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[H - Crushridge - US] <Undead and Fabulous> Recruiting! For the casual raider.

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Guild: Undead and Fabulous

Faction / Realm: Horde / US-Crushridge-PvP

Web: http://www.undeadandfabulous.com


World of Logs

Raid Nights

Wednesday, Friday, and Monday from 18:30-21:00PST

(sometimes later if people are willing, but we don't force anyone to raid past 21:00).

We are actively looking for the following class/specs for our 10m raids:

1-2 Healers

1 Tank

We currently give out open invites to players that have a passion for the game and are interested in joining in our day to day fun.

These invites will go to players that wish to have a good time in game, as well as, those interested in raiding with us in future 25 man raids when possible. (Note: 25 mans are not guaranteed, yet are a current goal.)

Loot Distribution

Free roll. (10am)

Zero DKP (25m)

Since 2005, Undead and Fabulous is one of the oldest guilds on one of the oldest realms in Azeroth. From our humble beginnings learning how to not blow people up on Baron Geddon. To becoming a raiding powerhouse, proving we were moderately prepared enough for Illidan. We managed to not stand in things long enough to kill Yogg-Saron, to befriending Arthas and having him give us purples. We then decided SWTOR was more fun, only to realize the huge mistake we had made. We are now back to WoW, and looking to fill out our roster to stumble and tumble through the raids of Pandaria, giving out laughs and loot to all!

We understand you're busy! Chopping down trees, building cars and baking delicious pastries. Most of our members are working adults with families and busy lives. We don't force raid attendance (though if you never raid, why even bother), we don't require you to have cleared everything 300 times on the hard mode of the hard mode of the heroic mode, we don't require you fill every bag spot with a stack of flasks. Your job sucks, raiding doesn't have to be!

What should we expect from you?

- You don't particularly need experience, though if you do, that is a major plus. Having done at least the LFRs is a good step, we can help you out the rest of the way. Reading up on encounters will get you bonus points!

- Be somewhat prepared at raid time. Don't join the raid and spend the next 30 minutes at the auction house buying gems for the gear you're buying mats to make with the pattern you're saving up to buy.

- 475 ilvl or thereabouts. If you're close we can help you out. If you can't queue up for heroics yet, we can't help you out.

What should you expect from us?

- A fun, social environment for all.

- An engaging learning environment (whether or not they're things you actually want to learn about)

- Assistance with consumables, or gear, or moral quandaries.

If you like what you've read (or just skipped to the bottom for our website), head on over to:


You can fill out an application HERE

... or if you have questions, get in touch with one of our officers in game, or email us:

Q: TheQ#1698

Deb: CrazyShrum#1587

[email protected]

We look forward to chatting with you soon!

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