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[NA-WYRMREST ACCORD][H] <Whispers of the Horde> 0/0 H, ALL

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<Whispers of the Horde> is a member-run guild with over a decade of experience maintaining a mature and friendly community of WoW Roleplayers who are serious about both gameplay and storytelling.

We are recently returning from an extended break from the game, migrated over from Maelstrom as one of its most prominent guilds, are looking to, once again, create a community our members care about and one that invests in its members. To us it's not about numbers or politics, it's about building a community with real friendships and relationships whom we can enjoy the game with.

Q: What does "Member-Run" mean?
A: We believe that the guild you're in should be your guild. Members have the ability to create their own events on the guild calendar, vote for changes in the guild, and freely submit suggestions for the guild that will be put up for consideration for the entire guild to speak on and, ultimately, vote on.

Q: What do you mean by "Mature"? Is there an age restriction?
A: By "mature" we mean "grown-up". Not to the extend of enforcing an age restriction (which we had tried in the past) but in such a way that ensures members who join will be treated with respect and dignity. We have expressed community guidelines that prevent people from being discriminated or spoken of in a derogatory way whether within or outside of the guild. Language and actions that promote an immature attitude those of varying backgrounds, sexualities, gender identification, race, relgion, etc. are strictly enforced here. Harassment of any kind is also meant with zero tolerance. We aim to make this a family-friendly place where you can feel good having your child play alongside you (albeit general vulgarities are not something we police).


Q: What's the current raiding situation?

A: Since we are working on getting re-established we aren't currently actively raiding but it's definitely in our plans to do so. We'll be covering all aspects of gameplay including WPvP and RP once we get the roster for it. Historically our progression in raiding has been pretty great and we're looking to do that again.

Sound like your kind of guild? GREAT! In that case we likely want you just as much, if not more, than you want us so get your asses in here!

PM Eraishoand (formerly Eraisuithon), Mikhul, Mizzko, Raztokk, Murgrar for in-game info/invite.

We're open books so feel free to ask your questions!

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