan, breath yourself again to clear his dots, and drop a couple more RoF's on that godforsaken portal just to be SURE all the damn imps are dead.

I also had one try where he was at 5% and the Pit Lord enslave ran out (3rd time). Whoops! Gotta save embers and Shadowburn the crap out of them just after the Cata/stun, while he's kneeling and taking more damage.

I did this at iLvl 474...because I forgot to swap Blessed Medallion of Karabor back to my real necklace. >.> Oh well, he's dead and I'm green.

Thanks again.

Edited by Denaa
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This is a great guide, I was struggling with the dogs until I found this. The only other thing I would recommend, is also using Glyph of Health Funnel. Several times now I have cleared both dogs and doom guards, but my pit lord dies before I can kill Kanrethad. The instant 15% health to the pit lord helps a lot. I have not killed Kanrethad yet but only because of simple mistakes, I hope to have him downed by the end of the night.

Thanks again!!

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Thank you very much for this guide!

I would like to say this, I managed to do this in ilvl 486 gear as destro. It took me about 3 hours, or 23 tries to get down. I used a flask, int potion before the start and the purification potion. The hardest part for me was the transition from the first set of waves to the next, once the second imp wave came I was getting lost in all the defensive key bindings and of course managing a "permanent" add. The felhunters were sometimes a little bit about luck as well, as they sometimes managed to de-enslave the pitlord even tough he was already hidden behind a pillar. My last try was actually quite bad, I managed to miss some imps every imp wave, pitlord had about 0.5% HP once Kanrethad died, etc., but I managed, and I suggest everyone to keep on going even tough the try can look grim, because you will always gain some experience from it :)

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Thanks for the guide and video Ackthal. I joined the green fire club this morning. It's been a long wait for someone who has played a lock as their main since launch.

@Rylana - Nice tip on the raid marker. Didn't think of that at first and it made sending my pit lord over there that much quicker/eaiser

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I also made an account here just now so I could contribute. First of all, thank you Ackthal - this guide was invaluable. I just got my green fire today and was so excited, I couldn't stop cackling maniacally for a good half-hour and I felt that I had to offer any advice I could to any other 'locks struggling with this Sha of Douchebaggery.

I hope I don't step on any toes here since just because a strat worked for me, it may not work for everybody. That being said though, this is how I got him so I know it can be done.

I was 496 ilvl equipped, +200 mastery food buff, and imp sacced were my only buffs (aside from Sstone, portal and gateway). No flasks, pots (pre-pot or battle pot), or +int food. Hell, I didn't even use my doomguard! Again, I'm not saying this is the *best* way, I'm just relaying what I did. Obviously, ideally, you'd want 250-300 int food, flask of the warm sun, and pots (both pre- and battle) and make use of your DG.

Also, the 4pc tier 14 bonus works very well with the Dark Soul glyph. A shorter CD on Dark Soul makes the glyph that much more effective.

Now, a rundown:

I set up a gateway in the middle of the grate, with the other one in front of Kan's portal, but on the other side of the middle from where he stands. Like, if the grate is a clock, he stands at about 1-2, then runs to the middle for Cata; I had my other gateway around 10-11. I tried putting it square in the middle of his portal like in the vid, but once the imps come out, and damage numbers start flying around, things get a bit crazy and I lose track of my placement. Keeping it just off center helps me keep an eye on it.

I set my portal off to the 3 o'clock side of the grate, about 10-15 yards off of it, so when I port to it, it puts me facing one of the nooks between the statues behind Kan's portal. That's where I stick my Pit Lord for felhound phases. I got in the practice of putting my port circle down *after* I clicked the soulwell, so it stays up for as long as possible - having your portal or gateway run out mid-fight REALLY sucks.

Once I clicked the soulwell, I moved to about 4 o'clock on the grate and waited for him to talk his smack. Right before combat begins, I toss a RoF on him, then immediately Curse of Elements when he's attackable. Since RoF counts as a basic dot, it's already started ticking damage as you use the one GCD for Curse. Ideally, you'll have a proc or two going off now. I opened with Immo, conflag, and incin (hopefully, all your other procs are lining up now, if not, thank the RNG gods for snubbing you), pop CD's, Chaos Bolt, conflag, immo x3, CBolt, immo away your backdrafts and refresh immo with procs going. By now, he's started to summon the Pit Lord, so get a couple more immo's if your backdrafted and throw an instant RoF right before the Lord comes out. Enslave him * immediately* while walking backwards to keep out of his range (KJC is mandatory). Once he's yours, PUT HIM ON ASSIST as you gateway over to Kan.

