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By TheKazar
Dear Readers
(DISCLAIMER: I do not support bot-users nor am I a bot-user myself, this Is not about the bot-user ban waves either I also apologize In advance this Is a longer read)
I've been fighting for upwards of a year now, more valiantly and with more effort In the last 6 months however, as I try and raise awareness of an issue that's one of many reasons Blizzard's World of Warcraft game Is losing subs and failing both In ability to keep a long term stable population and treat their customers fairly. I ask you to hear me out first, read what I have to say (write?) and then judge, take your time to read this and gather your thoughts, as I'm not here to troll, shame or point fingers, only to find a way for me and my friends to be able to play our beloved game once again & point out the flaws and mistreatments of the general WoW population In hopes Blizzard will help, not just us select few who were harmed, that we were harmed now doesn’t mean you won’t be harmed In a few days by this - to be explained further below *, thank you.
Allow me to start off with my own story of how I got here and why, In a short version. Since April 2015 I was banned on my main account, that I’ve played for 10 years now since vanilla (10 years back then, 11 and a half now of course) since the beginning of WoW, I’ve played since I was a kid, I’ve enjoyed the game to high heaven, so on and so on, no need to give another written speech about how we’ve all enjoyed this game so much, we’ve all had this feeling that the game Is so great and amazing, most likely started off with Warcraft 3, and then moved on to WoW Itself. Longer version will be below, this short one was to catch your attention!
I’ve played every single month since the beginning of vanilla on EU, every single month paid for, because I love the game, I love to raid, I love to PvP, and with the added value of Roleplaying which so many people consider boring and only laugh at. While I find It as a tool to further immerse myself Into the universe of Warcraft. I’ve helped as much as I could, reported people with bad names – the best example of this Is a person whose current character will remain unnamed used to have the name Guderian on our RP server, on Moonglade. And In a group effort among my friends, we mass reported him as we associated the name quickly with Heinz Guderian Nazi General of WW2– which obviously nobody wants In their game, a person like that. With again the added effect that we Roleplayers, use an addOn called MyRolePlay which displays descriptions of your character, history, birthplace, title and so on… and we clearly saw his full name as “Heinz Guderian” and that was simply unacceptable for us all..
So that Is one of the things I strived to not have In my game, people who support such people and ideas, among other I reported spammers, goldsellers, people who would harass me back In the days, as I’m sure some of us have experienced one way or another or were participants In such an act themselves – and If you were, shame *Bell ring*
The game has helped me In life, there Is a story about Rob Kazinsky who Is of course the actor for Orgrim Doomhammer In the upcoming Warcraft Movie, he has had experience with WoW for years and years, and still plays to my knowledge. It has helped him boost his self esteem, to go out and work, make friends, be nicer to people and just all around a better person - this story Is what describes most of us from WoW as well and that Includes me. I've learnt to speak english solely by playing video games, namely Warcraft. I've begun working In tourism, In a hotel specificly a year and a half ago which gave me a nice job, a girlfriend so on and so on... It was a great influence on my life.
Some may know me and know that I post on various forums Infrequently, due to my posts being downvoted and unliked, quite obvious as blizzard fanboys will jump on the chance to try hide criticism of their favorite game. But In this post, the 1 or two that I made here before I thought reasonably explained my situation (I was mistaken), and would get the attention of a Blizzard-GM and to help me solve my problem. As I thought Blizzard are truly that helpful and want to be nice to their community and players, and If one of us was treated unfairly especially by their own staff they would try to rectifie this.
