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Patch 5.2 Hotfixes - March 19

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Blizzard Official WoW Blog


Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.2. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below went live the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list in the days to come as additional hotfixes are applied.

Patch Information


  • Monk
    • Tier-15 Mistweaver 2-piece set bonus should now increase the healing of Renewing Mist by the correct amount.
  • Paladin
    • Hand of Purity no longer reduces the damage dealt by effects that ignore immunities.


  • Captive Audience: Fixed an issue with Rune Prisons that prevented new captives from spawning.


  • Summonable bosses on the Isle of Thunder now leash back instead of despawning when pulled too far from their spawn point.
  • Zandalari Warbringers are now immune to crowd control and interrupt effects.
  • Fixed an issue where some players may not receive loot after defeating Nalak.

Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios

  • Mogu'shan Vaults
    • Increased the time before the gate to closes while engaging Feng the Accursed to 8 seconds, up from 3 seconds.
  • Throne of Thunder
    • Council of Elders
    • Reduced the penalty to damage taken from the Shadowed Soul debuff from 5% to 3% per stack on 10-player Heroic mode.
  • Dark Animus
    • Dark Animus will now use its abilities at more consistent intervals.
    • Interrupting Jolt now deals less damage on 10/25-player Heroic mode.
    • Explosive Slam now deals significantly less damage on 10-player Heroic mode.
    • Fixed an issue where Matter Swap could sometimes teleport players beneath the world.
  • Ji-Kun
    • Fixed an issue where Bore Worms would remain submerged.
    • Fixed an issue where Bow Fly Swarms would enter combat while remaining out of melee range.
  • Lei Shen
    • Fixed an issue where players defeating Lei Shen did not receive credit towards the Pinnacle of Storms achievement.
  • Megaera
    • Reduced the damage dealt by Megaera’s breaths and Ignite Flesh on 10-player Normal mode.
    • Reduced the damage dealt by Rampage on 10-player Normal mode.


  • Season 13 Tyrannical weapons had their item levels increased to ilevel 498, up from ilevel 493, to match Season 12 Elite weapons.
  • Season 13 Malevolent Honor gear now gives more Stamina, making them comparable to Season 12 counterparts.


  • Eye of the Storm: Horde teams are now being awarded the proper amount of victory points when holding 3 towers.


  • Ra'sha's Sacrificial Dagger now has an increased cooldown for its special ability.


  • There should no longer be a delay in displaying Isle of Thunder stage progression status on the World Map.