This next bit is pretty critical to the fight, IMO. As you're positioning yourself next to Kan, start casting CBolt. Right before it fires off, use the Lord's Charge ability to stun him and double his damage taken. Make sure he's stunned when your CBolt goes off, Fel Flame yourself (with the macro) so that it hits you both and get off another CBolt if you have the embers - or at least conflag. Make sure to use this technique every time you Charge him - precast CBolt, Charge, Flame, another CBolt. I'm fairly certain that had a lot to do with my killing him when I was so gimped (fail buffs, etc).

Hang out there for 10 seconds until you can Flame again, and then gate away and your Lord should have full aggro.

Now, I guess he's supposed to cast Cataclysm before the imp phase, but he usually derps it for some reason - dunno if it's based on damage done or whatever, but that frees you up to use Charge again when you would otherwise save it to interrupt Cata. Extra damage! Yay!

Imp phase -

I basically used Ackthal's technique, minus manually positioning the Lord. Since the Lord is a pet, it attacks from the rear, so when Kan is summoning imps, the Lord is behind him, facing the same way, pointed right at the portal. So I stand between Kan and the portal (basically in his summoning beam), and when imps start appearing, I toss a couple RoF's on em, eat a cookie (glyphed, so it's a HoT), pop Unending Resolve, Fel Flame myself (at them) and when they're all out, Shadowfury them, Fire & Brimstone Immo them, then run to your port. As your running back into Flame position (standing between Kan and the imps), toss another RoF on them, then Flame when you're in position. That should take them out.

He'll soon run to the middle to start casting Cata. Use the Charge technique above. However, the Cata transition between imps and felhounds is definitely the most stressful. Once the Charge stun has worn off, port to your circle off to the side, put the Lord on passive and move him into the nook space between statues. Running back to use the center gateway, use SoulShatter to make sure Kan stays focused on the Lord and Cauterize Master if you have any remaining debuffs on you - especially Seed. Unbound Will might be necessary if you are still debuffed and Cauterize is on CD.

Felhound phase

When the first felhound (FH1) appears, pop offensive cd's (pray that your procs are going off right now) and hit him with Immo and Havoc. When FH2 appears, CBolt him. When FH3 appears, Shadowfury them all. FH1 might be dead by now with Immo and the CBolt dot, if not, Shadowburn him. FH2 will probably need a conflag, then Shadowburn. Then just focus burn on FH3. When it's down to about 20-25% (like when you're going to kill him in the next second or two) put the Lord back on assist. When FH3 is down, get back to attacking Kan if you can, but he will be starting the next Cata cast right around then so make sure you're near the center of the grate with the Lord nearby.

Now, once I started consistently getting to Kan's 2nd wave of summons, my biggest hurdle was that during the second felhound stage, the Enslave Demon wears off of the Lord. I had read different strategies on how to deal with this (banish him while dealing with hounds, banish hound and fear him, etc), but I always just ended up panicking when I saw him running at me all pissed off and hit every "oh shit" button I had and hope something worked - and it never did (you mean Unending Breath isn't a DPS cooldown??). So what I did, was during the Cata casting/stun/CBolt, etc following the felhounds, I dismiss the Lord and re-enslave him, which keeps the enslavement for the rest of the fight.

**IMPORTANTE** Only dismiss the Lord *AFTER* you've used Charge/Flame. I repeat, DO NOT dismiss Lord unless Charge/Flame is on cooldown, or else he will use them on you without mercy. I could never get past the 2nd felhounds until I started doing this.

Doomguard phase

Pretty easy, just put yourself in Kan's summoning beam as he's calling out the DG. Once DG appears, Flame yourself (on him), gate away, and never deal with him again. Ditto for the 2nd DG - some people suggest banishing him, but I had both DG's on the Lord with no problems.

Once Kan gets below 20%, the Charge/stun effect really comes into play. Try to have full embers whenever its time to Charge him so when he's stunned and taking double damage, you can get off 3-4 Shadowburns at a time. I downed him this way with ~35 seconds left on DOOM and a 200bpm heart rate :-)

Hope this helps! Good Luck!


