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Legendary Reno Jackson Mage Freeze Standard

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Guest Henrique

I do not have either Bloodmage Thalnos nor Malygos, can I use the 3/2 c'thun card (+1spelldmg) instead of Bloodmage, and Sylvannas instead of Malygos?

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2 hours ago, Guest Henrique said:

I do not have either Bloodmage Thalnos nor Malygos, can I use the 3/2 c'thun card (+1spelldmg) instead of Bloodmage, and Sylvannas instead of Malygos?

Yes, but the deck will suffer quite a lot. 

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Guest PlaguEngineer

Umm, this is most certainly not a Reno deck... More than 1 copy of any card means his trigger never goes off? Is this is a mistake in the decklist?


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1 minute ago, Guest PlaguEngineer said:

Umm, this is most certainly not a Reno deck... More than 1 copy of any card means his trigger never goes off? Is this is a mistake in the decklist?


The deck runs very high amount of card draw, so it is quite likely that you will draw your duplicate cards and then drop Reno Jackson

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Guest Harris

Hi. I was wondering if this deck is viable in terms of reaching legend and being somewhat competitive. Also do you see this deck standing strong in the long run in future expansions? Or is this deck a one hit wonder?

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2 hours ago, Guest Harris said:

Hi. I was wondering if this deck is viable in terms of reaching legend and being somewhat competitive. Also do you see this deck standing strong in the long run in future expansions? Or is this deck a one hit wonder?

Yes, this deck can reach legend, but is more reliant on luck than the regular freeze mage. As for future expansions, it is really hard to tell. Like, zoo was supposed to lose strength because of loss of Nerubian EggHaunted Creeper, nerf of cards and so on, but it is actually stronger than it was before. My personal guess is that it will weaken a bit because it won't get many (if any) new cards for it, whereas other decks will get cards that make those decks better.

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What a waste of time and dust this deck is.

It's too unbalanced.
At round 5 you still need to play Acolyte of Pain for get some cards. In the meanwhile the enemy already have put 6 minions on the board and done 15-20 damage.

And even if you play Frost Nova + Doomsayer on next rounds, the opponent always have some sort of magic card for fuck up this strategy.

When you are good to start playing, you have 5 health.
Also, there are always some sort of duplicate that doesn't show up, doesn't allowing to play Reno.

I was at rank 18 with 2 stars in ladder before start building this deck. Now I'm at 20 with 0 stars.
My winrate is 3 win 13 lose.

I'm playing from just 1 month... but I never tried a deck so weak, it's really horrible.

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@AcceleratorFreeze mage is actually one of the hardest decks to play, and that is probably the cause of your problems with the deck. Could you please post some replays of you playing the deck, so we can help you improve with the deck, or know what cards to change to make the deck more effective, in case we won't find any misplays.

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15 minutes ago, Guest XYZ said:

Any replacements for archmage or alex?

For both? You might be better off looking at a different type of deck to play. 

If you want replacements, try Pyroblast. Definitely try to get Alexstrazsa though.

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I wouldn't bother playing any form of Freeze Mage without Alexstraza. Antonidas, on the other hand, is mostly good for upping your winrate against Warriors from, like, 10% to 40%. Given that Warriorstone is over and we are now living in the age of Shamanstone, I don't feel like Antonidas is worth running anymore. And I haven't had a game where I wished I had Pyroblast in ... forever. Here's my current list:

2 Ice Lance
1 Mirror Image
Bloodmage Thalnos
2 Doomsayer
2 Frostbolt
2 Loot Hoarder
2 Novice Engineer
2 Acolyte of Pain
2 Arcane Intellect
2 Forgotten Torch
2 Frost Nova
1 Ice Barrier
2 Ice Block
1 Cone of Cold
2 Fireball  
2 Blizzard  
Emperor Thaurissan

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12 hours ago, mgoetze said:

I wouldn't bother playing any form of Freeze Mage without Alexstraza. 

Pretty much this. Alex is a HUGE part of the gameplay, both offensively and defensively. She's the card that you sit there and go: "I wish I could draw Alex right now".

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Guest Klazik

Almost everybody can outlast this deck, because of the amount of healing cards. And Malygos is worth nothing since you mostly only get 1 discount out of Emperor. You have to be down right lucky, to actually get any wins out of this deck..

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19 minutes ago, Guest Klazik said:

Almost everybody can outlast this deck, because of the amount of healing cards. And Malygos is worth nothing since you mostly only get 1 discount out of Emperor. You have to be down right lucky, to actually get any wins out of this deck..

Or, you just need to make sure you are playing around the healing correctly. The only thing that should be able to outheal Alexstrazsa into burst would be Warrior, due to armour. You just need to budget your clears well. If you waste them too early, you'll lose.

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23 hours ago, N00bKefka said:

Swap suggestion, Malygos -> Evolved Kobold for slightly more flexiblity in terms of burst after ET discount.

You need a much bigger combo to actually win if you make this swap. You can't use spells to clear as freely and you'll probably end up dying before you draw everything. With Maly, you can use Torch/Fireball to clear comfortably.

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