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    • By Damien
      Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
      Patch Information
      Siege of Orgrimmar: Feature Overview 5.4 Patch Notes 5.4 Known Issues Technical Support & Troubleshooting   Classes
      Death Knight General Reduced Death Strike's healing by 50% for Blood Death Knights in Arenas. Druid Talents The Dream of Cenarius effect is now removed when the Druid switches talents. Mage Class Armor Resolved an issue that could cause the Tier-16 2-piece set bonus Frozen Thoughts to be consumed without effect. Tier-15 4-piece set bonus now increases the effects of Arcane Charges by 5% per stack (down from 20% per stack). Monk General Tigereye Brew and Mana Tea gains from Chi Brew now correctly benefit from Mastery: Bottled Fury and Brewing: Mana Tea. Priest Holy Mastery: Echo of Light's healing has been increased by 4%. Warlock General Damage from Soul Link should no longer incorrectly activate the Voidlord's Void Shield effect. Talents Archimonde's Darkness' effect should now be correctly removed when the Warlock switches talents or glyphs. Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
      The number of guild members needed to be considered a guild Group in Flexible difficulty has been reduced. Previously, the number of guild members required in Flexible difficulty didn’t account for the scaling group size. It now requires 80% of the current group size, rounded down. Siege of Orgrimmar Norushen The number of Look Within orbs spawned by Norushen in Flexible difficulty will now round up instead of down, so that the ratio of orbs to players is never worse than on Normal difficulty. Galakras Reduced the health of ranking officials and foot soldiers in Phase 1 of the encounter on 10-player Normal difficulty. The portal leading back to the Vault of Y'Shaarj can no longer be used while in combat. Kor'kron Dark Shaman Ashen Wall, Toxic Storm, Toxic Mist, Foul Stream, and Foul Geyser now deal less damage on Raid Finder difficulty. Spoils of Pandaria Reduced the health of most of the creatures during the Spoils of Pandaria encounter on Raid Finder difficulty. Having multiple players start the encounter should no longer incorrectly cause the timer to count down rapidly. Thok the Bloodthirsty Captive Cave Bats on Raid Finder difficulty will no longer incorrectly drop Normal difficulty loot. Garrosh Hellscream Garrosh Hellscream should now use his abilities more predictably when starting Stage Three: MY WORLD. Hellscream's Warsong now grants a 75% increase to Physical damage dealt and health (down from 125%) on Raid Finder difficulty. Touch of Y'Shaarj now has a 4-second cast time for players (up from 3 seconds) on Raid Finder difficulty. Reduced the health of Minions of Y'shaarj on Raid Finder difficulty. [Requires a realm restart.] Kor'kron Reapers now deal less damage on Raid Finder difficulty. [Requires a realm restart.] Minion of Y'Shaarj's Empowering Corruption now heals for 15% of health (down from 30%) and increases damage dealt by 20% (down from 50%) on Raid Finder difficulty. [Requires a realm restart.] Harbinger of Y'Shaarj's Y'Shaarj Touched now heals for 2% of health per second (down from 5%) and increases damage dealt by 20% (down from 50%) on Raid Finder difficulty.
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      Timeless Treasures: Weekly treasure chests on the Timeless Isle can now grant credit towards completing this quest. Professions
      Cooking Noodle cart chefs will now receive a well-fed buff while serving other players bowls of noodle soup. Items
      Nazgrim's Burnished Insignia's should no longer be incorrectly activating from actions that aren't helpful spells. Ticking Ebon Detonator's should no longer be incorrectly activating from actions that aren't attacks.   Protection Paladins are now eligible to receive the following items with via personal loot (Raid Finder and Flexible difficulty) and bonus rolls (all difficulty modes). Siege of Orgrimmar: Bubble-Burst Bracers, Corruption-Rotted Gauntlets, Darkfallen Shoulderplates, Demolisher's Reinforced Belt, Legplates of Unthinking Strife, Poisonbinder Girth, and Thranok's Shattering Helm. Ordos: Magdalena's Murderous Crown, Partik's Purified Legplates, Remnar's Ruinous Girdle, Rossi's Rosin-Soaked Shoulderplates, and Vanguard's Burly Bracers.   (source)
    • By Damien
      Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
