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Which ladder to freeze ...

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As the thread title may indicate, I do like to play Freeze Mage. Whether I play it well or not being another issue. It also is the one competitive deck I have all cards for in all permutations.


So what I would like to know is your honest opinion on whether it currently would be easier to climb the ladder with this deck to higher ranks in Wild or Standard mode seeing how all the deck lost in the transition to Standard was Mad Scientist. A notable loss, admittedly.

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I will have to disagree with the statement above.


Freeze mage is totally viable in standard as well, it existed as a deck archetype way before naxx.

Don't forget that freeze mage lost the scientist, but the opposing players to the freeze mage lost loatheb.

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Can u link your deck please ?

I also play mage and more specifcally I love Freeze Mage.

I thought with WoToG this spec wouldn't be competitive anymore. Can you give deck examples please ?


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Can u link your deck please ?

I also play mage and more specifcally I love Freeze Mage.

I thought with WoToG this spec wouldn't be competitive anymore. Can you give deck examples please ?



Hey, you can check out two of Sottle's decks, I believe they might be what you're looking for.

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The first deck from your link doesn't use any new cards from WoToG. Do you think it is competitive yet ?

I have all cards, which is cool but I doubt it is efficient against Cthun War for example (sorry for my bad english).


The second "Legendary Reno Jackson Mage Freeze Standard Deck" seems very cool on paper. I'll try it. 


Thank you

Edited by daval78

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A little update from my side.

Currently Wild definitely seems the place to do the freezing. That has not that much to do with the relative strength of Freeze Mage itself but more with how popular Warrior currently is in Standard.

Also, personally I believe the lists without Reno Jackson are slightly better against the field at large though clearly worse in the - very rare - mirror.

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freeze is still viable on both formats ...on standard you lose some cards but in return opponents have built decks that are usually midrange,control and ofc the miracle variations .i checked 2 days ago on the meta snapshot and it was stated that the deck only lost its hight place in tier 1 due too the presence of prominent warrior decks specially control but other than that its still and will always be a really good competitive deck so yeah ..see what kind of meta you are facing on each format and decide which will be more comfortable for you but in terms of the deck its always viable !!! 

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A bit off topic, but I need a suggestion, since sadly there is not that much info out there regarding the Wild metagame.

What decks would you recommend for laddering on Wild that have decent matchups against the field at large and are favored against the different Warrior variants?

Just for those days when there are too many warriors around for Freeze Mage to be real fun. :) My guess would be N'Zoth Priest with Thoughtcasts and Elise Starseeker, though I am not sure.

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At this point and time, definitely wild, imo.  Freeze mage has a pretty abysmal match vs aggro shaman (mid range is also a bad match), all warrior variants, and druids, which is pretty much all I see besides zoo around rank 10ish in standard.  That being said, I can't really comment on the wild metagame right now since I haven't played it much but standard is pretty rough for freeze right now. 

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On ‎26‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 3:42 AM, PancakeMonk said:

boom zoo with the deathrattle minions and imp-losion  is still one of my top choices on the wild ladder 

I don't doubt this is a strong deck, but is it really favored against Control Warrior?

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i think control  warrior is favored against zoolocks. i did not play alot on the wild ladder this season so i dont know how the meta is going but i guess its still a fast way to climb the ladder so i hopethe deck is still as strong as it was pre-wotog 

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On ‎30‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 11:03 AM, PancakeMonk said:

i think control  warrior is favored against zoolocks.

So the question remains: What is the deck to play on wild if you expect to run into a lot of (Control) Warriors? :)

Edited by Kobal

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5 minutes ago, Kobal said:

So the question remains: What is the deck to play on wild if you expect to run into a lot of (Control) Warriors? :)

C'thun druid is favoured against most (if not all) warrior decks and therefore is a solid choice if you want to go laddering on wild. Another option is to play mirror.

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hey kobal ..well most of the decks that are labeled as legend capable can achieve that here on the website  ..the point is what meta will you be facing and what class/deck you are comfortable with ..zoo and hunters have  always been a good way to skip the first 10 ranks ..i dont play rush or aggro but that might work for you ..as far as deck viability and card potency ..paladins with midrange builds have some sick play's on curve so if you are into some slower builds but certainly powerful go with the  paly midrange builds ..budget or the full version are not far in terms of power ..to add to my answer ..if i want to keep it safe and some how consistent i try to run a build that either have a good overall matchup against all classes like the tempo mage or a midrange  deck and mulligan hard for my early drops if am facing an aggro meta ..i really hope i helped but again last time i touched the wild button was almost 2 months ago hehe ..gl and i hope i can assist you as much as possible :)

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Thank you for that extensive reply Pancake Monk.

I know what deck I want to play: Freeze Mage. :)

What I was looking for was merely an alternative for those days where everyonne seems to be playing Warrior. Since, well, Freeze Mage has some quite lopsides matchups ...

Edited by Kobal

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Speaking of which ...

Are there any good ressources out there for the Wild Metagame and accompanying tech? All the big sites (understandably) have switched over to Standard, but I'd still like to get some inspiration for Wild ladder freezing if possible. :)

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