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Hearthstone Deck list API?

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Hey folks, first post, longtime lurker etc.

I really like the deck lists here, but it's a little labour intensive to open up the lists and my collection at the same time to see if I have all the cards for a list, or what I need to craft.  Is there an API for Icy Veins or any other site that hosts desklists, so I can write a tool to a) track my collection, and b) tell me what I have/need for a list.  Maybe I'll even make it a browser plugin, so you can see that information directly on the site!

Alternatively, if anyone knows a better way to do this, please let me know!

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When you say labor intensive.. What do you mean?


Like .. hard on your computer?

Cuz if so..you need a new computer. LOL

Edited by SithLordOfSnark
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Hearthstone Deck Tracker helps automate importing deck lists from sites into the Tracker and then from the Tracker to the game. It's easier with some other sites than it is with Icy Veins though because some other sites let you access the list in a more convenient format. You can do it from Icy Veins but it just takes a bit more tarting around.

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