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Hunter Secrets (more of an exploit) rather than its intended purpose

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Hello there ..let me start by saying am rated highly for hating hunters(archetypes abuse) not the hero himself .actually am a really big fan of rexxar but nevertheless this topic is actually in favor of the face hunter players though i hate them but after playing against a lot of the main 3 classes that casts ''secrets'' i found out that  you make little to no effort in playing around their secrets (hunters) due to :

1- they have to put your minions in specific health range giving away something like    (explosive trap) a clear indication what this secret is .!

2-usually players who played this game for quite significant amount   of time will simply know there way around these ''secrets''  simply because the fact they faced this (archetype/classes) before but still no clue on what this secret is until they proc it  

so am just wondering if they might consider adding an  element resembling a ''mysterious challenger''  effect to hunter secrets because although they are a pain to play against ''face hunters''  i still see that this is more easier to play around than actually establishing (board/board control) or play against other secret casting classes.

this topic is only brought up because.this  contradicts  the philosophy/design behind  the mechanics of what secrets really reflect in terms of how they should affect the game/turns  and not how players are accustomed now on just dealing with them on regular basis .

Edited by xeongole

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The problem is that all the hunter secrets that actually fit in current decks (i.e are good enough) trigger on a minion attacking making it really easy to test them out. Just attack a hunters face with a small minion and 4 out of the 5 secrets normally played are revealed (explosive, bear, misdirection, freezing). Mage has 6 secrets commonly played and all have varying triggers. (cast a spell, play a minion, kill a minion x2, attack face, kill mage) 

Problem with paladin secrets is the synergy they have with each other when they all are in play. you trigger one, and you get a chain reaction which summons a dummy target minion to die wasting your attack, buffs another minion, brings back the dummy minion you killed and then boosts them all on his turn. 




In anycase with scientist going out of standard who knows if any secret will be played in standard.

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yes but what i was talking about is that u always need to play around secrets but the hunter usually needs to play a second card next to the secret or set ur minions hp to 1 so pretty much u dont do any effort in trying to identify what secret he is playing as in comparison to the palading secrets or the mage secrets 

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