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Hey Guys, So I normally don't pre-purchase packs or spend real money on virtual items. I did however bought LoE because I felt adventures are a one time thing, while pack buying is infinite. This time however I was considering pre-purchasing since I got a lot more into the game since TgT and there is some value for money there (10 extra packs). However looking at the track record of TgT, I'm not sure if it is worth it or not. I've been looking at card reviews and it seems a lot of the cards are being deemed unplayable or exclusively "fun" cards. Plus many cards get the review: depends upon if BGH or owl gets nerfed.  


I'm missing a few rares from classic (savanah highmane, argus, twilight drakes, gadetistan auctioneer...)


quite a few epics (missing all giants except for 1 molten, BGH, doomsayer, faceless manipulator, 1x ancient of lore, 1x ancient of war, 1x FON, 1x doomhammer, 1x prep, twisting nethers, bane of dooms, brawls, mysterious challenger...)


and a lot of legendaries from classic (no alex, ysera, malygos, sylvanas, Tony, Jaraxus, Grom, bloodmage thalnos, cenarius, baron geddon, leeroy, harrison.)


I have 4000 gold saved up to potentially buy WotOG packs with in game gold.

I potentially have 7720 dust to spend on cards you would really need from classic or WotOG.


I'm not sure If I should buy the pre-purchase and use gold as well on WotOG or get Pre-Purchase and use gold to aim for missing classic cards or craft what I need from classic/TgT and use all saved and incoming gold for WoTOG.


I know there is no way to tell if WotOG will be amazing or not since there are many cards left and classic nerfs are not announced but I'm afraid the expansion will launch and I wont be able to get the 10 extra packs before getting a clear picture. So just looking for advice based on predictions and experience of all the great players here :) 

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So, the question is whether you should buy WotOG with gold, gold and cash, cash or just dust?

If so, it depends on your ability to earn gold through arena and your current real-life money situation. There isn't a simple way to determine the best way to obtain WotOG cards. I would say, do what you feel is the best approach.

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Well, IT could be a combination of any of the three (gold, dust, cash.) For gold, Im not that great at arena, I think my max wins is either 5 or 6. So I just end up buying packs with gold. Plus I feel arena messes up the Pity timer strategy I have going to minimize no. of packs I need to buy until I get a legendary. 


I guess another way to ask the question is which set is more necessary to have, keeping in mind the cards I'm missing from classic, or rather "IS the new expansion cards better to have than the cards I mentioned missing from my collection?" IF there are a good no. of cards in xpac that are equal or better (like more than 60%) Then I would pre-purchase. If the good cards are less than 40% then I don't think there would be any point in spending real money to get a bunch of crappy cards. Infact if they are very few, its better to not buy the new expac at all, use gold on classic, gather dust and craft useful cards from xpac.


 If they are 40-60% then I would have to do a more in depth comparison with cards I don't have and divide my resources accordingly...

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I'm not sure anyone will be able to answer your question until we get to play with the new expansion cards.  So prepaying for packs is really going to be a hit-or-miss option.  It may turn out the new meta will be heavily dependent on the new expansion, or it could be like TgT and some cards get play but no major meta changes.  With the former possibility prepaying for packs would be viable, while the latter indicates that just dusting for the specific cards you want would be better.


Personally I've been saving up gold for months to spend on the new packs regardless, but I won't be spending any real world money on the expansion.  I did that with the Explorers adventure instead.

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Basically if you are intending to play standard and have the gold you should/could buy it, since it's a discount to pre-order. If you're fine with taking it a bit slower and use dust/gold on packs or jsut don't have or want to use money on it, don't buy it.

So basically you gotta ask yourself if you think you're going to buy packs with money throughout the next couple of months regardless, since then you might aswell pre-order now and get cheaper.

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