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Gearing a blood and frost dk

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I am currently leveling a dk, with blood as frost for my specs. Im currently level 70, and wondering when I get gearing up at 90 whats the best way to gear up both specs? I have never had to deal with gearing two specs with different stat prios before. I am going DW frost and 2h blood.

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Well you won't be able to have 1 set and make it optimal for both. Blood DK's priority is Mastery>dodge/parry>hit/exp>haste OR mastery>hit/exp>dodge/parry>haste, while DW frost's priority is hit/exp>Mastery>haste>crit.

You are either going to end up with an optimal frost set that functions as a mastery insufficient blood build with haste (which is not ideal) or an optimal Blood DK set that functions as a non-hit/exp capped frost set with dodge/parry on it. Honestly the best way is to simply have 2 sets of gear. Pick a main spec, and make that your priority, and then gear your second set when you can.

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Thanks for the advice :) Although, like I said, I have never had to gear two specs separately, so im wondering how that works. Im assuming in raids I wont get much due to I would have to roll for OS, but in RF, do I have to queue as frost to get frost gear?

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For now you'll have to queue as frost, but Blizzard is working on an interface that will allow to play one role and get gear for another role in LFR, We don't know when that will be done, but it's on the way.

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I hit cap for tanking, and recently I've been trying to pick up some extra haste to increase my tank dps (and also rune regen which leads to more self healing in blood). Since gear with Haste/Mastery, Hit/Master, and Expertise/Mastery would all be optimal for Dual wield frost, I have both a functional tank set and a nearly best in slot dps set.

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It seems like it's workable, but you'll have to look for pieces without Crit for tanking as it's completely worthless, and that will limit your damage output.

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You can do a haste>hit/exp build as a tank, but it is NOT optimal for most content. In terms of survival, haste is simply not remotely optimal and while technically it would be a hybrid tank/dps gear set, the tank side is severely diminished.

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The only time I've had an issue so far with Mastery > Hit/exp > Haste. is tanking Heroic Tortos Bats, and I would be better off just going frost and kiting them like all the other DK's, except we have a druid with so much avoidance she barely gets touched by them.

Edited by Storm

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  On 5/2/2013 at 2:20 PM, 'Storm said:

The only time I've had an issue so far with Mastery > Hit/exp > Haste. is tanking Heroic Tortos Bats, and I would be better off just going frost and kiting them like all the other DK's, except we have a druid with so much avoidance she barely gets touched by them.

That's the kind of fight where a bear really shines.. tons of small, fast melee hits to take advantage of the dodge buff from Savage Defense. However, DK's are much better at mitigating the massive damage from the turtle's Snapping Bite. Druids don't really have any tools to handle that effectively.

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