      Patch Information
      Siege of Orgrimmar: Feature Overview 5.4 Patch Notes 5.4 Known Issues Technical Support & Troubleshooting   Timeless Isle
      Resolved an issue that could cause some weekly treasure chests on the Timeless Isle to be uninteractible. Classes
      Death Knight General Death and Decay, Howling Blast, and Pestilence should no longer incorrectly grant a radius bonus when cast while the Death Knight is moving. Resolved a visual issue caused by Death Knights using a Glyphed version of Horn of Winter while transformed by the Rime of the Time-Lost Mariner. Class Armor Tier-16 DPS 2-piece set effect should no longer incorrectly cause stacks of the buff to provide no bonus under certain conditions. Druid General Casting Healing Touch should no longer incorrectly consume both bonuses from Soul of the Forest and Sage Mender (Tier-16 Restoration 2-piece set bonus) at the same time. Class Armor Resolved certain situations that could cause the Tier-16 Guardian 4-piece heal-over-time effect to heal for less than intended. Restoration To help address issues with input lag, Efflorescence now heals for twice as much every 2 seconds (was once every 1 second). Additional adjustments have been made so the total amount healed by Efflorescence from Swiftmend, Force of Nature Treants, and Wild Mushroom remains unchanged. Monk Class Armor Mistweaver PvP 2-piece set bonus should no longer cause the Monk to stand up when they gain a charge of Mana Tea. Paladin Holy Holy Radiance should correctly benefit from Holy Avenger once more. Class Armor Corrected an issue where Divine Purpose and the Tier-16 Retribution 4-piece bonus was not interacting properly with each other. Priest Holy To help address issues with input lag, Mastery: Echo of Light now heals for three times as much every 3 seconds (was once every 1 second). Total amount healed remains unchanged. Shadow To help address issues with input lag, Vampiric Embrace now heals every second instead of every time the Priest deals Shadow spell damage. The total amount healed remains unchanged. Class Armor Corrected an issue where the Tier-16 Shadow 4-piece set bonus was improperly applying the damage bonus to additional spells when multiple instant cast spells are cast at the same time. Rogue Talents Corrected an issue with Cloak and Dagger that could allow Rogues to bypass some targeting and line-of-sight restrictions. Shaman General To help address issues with input lag, Stormlash Totem's Stormlash effect now has a 20% chance to activate but deals 5 times more damage (down from a 100% chance to activate). Overall damage output should remain unchanged. Warlock General Grimoire of Sacrifice should no longer incorrectly reduce spell damage while Fire and Brimstone is also active. Affliction Haunt should no longer incorrectly increase the damage of non-periodic spells. Warrior General Resolved an issue with Whirlwind where polearms equipped in the off-hand slot were not hitting enemies. Talents Corrected an issue that allowed Warriors to cast Storm Bolt while under the effects of a Hex. Quests
      The Celestial Tournament: Players can now get credit for winning the tournament while in a raid group. Creatures
      Players should no longer be incorrectly flagged as having defeated Ordos for the week if the player tapped him and went offline or entered an instance. Yu'lon now launches 5 Jadefire Bolts (down from 10). Gulp Frogs are now immune to mind control abilities. Magnataurs can no longer be pickpocketed. Dame Evniki Kapsalis is now offering her wares to players that meet the proper criteria once again. Evermaw's spawn is no longer tied to Dread Ship Vazuvius. Moonfang should now always drop something when defeated. [Requires a realm restart] Engaging Ordos in combat will no longer cause the Ordon Sanctuary gate to close. Added an upper limit to the number of wolves that could be summoned by Moonfang's Call the Pack ability. Flik and Flik's Frog should no longer incorrectly wind up under the terrain on Darkmoon Island. Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