I was sadly wrong, my first post as I remember a year ago mentioned how –I- was harassing someone**, and that’s the reason I was banned… as I can’t expect people to have followed my posts In the last year allow me to explain the situation further:
I was not the harasser – I am completely innocent In this as can be. The reason for that Is I was away on a business trip since January to April 2015, to Poland hoping I’d find a good stable job there… It kinda failed as I was given a trial period and they didn’t like how I was performing so I was sent packing basically. Days before I had arrived, I was noticing towards the end of April that there were emails which came In February that were along the lines of “You’re doing bad stuff on your WoW Account, cease and desist or we’ll suspend your account further” And I was like… O.O I’m not even on my account… haven’t been for months, so I call up my family and find out my brother’s been playing on my computer, and account with a password he STOLE from me (I repeat, stole, I did not give him access), my parents were convinced I had given him access to my PC so they shrugged It off
And so I arrive home, obviously smack the hell out of my brother (Not really), he played on my chars, explained how he went after this girl he really liked In the game (Or guy, I’ve played long enough to not ever be sure on WoW) and kinda went too far, he realized and well since that time It’s stopped… and no harm was done long term, this was around the 2nd or 3rd april 2015, however… two weeks later, April 14th 2015 minutes after midnight I receive an email out of nowhere (You are now perma banned, sorry, we can’t tell you why, but you are). And that’s the big kick In the teeth as well, they can’t tell me why… I’ve only ASSUMED In this last year and a half that the reason Is they’ve conducted an investigation and confirmed my brother’s been doing all of that stuff. Yet… they’ve already confirmed that since they suspended the account multiple times… so I don’t get It, they already knew, they already had confirmation, they already meted out punishments, but It never went so far as to continue beyond the few warnings and suspensions put on my account when my brother was In control.
So that Is my full story, unchanged, unmoving, **but to explain the point above, why did I say It was me? Well my brother Is a teenager, and despite me hating him I couldn’t put my younger brother on the spotlight.. so I said “Hey yeah It was me.. sorry.. give me back my account now please? This Is my first offense In 10 years, won't happen again” obviously that didn’t work, and later on I just gave up and told Blizzard the whole story and that he did It, with the added Information my brother told me later on about what he did so that Blizzard can see the big picture too.
Also, let me mention that I gave Blizzard LEGITIMATE PROOF of me not being anywhere near the IP Identified with the banning during the suspending times, aka my PC at home. I gave them my flight tickets, I gave them my hotel reservation, my ID, even my bloody Authentication Key on the vanilla-wow box I bought 11 years ago which Is like –THE- proof of ownership. And all In all, all of this I would class as “Being hacked” because that’s what It essentially was. My password was stolen, used on my account for my brothers own benefits, without my knowledge… yet they won’t treat It like that. And no matter to the fact I’ve played WoW 10 years with a SPOTLESS slate, no suspensions, compaints towards my account or bans EVER prior to all of this going down and trying to help out where I can as mentioned above.
The main argument here of my innocence Is this: I didn’t do It, why should I be punished? There Is no evidence to support It either, none that they are showing and I doubt they have. He already was punished, he got his punishment. While I was away on a work trip, hoping to supply for my family and myself working hard day and night (And a hotel receptionist you get both shifts at times) and just wanting to return home eventually and play WoW again which keeps me happy, relaxed and fine. My brother commited these things, I did not as the proof shows. And before you start arguing “I deserve to be banned too” – how would you feel If someone literaly hacked your account, stole your password, played for a few weeks or months, caused you to be banned for using bots, harassing, economy abuse or other and then you got the account back… and despite given the account back, the suspensions and things done on the account pour over to you as the owner, even If you didn’t do any of them and COULD NOT stop It? Is that fair…? That's like saying "Well -you- didn't do the harassment, but someone on your account did, so you'll suffer for It now" ... what??????
*To continue what I mentioned even more above – In a few days, you might get banned yourself, or even suspended which Is fine, you most likely did something wrong, you wait It out, realize your punishment and move on with playing fairly, a simple and good practice for a company? I would say so, the rules when It comes to banning WoW players Is something as follows: “We will suspend players for violations of our EULA & ToA for a certain period of time, 3 hours or upwards of a week/months with the hopes that they will learn their lesson, and realize that this will not work and they will resume playing the regular way”
Not a direct quote, but It goes something like that, Blizzard will suspend your account initially, a few times If needed to tell you “Hey, stop…” and If you persist they will have to put a perma ban on your account to put you away from the regular community – which Is a reasonable stance, In my case I have been given an instant perma ban for exactly nothing – It was not my fault, how could I even prevent It? Which Is In itself bizzare, not to mention there’s only been 1 GM that’s been “Resolving” aka cancelling my tickets In the last half year, I feel he has either a personal bias here, or just likes to ban people a lot, I’m sure he’s banned, suspended or harassed more than just me – for proof of this check one of the links below which show about half of the tickets I made answered by the same Game Master, as If they put a flag on my account that said “Only I <Unnamed GM> can answer this guys’ tickets now”, why do I say harassed?