Forgot to mention a couple things:

Charge has a 20s cooldown and each phase lasts about a minute, so you can safely get off 2 Charges per phase - 3 if you're spot-on with the timing, but that's cutting it close. I used Charge during Cata (obv) and again when he's summoning demons. It doesn't actually stop the summon, but it lets you get in that extra damage. Once you get comfortable with the timing and you know you have at least 20 seconds until Cata, make use of that Charge! Seriously, getting those little chunks of extra damage makes all the difference.

Also, as far as required ilvl goes, since I downed him with 496 ilvl and less-than-perfect buffs, I'm pretty sure that as long as you are buffed right (and use pots and DG at some point), this fight could be done at ilvl 490 or so, maybe even less if you're using a Purification Potion.

Edited by Azerious
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I can get through all 3 phases and repeat all 3 phases. My problem seems to be gettin the imps to dop fast enough. it takes me until he is ready for cataclysm to get them down. I think this may be the reason why after the 3rd wave of imps kanrethad is still above 30% I dont understand where im going wrong im lvl 508 reforged gemed encahnted according to dr robot, using 1320 int flask, 275 in food buff all the glyphs aside from dark soul which i think would decrease my dps. i try to get extra choas bolts in on every cataclysm.....i just dont know where i am going wrong. i have literally 250 wipes and have been beating my head against the wall for 3 weeks trying to do this. any ideas why when i see the video everything seems to drop with half the dps than im throwing??

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I commented where you made your other post. Pretty sure what I laid out should help you through the trouble phase you're dealing with.

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I was also having issues with downing the imps quickly enough. I was placing my RoF too far in front of the summoning portal and was not moving my Pit Lord into the correct position so his fel breath wasn't hitting all of the imps. Once I adjusted my RoF positioning and started moving the Pit Lord in front of the portal, I got the kill in 2-3 attempts.

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I just have to jump on the big thank you dog-pile here Ackthal. I've recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's and the tremor in my right hand gets worse under stress. The organization I got from this guide helped me push through, keep my cool and now i have green fire. I know there's already a good guide from Damien up top but this deserves a sticky IMHO. It's a slightly different way to go about it and it's worked for me and lots of others.

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I just have to jump on the big thank you dog-pile here Ackthal. I've recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's and the tremor in my right hand gets worse under stress. The organization I got from this guide helped me push through, keep my cool and now i have green fire. I know there's already a good guide from Damien up top but this deserves a sticky IMHO. It's a slightly different way to go about it and it's worked for me and lots of others.

Thanks for the nice comment Skyrge, I'm really glad the guide helped you. Kudos to you for beating this encounter! Posted Image

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Thank you for an excellent guide. I would like to add a few comments from a higher ilvl perspective. I never got the quest drop item until recently so I had maybe ~519 ilvl when I finally got to this part. I accidentally killed Kanrethad during what was to be my last practice run getting used to your tactics, placement and new macro buttons. Sort of anticlimax with unused flasks, potions and food in my bags but still very fun and enjoyable fight.

The imps didn't bother me much, perhaps because of higher HP. After letting the pit lord breath on the imps and resetting my aggro I used them as chaos bolt generator and bombed the boss. I finished most imps off with at most one FoB. Sometimes one or two imps survived but didnt bother me so much.

The felhunters were still tricky but go down faster. Sometimes I had a chaos bolt prepared otherwise I shadowburned the first one to get enough for the other two. One chaos bolt + max two spells kills them off. Oh, and I think I had to fel flame the third one to get aggro on me so he didnt go and free the pit lord.

I never got around to the dismiss/reenslaving pit lord part. As it so happens, the enslave wore off just as I was killing the last felhunter and having panicked at that (felhunters) I was on the run at the opposite corner of where I placed the pit lord. That gave me loads of time to reenslave him while he leisurely paced towards me.

The third wave of imps coincided with Kalthesad going under 20% so I shadowburned him using focus fire and cast rain of fire as shadowburn generator and focused on 1) keeping rain of fire up (which sometimes means you target an imp thus the focus fire), 2) keeping fel breath on them up and 3) ressseting my aggro.

It is important to learn and use the pit lord abilities. The pit lord flame macro targeted towards the player is brilliant! I had a similar macro to target an imp but didnt really use it as I targetet an imp when casting rain of fire anyway and felt safer to know that the pit lord targeted the same.

Edited by Leia
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First and foremost, many thanks for this guide! This gave me a great understanding of the mechanics behind this encounter and what all needs to be done in order to be Kanrethad.