      Siege of Orgrimmar Norushen Resolved an issue that could cause the Overconfidence debuff to persist after defeating Zeal. Sha of Pride Resolved an issue that could cause Corrupted Prisons to stop functioning. Resolved an issue that could cause Unstable Corruption rifts to stop forming on 25-player Heroic difficulty. Kor'kron Dark Shaman Wavebinder Kardris should no longer target non-players with Toxic Storm. Darkfang and Bloodclaw should now move around significantly less while being tanked alongside their masters. Resolved an issue that could cause Blind Blademasters in the Drag to enter combat with players during the Dark Shaman encounter. Reduced the amount of hostile NPCs in the areas leading up to the Dark Shaman encounter on Raid Finder difficulty. General Nazgrim Reduced the amount of hostile NPCs in the areas leading up to General Nazgrim on Raid Finder difficulty. Malkorok Resolved an issue where Malkorok may sometimes fail to respawn after a soft reset of the raid instance on Heroic difficulty. Thok the Bloodthirsty Creatures leading up to the encounter with Thok the Bloodthirsty are now skinnable.   Spoils of Pandaria Modified Anima Golem's Matter Scramble should now always spawn on the floor. Resolved an issue that would sometimes cause a Burial Urn's Spark of Life to path to the wrong area. Resolved a situation that could cause the encounter to not reset correctly if the player starting the encounter dies immediately. Corrected an issue where Spark of Life had more health than intended on Flexible difficulty. Blade of the Hundred Steps should now only be applied to one tank per quadrant in Normal and Heroic difficulties.   Siegecrafter Blackfuse Demonic Circles are now cleared when the encounter starts. Paragons of the Klaxxi Resolved certain situations that could cause players to retain the Paragons' abilities after resetting the encounter. Resolved an issue where the last surviving raid member using a threat drop may cause the encounter to not reset correctly. Garrosh Hellscream Garrosh Hellscream now drops two Kor'kron Juggernauts on 25-player Heroic difficulty. (Requires realm restarts to take effect.) Garrosh Hellscream should no longer use Malice against players who have an Iron Star fixated on them on Heroic difficulty.   Dungeons Shado-Pan Monastery: Defeating Gu Cloudstrike immediately after Azure Serpent has been killed should no longer prevent players from continuing through the Shado-Pan Monastery. Battlegrounds and Arenas
      Grievous Gladiator weapons have a level requirement of 90 once more. PvP on-use trinket effects should no longer incorrectly scale down while in a Battleground, Rated Battleground, or Arena. Items
      Trinkets with cleave and multistrike effects no longer require players to be facing the target to successfully deal damage.   (source)
    • By Damien
      Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
      Patch Information
      Siege of Orgrimmar: Feature Overview 5.4 Patch Notes 5.4 Known Issues Technical Support & Troubleshooting
        Timeless Isle
      Bloody Coins are now only awarded from defeating Level-90 players. Removed the silver icons for Master Kukuru and Whizzig on the mini-map. The following bind-on-pickup items are no longer able to be traded between players: Burden of Eternity, Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent, Cauterizing Core, Falling Flame, Golden Moss, Giant Purse of Timeless Coins, Ash-Covered Horn, and Elixir of Ancient Knowledge. Classes
      Death Knights General Control Undead should no longer prevent Frost or Blood specializations from using Raise Dead while Control Undead is active. Raise Dead and Wild Mushroom: Plague (obtained through Druid's Symbiosis) should no longer cause each other's summons to despawn. Druid Balance Astral Communion should now behave correctly if a Druid changes glyphs, talents, or specialization while an Eclipse is active. Talents Dream of Cenarius (Feral) should no longer incorrectly cause Treants to deal extra damage. Dream of Cenarius (Guardian) should now properly affect the free version of Healing Touch to benefit from Attack Power. Class Armor Tier-16 Guardian 2-piece set bonus should no longer cause Frenzied Regeneration to incorrectly consume 60 Rage for Druids with Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration active. Tier-16 Guardian 4-piece set bonus Fixed a number of situations where the effect was not activating when it should. Fixed an issue where the 4-piece bonus could cause the 2-piece bonus to incorrectly consume 60 Rage. Monk General Roll should now work while under the effects of Scuttler's Shell. Brewmaster Brewmasters now deals 5.6% less damage with all attacks (-15% in total). Paladin Holy Fixed an issue where Holy Radiance may sometimes heal less players than intended. Priest General Prayer of Mending's healing should now be correctly modified by Battle Fatigue. Holy Lightwell's healing should now be correctly modified by PvP Power while the Glyph of Lightwell is active. Warlock General Command Demon can no longer be cast while the pet is stunned or feared. Affliction Agony's damage has been reduced by 15%. Destruction Flames of Xoroth should no longer incorrectly cause revived demons to lose Soul Link. Warrior Class Armor Tier-16 Protection 2-piece set bonus should no longer be healing the Warrior before the damage has been applied. Quests