He literally threatened to suspend my other blizzard game accounts, starcraft, hearthstone, Diablo 3 and so on If I continue to try and plead my ban case to them via ticket or email form (Which Is twice as Insulting, as I've bought Starcraft and Hearthstone only recently around April 2015, which quite frankly I consider harassment and trying to silence criticism of their game and their policies, as well as general bad PR for them since hey, now I’m telling you all of this on the forums so that doesn’t put them In a good spotlight, considering the state of WoW and how it’s falling down I’m not surprised they’d be as desparate as to try shut down any criticism of their games, yet my gallery and my posts still remain. While Instead of me giving Blizzard such a bad speech and preaching It to the Internet, showing all how badly they treat me and others… all they should’ve done to make me praise their game Instead and say how good and enjoyable It is (Like I've been doing the last 10 years), was to GIVE ME BACK MY ACCOUNT with a press of a few buttons… Speaking of my gallery… Tickets to Blizzard and their bad responses?sort=3&page=1 Victims of Blizzards Unfair Bannings?sort=3&page=1
Please, take your time and read the victims stories, and what I personally wrote to these cases in the description under each screenshot – as well as viewing the tickets I’ve written to Blizzard and how robotic their answers are, repeated, samey, and quite frankly unhelpful.
Here are two links to a gallery on Photobucket, that showcase two things: My tickets to blizzard and their horrid response to me, and the other more important note, OTHER banning victims – yes I am not alone In this, I’ve been scouring the wow-forums, mmo-champion forums and others to showcase how other people are having problems with blizzard, and while there Isn’t thousands of them that doesn’t mean there aren’t many thousands or hundreds of thousands… because there could be. The people that made these posts are the very few brave to show their case, try to find help and friends In this dark hour of their account being shut down for no good reasons. There are many people who were simply banned unfairly and just left to rot, without making a post – there are MANY hundreds and thousands of ex-subscribers ready to return to your game, Blizzard. If you are willing to give them second chances. There might even be as much of us as there were players supporting Nostalrius & Legacy Servers.
Lastly, after reading all of the above and you feel like I am right, or at least partly right, and you are perhaps one of the victims of Blizzard’s bad customer support, sign this petition. I do legitimately believe this can make a difference, If we sign this petition In the name of all who were banned unfairly, like me, or had a false positive on their account or anything else, and we could be able to come back to WoW before Legion launches.
It will be delivered to Blizzard’s CEO himself, or at least someone high enough the ladder to help a large amount of players return to their game – we may be as large as the ones who were signing the petition for Nostalrius, hell some of the ones signining the petition for Nostalrius might’ve been banned unfairly on WoW In the first place and came to Nostalrius instead. Because what Blizzard doesn’t understand Is that Sentimental value Is real. “But why don’t you just start a new account and play again” – well the answer Is sentimental value, I have items, weapons, armors and things that you CANT have In the game anymore (Example: Benediction Priest Staff, Original Quel’serrar from Dire Maul, various Items, bracelets, boots, chest pieces and so on you can’t get anymore. As well as just the characters that you made are sentimental value) It’s this rarity after playing 10 years that makes me feel great about having played for so long – and I loose that value, I loose all my proffesions, all of characters, all my transmogs, my character names, my RP-connections, everything… all of that Is on my real account that I need to get unbanned, or else I simply will not play WoW again with such enthusiasm or joy as I did before and that counts for the MAJORITY of WoW players, not just the banned ones, but all of them. It’s this sentimental value and the time spent on the game – and the account moreso then anything else that keeps us wanting to play on.
