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[US-Sargeras][A] - <Legends Anonymous> 13/13H recruiting for Legion!
Marcusblood, in US
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By Cooli
Casual | Alliance | Whitemane | Loot Council | PST
Casual is an established Day 1 Whitemane guild that is recruiting for Naxx, and looking for competitive players to fill our TBC roster.
Guild Goals:
Compete with top guilds in TBC.
Never Miss a Lockout
Clear Content Fast and Efficiently
Sunday/Monday 5:45-10:00 PST
Fury Warrior
Holy/Disc Priest
Shadow Priest
Fire Mage
TBC Recruitment is going to be open competition for raiding spots. There will be an alt run, and the guild will be hosting GDKPs.
1. Come Prepared. The content is 13 years old, there is no reason to not know the mechanics of a boss. We will post Strats and info graphics prior to a raid release, but it is the raiders responsibility to understand the Mechanics. Bring your consumables, there is no excuse to not have your flasks/Potions/Food for any given week.
2. Be open to criticism. No one is perfect, and we expect anyone in the raid to be able to handle being asked or told (respectfully) how to do something better. We will not tolerate any kind of childish behavior, the raid comes first, and no one is above it.
3. Perform. With all the resources available to the player base today, there are few excuses to not know how to play your class effectively. We expect raiders to have a knowledge of the class they play, and be able to absolutely pump in whatever role they are filling.
Casual has been a loot council guild from Day 1, we have a public spreadsheet that tracks where every single piece of gear has gone. Factors for the Loot Council include, but are not limited to:
Raid Benefit
Please contact Cool#1211 on bnet Cool#8812 in discord
By Nightwinds
**Something Edgy** is looking for eager raiders to progress through Mythic Dazar'Alor! We are looking to round out our core raid group and progress through raiding content and mythic plus. We are a very social guild and many of our members can often be found in Discord. We are looking for like-minded members who are online more than just the 2 raid nights.
**[Progression and Experience]**
9/9H, 2/9M - Dazar'Alor
2/2N, 2/2H - Crucible
Our officers are experienced raiders from previous expansions looking to help new, current, and returning players.
**[Raid Times and Days]**
We have 2 scheduled raids a week.
Tuesdays: 7:00pm-10:00pm PST
Wednesdays: 7:00pm-10:00pm PST
There will be additional optional raids depending on availability.
* High Priority
R Shaman and/or Priest Healer.
1 non Hunter Ranged dps
All skilled players are welcome to apply! We also are always looking for active and social players.
We push Mythic Keystones every week, and encourage all members to at least complete the weekly +10. We currently have an optional Thursday off night to help gear up some of the more social members, and to get titan-forged pieces for our raiders.
During raids and high Mythic+, having consumables is expected.
Know your class. We log all fights, spend time analyzing them for ways to improve aspects your play. Activity and respect is highly valued. We know real life is important and things come up, but consistent attendance is expected.
You can contact Nightwinds#1991(Co-GM), or Dârkness#1139 (Raid Lead) for more information.
Application link if you would rather fill out an app.
By PinkFap
__________________________________________________<Shiny Happy People>__________________________________________________ We're looking for more Mythic-ready raiders. Check the bottom of the page for recruitment needs and how to apply!
Who we is: SHP is comprised of some of the illest killas you done ever seen. We're long-time bessie amigos based on The Maelstrom EU with our WoW experience stretching as far back as Vanilla. We play many different games together but consider WoW our 'main' game. We're former hardcore, balls-to-the-wall Heroic/Mythic raiders now adopting the life of the semi-casual. For a more in depth look at our history please visit: We strongly recommend you give that a read before applying. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What we're about: SHP is all about that primo, high octane gaming experience while having Tons of Funs™. This means we play at a high level and blaze through content at a steady pace all the while plenty of uncensored shit-talking and bants is taking place on voice comms. We pride ourselves in being able to overcome any and all challenges while cracking wise. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ But who are we looking for? Are you able to follow simple instructions such as 'Don't do that' or 'Don't stand in that shit' or 'Don't drop that big bad AOE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAID'? Are you able to perform dexterous movements such as sidestepping big fucking purple beams being casted in your direction? Are you able to perform complex mechanics such as pool soaking by standing COMPLETELY still? Do you often look at boss tactic videos and think to yourself 'Man aint nobody got time for any of that nonsense, I'll let the raid leaders spoonfeed me what to do'? Then you might just be SHP material! If none of the above applies to you but you're ranged DPS and you consistently parse orange on WCLogs then you are definitely SHP material! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ But what can we offer you?
SHP can offer you raiding like you've never raided before. I'm talking high level play from highly skilled players proficient in both PvE and PvP. A mindset of continual self-improvement and an eye on a prize at the end of an ever-expanding horizon. Our members also regularly run high Mythic keystones to gear up alts or to hopefully get a sweet sweet Titanforged weapon.