      Trial At The Temple of the White Tiger: Players should no longer be able to acquire this quest before completing A Witness to History. Work Order: Golden Lotus I: The quest should now be obtainable once more for players that have met the necessary prerequisites. Creatures
      Scary Sprite now deals 40% less damage and should spawn slightly more frequently. Pet Battles
      Bonkers can now be sold to a vendor for 25 gold. Jadefire Spirit's Fade ability now has an 8-round cooldown. Pierre is no longer bind-on-pickup and players can have up to 3 of them. Rascal-Bot is no longer bind-on-pickup and players can have up to 3 them. The Phaser ability now has a duration of 1-round. Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
      Siege of Orgrimmar The Fallen Protectors Sun Tenderheart's Shadow Word: Bane no longer has a slight delay before applying its damage. Norushen Fixed an issue where Amalgam of Corruption's Unleashed Anger was not always hitting the tank. Fixed an issue where Amalgam of Corruption's Blind Hatred may hit players who were not in the beam. Galakras Galakras should no longer be able to be damaged or debuffed before landing in Phase 2. Kor'kron Dark Shaman Changes on Raid Finder difficulty: Wavebinger Kardris' Falling Ash now deals 200,000 Fire damage (down from 999,999). Foul Slimes' Foulness aura now deals 30,000 Nature damage (down from 50,000). Fixed an issue where placement of Earthbreaker Haromm's Ashen Wall was not always perpendicular to the direction he's facing. General Nazgrim Changes on Raid Finder difficulty: General Nazgrim's health has been reduced by 10%. General Nazgrim's Ravager now hits for 200,000 damage. General Nazgrim now gains 1 Rage when struck in Defensive Stance (down from 2 Rage). General Nazgrim now gains 2 Rage for each target struck by Heroic Shockwave's Aftershocks (down from 3 Rage). General Nazgrim now gains 2 Rage from Kor'kron Banner (down from 3 Rage). Kor'kron Warshaman's Earth Shield now heals for 2% of maximum health (down from 5%). Kor'kron Warshaman's Empowered Chain Heal now heals for 4% of maximum health (down from 10%). Siegecrafter Blackfuse Players are now immune to Superheated while being pulled off the conveyer belt. Shockwave Missile no longer hits players that are exiting a transport pipe. Paragons of the Klaxxi Ka'roz the Locust should now always jump back down from the platform after using Hurl Amber. Kaz'tik the Manipulator's Hungry Kunchongs should no longer be able to gain Thick Shell while using Devour on a Mesmerized player. Hisek the Swarmkeeper should no longer Fire a beam at the target if he gets encased in Amber while casting Aim. Garrosh Hellscream Garrosh Hellscream should no longer be using Desecrate against players that are on a balcony. Farseer Wolf Riders should no longer continuously attempt to cast Ancestral Chain Heal if they're hit by an Iron Star before entering combat. Kor'kron Iron Stars now properly deal damage to Kor’kron Warbringers and Farseer Wolf Riders on 25-player Heroic difficulty, and can no longer unintentionally kill players that were not struck directly. Battlegrounds and Arenas
      Players that leave a Rated Battleground prematurely will be unable to queue for a new one until the previous Rated Battleground match has completed. Please see this forum thread for more information on the change. Professions
      Cooking Buffs and debuffs should now be properly applied or removed while players are in a noodle cart. Items
      Rain Stone, Blizzard Stone, Ashen Stone, and Sunset Stone are no longer able to be used while in a raid instance. Book of Ages should no longer remove food buffs on the character when used. (source)
    • By Damien
      Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
      Patch Information
      Siege of Orgrimmar: Feature Overview 5.4 Patch Notes 5.4 Known Issues Technical Support & Troubleshooting
