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Favorite Way Of Killing A Specific Legendary

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just wanted to start a fun topic here 

ok for me it is actually accompanied ''the legendary'' with a specific class'' warrior''

i just love to run rogues 

the legendary is  the infamous ''Dr.Boom'' and its extra tasty when its turn 8 right after the warrior has set him on the board and has his DEATHBITE ready to enrage his Gromm the turn after.

The Play:

turn 8 ...( prep+fan of knives+sabotage) 

want to read about your favorite way for killing''That Specific Legendary''

cheers !!

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To be honest, I don't really get this topic.

Also, on turn 8, you won't have to use Prep because FoK + Sabotage only cost 7 mana combined.

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the topic is there for fun mate .. and am not talking about the best way to kill a legendary ..just the way how you deal with them and what would be your favorite approach ..if you wish me to remove the post its fine with  btw ..have a nice day ^^) 

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Playing Priest, my favorites would be convert + SWP, or convert + entomb.  Nothing like stealing your opponents best minion and beating them with it.  

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I am okay with this thread, but I am not entirely sure what is the thread about. Something about best way to deal with legendaries I guess, but I don't fully understand tbh. Whatever, as long as you're having fun :P

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the post is insignificant in its ''beneficial value'' but the fun factor here is to see if there are players like the gentleman above you responded and how players like to handle threats in there own personal choice rather than the optimum one :D

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Guess it really depends on the legendary.  Obviously most people stay away from those with 7 or more Attack value so BGH isn't a factor.  So I'll pack an Entomb, Polymorph, Hex or Sylvanas to deal with it.  None of those are all that entertaining or original though.  So best specific scenario I've had was to use the Shrinkmeister + Cabal Shadow combo to steal an opponent's Ysera, then proceeded to beat them with the free super powered cards.

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Kind of dealing with a specific legendary here, but, one of my most satisfying moments I was playing Control Warrior against a Warlock.  He had turned into Jaraxxus, and reno'd back to 15 health, lucky for me, my Ysera gave me Ysera awakens, and I top decked Grommash.  It was truly a glorious moment indeed. :D

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