But no matter how difficult the content, no matter how focused we get, it is always paired with a relaxed environment, sweet tunes from our dedicated music bot and the occasional sing-a-long on our Discord voice comms.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When do we do what we do? We raid Wednesdays and Mondays from 20:00 till 23:30. We also have an extra raid day at the start of a new tier on Saturdays which will convert to an optional alt-run after this period. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Website Discord Contact: PinkFap#2713 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current recruitment needs: Mostly looking for good ranged DPS of any class and melee of a select few classes to round out our roster. For our most up-to-date recruitment needs please visit our WoWProgress page. You can drop an application here. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -
By Kromi
Hello and thank you for taking the time to review our Recruitment Post!
We are <Akyrion Reborn:Draenor> a cutting edge guild who are currently looking for exceptional players to join our ranks in BfA.
A little about us:
We are a team of welcoming and dedicated people from countries all across europe looking to experience high end content together. As we have so many different nationalities we do expect a functioning understanding of english as this will be the language used.
We pride ourselves on having a fun yet fair approach to all aspects of guild management and aim to achieve great progress while maintaining a positive atmosphere free of toxic and negative behaviour.
To achieve our goals we have in place the following rules.
1. We have a zero toxicity policy (no bullying, harassment or naming and shaming during raids) However banter is obviously encouraged and we expect our raid team to be made of sterner stuff ?
2. Attendance!!!
You will be expected to maintain a level of attendance befitting a member of our raid team. This is currently set at 85% (we understand IRL exists but we also look to build team chemistry and minimise total squad size)
3. Performance
We are here to push mythic end game content, this requires a certain level of capability but also more important adaptability!
4. Accountability
Understanding where you have gone wrong or accepting constructive criticism is a part of progression raiding.
5. Preparation
We expect people to come prepared with not just an understanding of the current boss tactics but those which directly follow, and the part you play in them.
What you can expect from us.
*A serious yet fun raiding experience (We take raiding seriously).
*A friendly space to relax, make friends and enjoy the game.
*A committed raiding team.
*Professional and unbiased raid officers willing to listen when disagreements occur.
What do we require from you?
*A serious and committed attitude to raiding (We have a no tolerance policy to toxicity)
All raid members are expected to have raid materials such as flasks, food, enchants and gems prior to said raid.
*Be able to attend at least 85% of our raids
*You know your class to a high level and keep yourself up to date.
*Come prepared for raids (Don't expect to turn up without knowing what's going on with the expectation of being carried)
*Sign up to all calendar events in advance and post in the AFK channel in discord if you cannot make a raid.
*Have a working headset!
Raid times
We raid Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 20:30 - 23:30 Server Time
Invites will go out @ 20:15
As a new trial you will come and join us in raids and will have the same expectations to perform as any other member of the team, you will be rated out of ten on a varied number of criteria (not just your meters!!) by a mixture of other raiders, officers and the gm. We feel this process helps eliminate the "favouritism" aspect which can occur during recruitment and helps us better ascertain how well you will fit into the team as a whole.
We also have a Social rank for those of you who want a friendly place to call home. We also have a social raid on Sundays which will be accompanied by Alts from the main raiding team. We will also try to help you with your mythic and mythic plus runs.
If you have any questions feel free to Add Kromi#2633
In game:
To apply, please join discord
We are currently open to recruiting all classes and specs dependent on the quality of the applicant.
By Darkmutant
<Angel> Stormrage (alliance)
Recruiting to fill new semi-hardcore raid team to progress further in Heroic and Mythic current content. As well as create a foundation for a solid progression raid team for the upcoming BfA content. We are not looking for top teir dps or heals. We are however looking for competent players. Who are raid aware, consistent w/attendance, know their class, item lvl 920 min, and have some prior raid experience. Your experience does not have to be current as that is easily attainable, but we would like to see prior raid experience in your record.
Raid Times:
Friday.....9:30-12:30 EST
Saturday.....9:30-12:30 EST
Sunday.....9:30-12:30 EST
Mondays.....9:30-12:30 EST (only if needed but this day will not be required)
1 Tank.....Blood Dk / Prot Warrior (This is optional as I am a tank/dps)
2 Heals.....Holy Pali / Resto Druid, Shaman, Holy Priest, or Mist Monk
1 DPS/Heals.....Priest, Shaman, Monk, or Druid
2 R DPS.....Lock, Hunter, Mage or Shaman
2 M DPS.....Rogue / DH, Monk, or Warrior
All great applicants will be considered regardless of class or spec.
Addons Required:
To trial or for additional information or questions, contact any of the following:
DarkBrykk#1829 - Recruitment Officer................(Darkmutant)
xolos#1576 - Raid Leader......................................(Minvertia)