Lastly, I am here to showcase to Blizzard, and to everyone reading how badly Blizzard Is treating us, to sign the petition and hope that Blizzard notices and helps us - and to ask Blizzard to RE-REVIEW all and any suspensions & bans made In the last 6 years or further If possible, re-review them, all the possible facts and angles, and give these accounts Including mine a second chance, despite my account personally not needing a second chance as It’s done nothing wrong (At least not In my hands). If not, I will continue to make these posts, I will continue to update and keep my gallery up to snuff and show how badly you treat your customers, now that they threatened and harassed me with forced suspensions If I continue to make tickets on the matter this is all I can do… If Blizzard wants their game to fail so badly, It will fail and with my help and I REALLY do not want to help the game fail. Really, I’d love nothing more than to ride the tide to the end of WoW’s days but Blizzard gives me no choice, not to me or my friends. I'm not really laying siege to them In a way I thought I would, but at least I will cause some wounds here and there If they will keep refusing to help their playerbase and help their own beloved game fail.
I dearly hope the Forum Moderators (As I’m posting this on multiple forums) - (Not the wow ones, they definitely will close this one I'll post on their site within seconds) will allow this post to live on for a while, and not lock It like you’ve lock It, I've posted 4 on these forums already and were locked down of course - for some fake reason, trolling I believe which this Is not, so I hope this one will last. I hope this post looks legitimate and well enough constructed to not be considered bad enough to lock down, which Is why I took upward of a month making this and gathering my thoughts and updating my gallery (And I will keep updating It)
Thank you for reading through all of this, and do mind your language, try to gather your thoughts when you write a reply to this Instead of lashing out randomly, lets try and be civil about this, as I've tried the same approach with Blizzard since the beginning as much as I could for someone whose lost their 10 years of progress.
I dearly hope the Forum Moderators (As I’m posting this on multiple forums) - (Not the wow ones, they definitely will close this one I'll post on their site within seconds) will allow this post to live on for a while, and not lock It like you’ve lock It, I've posted one on Icy Veins already, or two I believe and they were never locked, which surprised me In a nice way, so I hope this one will last as well. I hope this post looks legitimate and well enough constructed to not be considered bad enough to lock down, which Is why I took upward of a month making this and gathering my thoughts and updating my gallery (And I will keep updating It)
Thank you for reading through all of this, and do mind your language, try to gather your thoughts when you write a reply to this Instead of lashing out randomly, lets try and be civil about this, as I've tried the same approach with Blizzard since the beginning as much as I could for someone whose lost their 10 years of progress
By Damien
Blizzard has released the decks used by players during the Hearthstone tournament at BlizzCon 2013 and we added them to our Hearthstone menu.
The Innkeeper’s Invitational at BlizzCon was a huge success! Many Hearthstone fans watched the action at home via and, and a full venue of excited attendees viewed every carefully calculated move in the Invitational live as the action unfolded on stage. The inn-vitees dueled it out over two days of card-slinging until there was a single player left standing that was crowned Grandmaster of the Hearth!
Today, we feature all of the Inn-vitees’ decks featured in the Invitational in detail, along with a spoiler of the winner of the Invitational at the bottom of this blog. If you’re waiting to find out the winner for yourself and to watch videos of the first matches that were not featured via or, we are planning on having them up and available to the public for viewing soon.
Onto the Inn-vitees decklists!
