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Building 10m Raid group

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Im putting together a 2nd raid group for my guild and am trying to figure out what I want to run with. So I have just a couple of questions.

First which spec for Death Knights are pushing damage wise for dps, I noticed on Mmo-champions raid comp builder that both bring in the same buffs/debuffs so now it just boils down to the numbers.

Second, What healer would be best off with a dps off-spec, Priest or Shaman. Priest is disc and of course shaman is resto. Also for the shaman if they were to OS what spec I havent seen great numbers from enhancement so would like elemental.

Finally my last question. Down to tanks, Prot warrior is my first choice. How ever for my second choice im stumped. would prefer my tanks to not need to fight over off sets of gear such as necks/rings etc.

Any help would be appreciated. Sorry if this alot, I just came back after a couple month break and am just starting up again. So im not familiar with what kinda classes are working better with each other than others. ( hope that makes sense)

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1.) From what I've seen and tried 2H Frost DK's are doing the most dps right now for DK's, but if you have other options, a lot of other melee classes are doing higher dps right now. Rogues are absolutely insane, I would definitely make sure you have one in your group.

2.) Both have similar potential as far as dps, it would just depend on the player and the gear, but in my experience Disc would be the better healer right now. If you do go the shaman route they would definitely want elemental for their off spec.

3.) I've rarely seen prot warriors this expansion. I don't know if it's because they're bad, or people just don't want to play them, but I literally have almost 0 experiences with them to base an opinion on.

Paladins are pretty over powered right now, they can bubble off the debuffs and solo tank a lot of fights that aren't meant to be solo tanked. They also use very similar gear for tanking and dps, so they can offspec more easily than other tanks.

I play a DK, so I'm somewhat partial to DK's. Although DK's have the consistent problem of taking higher damage than other tanks in progression content, and then becoming invincible once we out gear the content.

Druids can be decent and take a lot less damage when there are multiple adds involved, or when their high dodge can prevent the application of a debuff. they also basically use dps gear for tanking, so they can easily reforge and regem and be fully geared for their off spec.

I haven't had a ton of experience with monk tanks either. from what I have seen though they are high avoidance like druids, but can sometimes take spiky damage. They also appear to have the highest dps of any tank right now.

Pretty much any two tanks will have fights they're the best at, and fights they're the worst at, just try to get two different classes and you should be fine.

I guess the same goes for the rest of your raid too. The more variety you have the easier progression will be. Try to stick with 2 tanks, 3 healers (with 1 or more able to go dps for 2 heal fights), 2 melee, 3 range

Edited by Storm

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1. Unholy but it's close with 2h frost.

2. Priest would be my preference then Enhancement. Elemental is pretty weak on average (this is not set in stone however, there are a few great Elemental shaman) - In the end it won't matter much, just bring the best player.

3. They are all close. Just realize that tanks roll on dps gear for the most part nowadays. Warriors and DK's are the only two that will be rolling on Dodge/Parry gear. Druids a maybe on some dodge gear and Paly/Monks will never prefer those to DPS stats.

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changes in 5.3 aside disc priests are extremely powerful at the moment.

Shaman healers in a 10man setting however, are not performing well at the moment.

Disc Priest and Holy Paladin are a great combination in 10man if you plan on running with 2 heals.

If you need a third for some fights, mistweaver monks or restoration druids are pretty good. If you only have the Shaman as an option at the moment it's very important to make sure they've gemmed, min/maxxed their gear properly. They're not the best in 10man but will be worse if they don't research their class. The same can be said of any class I guess.

Being part of the healing team of our raid I stay pretty well out of the organisation of tanks/dps but our pally/priest/druid combo is pretty amazeballs

  • Thanks 1

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