        Timeless Isle
      Fixed an issue where defeating rare creatures while in a raid group may sometimes incorrectly display a loot cursor or sparkle effect when the creature has no loot. Vision of Time items can no longer be used while in a Raid Finder raid until the wing has been completed. Fishing in the waters surrounding Timeless Isle should now yield different fish than in the lakes within Timeless Isle. Classes
      Death Knight Talents Runic Corruption activating multiple times should no longer cause the ability to extend its duration by an incorrect amount. Druid General Rip's damage has been increased by 20%. Druids should no longer cast One with Nature while being mind-controlled by NPCs. Talents Nature's Vigil should now properly increase the Druid's healing by 12%. Class Armor Tier-16 Guardian 2-piece bonus now automatically applies both a 3-second Savage Defense and a 20-Rage Frenzied Regeneration when Barkskin fades. The automatic version of Frenzied Regeneration no longer triggers a global cooldown and is not affected by the Tier-15 Guardian 2-piece bonus. Hunter Marksmanship Chimera Shot's damage has been increased by 50%. Survival Explosive Shot's damage has been increased by 10%. Mage General Ice Lance's damage has been increased by 20%. Waterbolt's damage has been increased by 10%. Monk Brewmaster Brewmasters now deal 10% less damage with all attacks. Mistweaver Renewing Mist no longer requires line-of-sight to jump to a nearby target. Paladin Talents Eternal Flame's heal-over-time effect is increased by 50% when used on the Paladin (down from 100%). Priest General Shadow Word: Pain's damage has been reduced by 15%. Discipline Flash Heal now should correctly receive an increased critical chance from Inner Focus while Surge of Light is active. Rogue Assassination Assassin's Resolve now increases the Rogue's damage by 20% (down from 25%). Subtlety Sanguinary Vein now causes the Rogue to deal 35% additional damage to targets afflicted by Rupture, Garrote, or Crimson Tempest (up from 25%). Class Armor Tier-16 4-piece set bonus should no longer incorrectly activate from attacks other than Backstab. Shaman General Flametongue Weapon's Flametongue Attack effect now deals 50% more damage. Lightning Bolt's damage has been increased by 10%. Enhancement Windfury Weapon's Windfury Attack effect now deals 50% more damage. Warlock Affliction Haunt now increases all periodic damage against the target by 35% (down from 40%). Demonology Wild Imps' Fel Firebolt now deals 30% less damage. Destruction Immolate's damage has been increased by 30%. Warrior Fury Bloodthirst's damage has been increased by 20%. Raging Blow's damage has been increased by 20%. Creatures
      Loot notifications for world bosses in Pandaria should no longer be visible to all members in the raid. Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
      Siege of Orgrimmar Immerseus Corrosive Blast now has a greatly increased range. Norushen Reduced the number of Fragments of Pride patrolling the area leading up to Norushen on Raid Finder difficulty. A number of changes have been made to Norushen on Heroic difficulty. Starting Corruption for all players is now 75. Residual Corruption and Burst of Anger no longer pulse additional raidwide Corruption. Expel Corruption no longer increases the target’s Corruption. Increased the health of the Amalgam of Corruption to offset the reduced Corruption generated by external sources. The Purified buff no longer persists after gaining additional Corruption. Kor'kron Dark Shaman Kor’kron Shadowmage’s Mind Spike ability now deals less damage on Raid Finder and Flexible Raid difficulty.
      Kor'kron Warshaman's Healing Tide Totem now has less hit points on Raid Finder difficulty. Kor'kron Supplies no longer spawn on Raid Finder difficulty. Siegecrafter Blackfuse Automatic Repair Beam should now always be properly applied to Automated Shredders when they get near Siegecrafter Blackfuse. Paragons of the Klaxxi Ka'roz the Locust should no longer damage players in his path while dashing towards a ledge to Hurl Amber. Players in a damage-dealing specialization that have already interacted with Rik'kal the Dissector should now be able to interact with Skeer the Bloodseeker. Garrosh Hellscream The Y’Shaarj Touched buff can no longer be spellstolen. Ulduar Fixed an issue with the Yogg-Saron encounter, where players were unable to proceed to phase 2 of the fight by damaging Sara. Battlegrounds and Arenas