Husky’s Decklists
Hunter - Beastkrieg (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Warlock - Hot Stuff (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Warrior - chARRRRRRRge (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Kripparrian’s Decklists
Mage - Turn Eight (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Priest - Control The Drakes (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Paladin - Cixah's Miniatures (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Hafu’s Decklists
Mage - To The Fire (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Shaman - The Insomniac's Last Resort (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Paladin - Bubble Hearth or Bust (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Artosis’ Decklists
Paladin - I Let the Dark In (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Warrior - ek0p Warrior (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Priest - The Artosis Curse (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Noxious’ Decklists
Mage - Refrigerator (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Paladin - Son of Athene (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Shaman - Thrallalawl (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Trump’s Decklists
Mage - Add Fuel (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Druid - Hipster Mage (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Priest - What's Yours Is Mine (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Reckful’s Decklists
Priest - The Indecisive Priest (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Paladin - No Tirion (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Mage - Realz the Mastermind (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Day[9]’s Decklists
Paladin - DIVINE FEELS (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Druid - GLACIERPAW (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Shaman - POWER OVERLOADING (HearthHead - HearthPwn) Results
Congratulations to our Grandmaster of the Hearth, Artosis, on winning the Innkeeper’s Invitational at BlizzCon! If you missed out on any of the action in the semi-finals and finals, those matches are available for your viewing pleasure free at or
By Damien
With Hearthstone's Closed Beta going strong, and Open Beta on the horizon, we have started our coverage of the game with a series of guides.
We have written an introduction to Hearthstone, which is addressed to those who have not yet tried the game but are curious to know what it is about, and if, perhaps, it might be of interest to them.
Delving deeper, we have written a comprehensive explanation of all the Hearthstone mechanics and interactions, which is to serve as a reference point for many of our future guides.
We have written a Hearthstone beginner guide, the purpose of which is to give new Hearthstone players some guidance in the early stages of building their accounts.
Because the terminology of Hearthstone (and card games in general) can be confusing to the uninitiated, we have put together a glossary of common Hearthstone terms, which we plan on expanding in the future, as the need arises.
We have also written several gameplay guides, mostly aimed at familiarising newer players with certain important concepts of Hearthstone matches: Card advantage, Hunter secrets, Mage secrets, and Paladin secrets.
For players heading into the Arena, we have written an Arena starter guide, which we hope will alleviate many problems new Arena participants generally face.
Finally, we have listed a competitive deck comprised only of Basic cards for each of the 9 classes, which we hope will be especially useful for players who have yet to invest money into Hearthstone, and whose card collections are very poor as a result.
As Hearthstone's Open Beta (and launch) draws nearer, we will be enriching our guide collection. Our hope is to have full coverage of all aspects of the game by the time it is released.
As usual, your feedback and comments on our guides are always welcome! -
By Zagam
Friends, Family, and Gamers!
Our team is on a mission to save kids through video games, and we need your help.
Each of us has chosen our local Children's Miracle Network Hospital where thousands of children are treated each year, regardless of their family's ability to pay. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents to name just a few.
On November 2nd, 2013, we'll be part of a huge international celebration of the social impact of gamers with Extra Life and it's our sincere hope that you'll find it in your heart to support us with a monthly pledge or one-time gift that will go directly to that team member's chosen hospital.
Your donation is tax-deductible and ALL PROCEEDS go to help kids.
Last year, Extra Life raised more than 2 million dollars to save kids, but in 2013 our goals, just like the needs of the kids we serve, are much, much higher.
We can't do this without your help. Donating online is safe and easy! To make an online donation please click a participant's name and then click the "Support This Participant" button on this page.
This year is the first year I am participating in the event, but I can't do it alone! Help me and Icy-Veins raise money for these kids by doing something you already love...playing video games!
