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Need help with Ask Mr. Robot weights - 480 ilvl spriest
solshine2510, in Priest
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By Davidga13
Anybody can help with this? I'm using simcraft to get the stat priority for my MM's gear but it is giving me crazy results, not sure why. Agility=83.13, Ap=80.24, CritRating=0.83, HasteRating=46.84, MasteryRating=1.04, Versatility=217.72, Dps=297.72
According to stat priority lists, such as the icy veins one, mastery should be the predominant stat. Now I understand that it can change depending on gear and other things, but this much???
I've attached a screenshot wit the settings in simcraft, in case it helps.
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? Sorry if it's a noob question.
By Violentravi
The Sworn is recruiting range DPS & Tank. We are a Horde guild on Arthas and our current progression is 7/11 Mythic Antorus. We only raid two nights a week, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:15 PM until 12:15 AM Eastern. Currently, our main goal is to push Mythic progression & finish out the raid before next patch, please keep this in mind if you wish to join us, because we will not be doing Heroic or anything like that.
From you, we would expect 100% attendance during your trial period; after that if you cannot make a raid or will be late it is mandatory to keep the raid leader updated. In order to continue making good progression while raiding only two nights a week, we expect that you know your class inside-out and will research any bosses you are unfamiliar with prior to raids.
As far as classes are concerned, at this time, we do not have ANY rogues, DPS warriors, havoc DH, or wind walkers.
If you are interested, add me to battle tag and we will talk (violentravi#1826), I will accept mostly anyone who wants to be a bench or casual, but for raiding purposes, you must be able to provide logs. If you cannot get ahold of me in game, I work nights, please shoot me an email, I check it at work often and I can get ahold of other officers via text/discord if it's urgent! [email protected]
Thank you for your consideration
By Anemic
Since 7.3.5 I have gotten some decent gear and have been using SimCraft to see what the average difference in the two talents. I simmed them with the Mangaza's Madness belt combined with. Sephuz and Soul of the High Priest, and with and without 4pc t21 (because some of the gear that breaks tier is 15+ ilvl better). So far with my 4pc, sephuz, and FotM it simmed *55k higher than Twist of Fate and any combination. I assume the sim procs Sephuz every 30 sec, which is kind of unrealistic, but I was shocked the dps was so much lower using ToF and FotM.
Any thoughts on the two talents? Does anyone use FotM? I have started using it and generally average 1.5m dps without BL and north of 2m with.
Here is my armory link, not sure why it shows my haste much lower than it is in game. In game w/o buffs its 43% ~15,500 or so
*(edit: originally put 500 it wasnt 500k, checked my Sim logs and I was mistaken with my lock sim. Priest sim was 55k better, sort of negligible but worth debating the talents maybe)
By hjp
Who are we?
Volatile are a group of mostly ex-mythic raiders, looking to get back into mythic raiding and for us to be able to do that we need some more people to fill the gaps. Besides raiding our friendly bunch of members enjoy running mythic+ on daily basis, helping out with world quests among other things. Our discord is usually filled with members for daily banter and weekly fun. If you enjoy all that, you most certainly will enjoy your stay in Volatile.
Who are we looking for?
We're primarily looking for ranged DPS to fill out the roster. But we are also interested in any dps class with a good healing offspec. Even though your class isn't listed below, don't be afraid of getting in contact with us.
Tanks - Closed
Healers - Closed
Ranged DPS - Open
Melee DPS - Closed
Overall we're looking for people with a good knowledge of their class/spec who know how to improve their gameplay. Being fairly thick skinned and being able to accept constructive criticism, as well as the occasional jab from some of our more 'outspoken' members, is a big plus too.
When do we raid?
We raid two times a week as standard, we often have an additional raid day if necessary. See raid times below.
Thursday: 8pm - 11pm (Server time)
Monday: 8pm - 11pm (Server time)
Tuesday: 8pm - 11pm (Additional day)
Application process:
We believe the best way to get to know if someone is right for the guild is just to have a chat, rather than go through a long application process. So we'll have a chat, look at logs and possibly run some M+ to get to know each other. If you're interested in joining our mythic raid team, contact any of the following:
Contact us:
Xadel#2609, Xadel (ingame)
Passive#2900, Malenky (ingame)
Òops#2597, Drainphase (ingame)
Ohajay#2606, Draconem (ingame)
Hjp#21650, Phynn (ingame)