It took me roughly 30-40 goes at Kanrethad before finally downing him, and I was rocking a solid 490 ilvl pure pvp gear. http://us.battle.net...Hoobawnk/simple

Rather than restating your strategy, I would like to add on what you and others have communicated. I found that I was able to burn him much faster at the beginning by building embers and instantly charging/cb spam once you enslave the PL. In addition, for those using purification potion/lower ilvl - you can go ahead and bust out your Doom Guard since it will most likely take you more than 10 min to burn Kanrethad and will be able to use twice. Also, for the fel puppy stages, lower ilvl locks would benefit from following the same strat in addition to banishing first fel and havoc + 2x conflag second fel while cb the 3rd.

I was able to down Kanrethad after 2 additional imp stages beyond the first two main rounds. If you slack off on dropping aggro via ports, make sure you banish/fear either or both of the Doom Lords to either save your PL's hp or help mitigate the crazyness.

TAKE AWAYS: My enslavement on the PL bugged off several times throughout the encounter when no fel pups were around, just calm down and re-enslave. Also, imp singe was nice, but if you are having difficulties around the 10-20% range with the imps and everything as I did try using your VW for the sac shield. Having 750k hp is a nice backup for when shit hits the fan. Also, I didn't use the hs/ember glyphs as I much prefer the instant heals.

The green is mean, good luck all and thanks for getting me on the right track!

Edited by Hoobawank
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FINALLY!!!! A month later i finally down kanrethad. I want to thank Ackthal. I would never have dowwned him w/o the macros talents and most of all the demonic gate. I did not deal with a single choas bolt leaving my "panic button" macro to deal with imps. No one can explain the feeling when you first get green fire. Good luck to everyone trying....it took me 100's of wipes so just dont give up!

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Hi I also just joined to thank you so so so much for this guide!! Helped me alot with the portals and aggro reducement. I used some banish on one of the doomguards but I got the aggro after so be ready to use portal/ attack it with pitlord to lose the aggro when banish goes off. Thanks again, tried to beat him in 2 Days. My ilvl is 486 had average dps 40-50k and Destro. Thanks again <3 :*

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Thank you for this awesome guide, I haven't completed it, but the fight looks much better now. I am very low on ilvl - 480 and most of gears are pvp gears. I did reforge everything into hits to have about +12% hit rate.

The best try I had is to get to 4th imp phase, but boss is still at 45% HP, and my Pit Lord only has 15% HP. I guess I just don't have enough dps to down Kanethad. I saw at the beginning of the video how you dmg the boss to 90% HP before Pit lord comes out, never happens to me :)

What also really annoys me is that two doom guards standing in the portal where the imps spawn and blocking my view to drop RoF. I decide to fear doomguard as soon as it appears to move it away from the portal.

will keep trying :)

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With ilvl 481 gear, I've been wiped another 25 times in the last 2 days, the closet one is 13% hp, my pit lord lost enslavement.

If your Pit Lord is losing your Enslave Demon cast, make sure that you release him from captivity while Kan is summoning the Doomguard and re-enslave him. Have him instantly attack Kan again and use your Demonic Gateway to drop any threat you might have. Then stand between Kan and the Doomguard and have him use his Breath to clean your debuffs and pull the Doomguard onto him. If it happened at 13%, then you're as close as you can get. Just pull that off during the Doomguard and all you'll have to worry about is the Imp phase, if that. KEEP AT IT!

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Finally down him last night with ilvl 481 (half pvp gear, no enchants >< ), BIG thank you to Ackthal and all people above!

@Zagam, I can re-enslave pit lord pretty well during two doom guard phases, but because my dps is quite low, I have to get to 6th(or 7th) imps phase, so I need to re-enslave pit lord for the 3rd time while two doom guards are attack me. That was exactly what happened last night, boss was also casting another group of imps, I was taking heavy damage, all my panic buttons are on CD, I just hit Ember Taps like crazy :) Lucky when i was about 5% HP and run out of Embers, Pit Lord heal is ready.

A few things I notice:

- Glyph of Health Funnel is very useful for long fight, you can make a macro to heal yourself as well as the Pit Lord, you only lose very little HP to heal him, so you don't have to banish or fear doom guards, just let pit lord tank both two.