Link to website:
Link to my team:
Link to OpenRaid Events:
By Damien
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
Patch Information
Siege of Orgrimmar: Feature Overview 5.4 Patch Notes 5.4 Known Issues Technical Support & Troubleshooting Classes
Death Knight General Reduced Death Strike's healing by 50% for Blood Death Knights in Arenas. Druid Talents The Dream of Cenarius effect is now removed when the Druid switches talents. Mage Class Armor Resolved an issue that could cause the Tier-16 2-piece set bonus Frozen Thoughts to be consumed without effect. Tier-15 4-piece set bonus now increases the effects of Arcane Charges by 5% per stack (down from 20% per stack). Monk General Tigereye Brew and Mana Tea gains from Chi Brew now correctly benefit from Mastery: Bottled Fury and Brewing: Mana Tea. Priest Holy Mastery: Echo of Light's healing has been increased by 4%. Warlock General Damage from Soul Link should no longer incorrectly activate the Voidlord's Void Shield effect. Talents Archimonde's Darkness' effect should now be correctly removed when the Warlock switches talents or glyphs. Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
The number of guild members needed to be considered a guild Group in Flexible difficulty has been reduced. Previously, the number of guild members required in Flexible difficulty didn’t account for the scaling group size. It now requires 80% of the current group size, rounded down. Siege of Orgrimmar Norushen The number of Look Within orbs spawned by Norushen in Flexible difficulty will now round up instead of down, so that the ratio of orbs to players is never worse than on Normal difficulty. Galakras Reduced the health of ranking officials and foot soldiers in Phase 1 of the encounter on 10-player Normal difficulty. The portal leading back to the Vault of Y'Shaarj can no longer be used while in combat. Kor'kron Dark Shaman Ashen Wall, Toxic Storm, Toxic Mist, Foul Stream, and Foul Geyser now deal less damage on Raid Finder difficulty. Spoils of Pandaria Reduced the health of most of the creatures during the Spoils of Pandaria encounter on Raid Finder difficulty. Having multiple players start the encounter should no longer incorrectly cause the timer to count down rapidly. Thok the Bloodthirsty Captive Cave Bats on Raid Finder difficulty will no longer incorrectly drop Normal difficulty loot. Garrosh Hellscream Garrosh Hellscream should now use his abilities more predictably when starting Stage Three: MY WORLD. Hellscream's Warsong now grants a 75% increase to Physical damage dealt and health (down from 125%) on Raid Finder difficulty. Touch of Y'Shaarj now has a 4-second cast time for players (up from 3 seconds) on Raid Finder difficulty. Reduced the health of Minions of Y'shaarj on Raid Finder difficulty. [Requires a realm restart.] Kor'kron Reapers now deal less damage on Raid Finder difficulty. [Requires a realm restart.] Minion of Y'Shaarj's Empowering Corruption now heals for 15% of health (down from 30%) and increases damage dealt by 20% (down from 50%) on Raid Finder difficulty. [Requires a realm restart.] Harbinger of Y'Shaarj's Y'Shaarj Touched now heals for 2% of health per second (down from 5%) and increases damage dealt by 20% (down from 50%) on Raid Finder difficulty.
Mogu'shan Vaults Resolved an issue that prevented players from completing the Straight Six achievement. Battlegrounds and Arenas
[Requires a realm restart.] Silvershard Mines: The eastern mine cart now doesn't spawn in until shortly after the gates open. Arenas [Requires a realm restart.] The Crowd Chose You has been removed and replaced with a debuff called Dampening. [Requires a realm restart.] For Arena matches that last more than 10 minutes, all players in the Arena will begin to receive Dampening. Dampening is a stacking debuff applied to all players in the Arena every 10 seconds. Each stack of Dampening reduces all healing and damage absorption by 1%. If neither team has won after 20 minutes, the Arena match will end in a draw. Necrotic Strike's healing absorption is not affected by Dampening. Players who pick up a Shadow Sight orb will be unable to stealth for the duration of the effect. Quests
Timeless Treasures: Weekly treasure chests on the Timeless Isle can now grant credit towards completing this quest. Professions
Cooking Noodle cart chefs will now receive a well-fed buff while serving other players bowls of noodle soup. Items
Nazgrim's Burnished Insignia's should no longer be incorrectly activating from actions that aren't helpful spells. Ticking Ebon Detonator's should no longer be incorrectly activating from actions that aren't attacks. Protection Paladins are now eligible to receive the following items with via personal loot (Raid Finder and Flexible difficulty) and bonus rolls (all difficulty modes). Siege of Orgrimmar: Bubble-Burst Bracers, Corruption-Rotted Gauntlets, Darkfallen Shoulderplates, Demolisher's Reinforced Belt, Legplates of Unthinking Strife, Poisonbinder Girth, and Thranok's Shattering Helm. Ordos: Magdalena's Murderous Crown, Partik's Purified Legplates, Remnar's Ruinous Girdle, Rossi's Rosin-Soaked Shoulderplates, and Vanguard's Burly Bracers. (source)