      Players should no longer be unable to cast spells or use items after repeatedly using restricted items while in a Wargame. Grievous Conquest achievement vendors (the ones that allow Conquest gear to be purchase with Honor points) have been temporarily removed. Grievous Gladiator weapons have a temporary level requirement of 91. Items
      Reduced the activation rate for caster and healer Legendary cloak effects for characters in a tanking specialization by 75%. Evil Eye of Galakras was only reducing the cooldown on 5 abilities for Warriors. The trinket should now also reduce the cooldown of Heroic Leap. Unerring Vision of Lei Shen now has a 40% reduced chance to activate its effect for Warlocks.   Oddly-Shaped Horn is no longer usable while in the Battlegrounds or Rated Battlegrounds. Tuft of Yak Fur is no longer usable while in the Battlegrounds or Rated Battlegrounds.   (source)
    • By Damien
      Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
      Patch Information
      Siege of Orgrimmar: Feature Overview 5.4 Patch Notes 5.4 Known Issues Technical Support & Troubleshooting
      With the conclusion of the Battlefield: Barrens event, realm coalescing has been re-enabled for the Durotar area. Classes
      Death Knight Glyphs Glyph of Regenerative Magic should no longer improperly increase the cooldown on Anti-Magic Shell when a small amount of absorption remaining as it expires. Druid General Nature's Grasp triggering Entangling Roots should no longer be incorrectly using up Nature's Swiftness. Hunters General Deterrence should now correctly have a 5-second cooldown after using a charge for Hunters with the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera talent. Monks Talents Xuen summoned by Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger should now be able to use Crackling Tiger Lightning against Aberration type creatures. Rogue Combat Killing Spree's range is no longer being incorrectly modified by Blade Flurry. Creatures
      Cursed Hozen Swabby now has a 2-second cooldown on their Rusty Shank ability. Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
      Siege of Orgrimmar Norushen Players on Raid Finder difficulty with the Despair aura should no longer remain in the wrong phase when the fight ends. Look Within should now correctly favor selecting characters with higher levels of corruption for trials during the Norushen encounter on Raid Finder difficulty. Sha of Pride Sha of Pride no longer drops Droplet of Y'shaarj on Raid Finder difficulty. Alter Time no longer teleports players that have been banished on Heroic difficulty. Altered the visual effects of Bursting Pride, Swelling Pride, Aura of Pride, and Unstable Corruption to improve their clarity and visibility. Portals to Orgrimmar should now spawn properly after defeating the Sha of Pride and soft resetting the instance. Galakras Resetting the Galakras encounter should no longer cause doors to the towers to remain closed. Siegecrafter Blackfuse Siegecrafter Blackfuse will no longer Overcharge more than one cluster of Crawler Mines per wave on Heroic difficulty. Garrosh Hellscream Removing the Touch of Y'Shaarj or Empowered Touch of Y'Shaarj debuff now also removes Weakened Blows, Mortal Wounds, and Master Poisoner effects from the player. Garrosh no longer has a chance to critically hit when under the effects of Leader of the Pack or other similar buffs from players that have been mind controlled by Touch of Y'Shaarj. Battlegrounds and Arenas
      The Crowd Chose You should now be correctly applied to players that are under the effects of Cyclone. The Conquest vendors have been restored. Fixed an issue where a number of players had a higher than intended Conquest cap. Proving Grounds
      Healer Trials NPC party members should now be better at moving out of the fire, and use their area-of-effect attacks and swap targets correctly. Large Illusionary Flamecallers no longer cast Pyroblast against targets that have been recently hit by a Fireball.   Items
      Toy Windmill should now only summon 1 Windmill Lance. Timeless Isle
      Fixed quest tracking issues that affected some of the quests on the Timeless Isle.   Brewfest
      [Requires realm restarts] Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest should now be awarding level-90 items.   (source)
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