/cast Demonic Siphon

/cast Health Funnel

- Purification Potion is bugged sometimes, I did drink the Jade Serpent Potion and Flask before the fight, not using any potion after that, purification potion is available for the whole fight, until the last 20 - 30 seconds of Ultimate Doom Curse about to expire, you can't use it, the button is grey! You can't see any timer on it, once you die, it starts to count from 59 seconds. So my suggestion is to use purification potion early, like 1 min before it expires.

- If your gear isn't very good like me, you should really watch out the Rain of fire casted by the boss, try to avoid it if you can, he likes to cast Rain of fire on you at fel hunter stage, so make sure you kite the fel hunter out of RoF, or have shadow shield absorb it if you have pvp set bonus to absorb damage of all magic schools.

- after two doom guards are out, after finishing imps, it becomes really hard to find the nearest Gateway between doom guards and pit lord, I like to setup a Demonic Circle next to the Gateway in the center, so I can portal and run through that Gateway to drop threat.

Good luck to anyone who is attempting it. It is definitely the best solo quest for warlock, and running random LFR with 481 gear at the bottom of dps table BUT CAST GREEN FIRE is just priceless :)

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As many other have done, I thought I'd create an account on here to say many thanks for the awesome guide, Ackthal... it most definitely has helped me a lot! After around 50 or so attempts I finally got him down the other day, woo hoo, I should be green fire enabled now.

I say "should" be green fire enabled now because, well, I killed Kanrethad and successfully completed the "Infiltrating the Black Temple" quest at the end but I'm still throwing out the boring orange fire. I seem to have encountered a bug where after completing the quest nothing else happens. I stuck around for like 10 mins after completion but nothing. No green fire. No further dialogue.

So, I sent in a support ticket, a GM told me that I should have received an auto-accept quest called "The Eye of Naaru" which I simply complete by talking to Wrathion (the same guy for the Legendary quests), this then concludes the event. The GM told me that all I had to do now was go and talk to Wrathion and all would be complete. Well, no such luck, Wrathion had no idea who I was or why I was there. I sent another support ticket. This time another GM replied and told me that I needed a quest called "Awaiting the Black Harvest", here I just need to wait for Wrathion to contact me - he kindly put the quest in my quest log.

That was nearly two days ago and I'm still waiting for Wrathion to contact me. Has anyone else had this problem or heard anything about this "Awaiting the Black Harvest" quest (pretty much zero info about the quest online) and how long I'm supposed to wait for Wrathion to contact me? In the meantime, I did send a third support ticket, something just doesn't seem right here to me.

For me, it seems Kanrethad was the easy bit lol Posted Image

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@Jimall Hi, I Think you missed to "consume/channeling" on the boss. So you absorb his spellpower (green fel fire). You could go look in Shadowmoon valley where the 2 (she/him) stands in the middle somewhere. you can go wowhead and look I think.

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Finally down him last night with ilvl 481 (half pvp gear, no enchants >< ), BIG thank you to Ackthal and all people above!

As many other have done, I thought I'd create an account on here to say many thanks for the awesome guide, Ackthal... it most definitely has helped me a lot!

I'm glad it helped :)

Thanks to everyone who gave additional input

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Half awake when writing this, so forgive me if it was already said, but RoF doesn't deal more damage each time you drop it. It simply applies an aura to the target that deals damage over time, the visual effect is just for show. Can't have multiple RoF debuffs on one target :<.

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@Jimall Hi, I Think you missed to "consume/channeling" on the boss. So you absorb his spellpower (green fel fire). You could go look in Shadowmoon valley where the 2 (she/him) stands in the middle somewhere. you can go wowhead and look I think.

Yep, looks like I made a completely noob mistake and totally missed the consume/channelling bit. I put it down to having an increased heart rate due to finally beating him Posted Image

I went back and killed him again, remembered to consumed this time and now everything is Green.

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Joining the ranks of those who created an account simply to thank you. Really, without your aid, I'd probably wouldn't have even tried to do this. Truly and epic battle... one I hope won't have to do again anytime soon. Thanks again man, greatly appreciated.

3 days of attemps.

iLevel 494.

Around 65 tries, if my count of used used Potion of The Jade Serpent is correct.

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Thanks for this awesome guide and video. Took me 50 tries to obtain green fire. I started out in really bad gear and worked my way up to better gear to finally get it. Ranks higher than my accomplishments in Brawler's and beating Diablo on Inferno difficulty when D3 was actually hard. Great fight and I really appreciate the work you put into your guide.

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