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Overwatch Zarya

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Guest LadyBabyMan

You forgot to mention the part about not trying to go after anyone alone, ever, because she cant do anything on her own


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  On 5/28/2016 at 1:07 AM, Guest LadyBabyMan said:

You forgot to mention the part about not trying to go after anyone alone, ever, because she cant do anything on her own



I'm not sure about this. Zarya's damage output is not that bad, especially once it's boosted by damage absorption. Good use of Barrier can help you out, but she's definitely not an assassin.

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Guest Youhna

I do believe Mercy can 'fly' to a distant target not caught if she herself is in Zaryas ulti

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Guest Myltretas

Maybe on the "Heroes that can counter Graviton Surge" area you can add that Zarya players should be careful when using her ult against a team with Genji on it, since he can reflect the projectile with his reflect ability and turn things pretty bad for your team if you're all together.

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  On 6/17/2016 at 3:36 PM, Guest Youhna said:

I do believe Mercy can 'fly' to a distant target not caught if she herself is in Zaryas ulti


I'll test this as soon as I can access the game again in a few days' time. Thanks for the suggestion.

  On 6/28/2016 at 12:02 PM, Guest Myltretas said:

Maybe on the "Heroes that can counter Graviton Surge" area you can add that Zarya players should be careful when using her ult against a team with Genji on it, since he can reflect the projectile with his reflect ability and turn things pretty bad for your team if you're all together.


I'm adding this to the guide right now. It's a very good point, and I thank you for mentioning it :)

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Guest doat

I think you can deal much higher DPS in short to medium range if you alternate between left and right clicks. This is because after an orb you can shoot beam much earlier than another orb. So you can effectively get some "free" beam squeezed between each orb. If done correctly, you can still shoot 4 orbs with a clip and get some beam in between them, without losing any time between orbs.

I just found about this today while trying some things in 1v1, so I'm not 100% certain this is true. But it really feels like you can use the beam between orbs and still shoot the orbs at the same rate.

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  On 9/1/2016 at 4:59 PM, Guest doat said:

I think you can deal much higher DPS in short to medium range if you alternate between left and right clicks. This is because after an orb you can shoot beam much earlier than another orb. So you can effectively get some "free" beam squeezed between each orb. If done correctly, you can still shoot 4 orbs with a clip and get some beam in between them, without losing any time between orbs.

I just found about this today while trying some things in 1v1, so I'm not 100% certain this is true. But it really feels like you can use the beam between orbs and still shoot the orbs at the same rate.


After some testing of this, I think you need to be VERY careful with how much energy you spend. The beam accuracy is MUCH more reliant on your personal skill and tracking, so you could theoretically be missing out a full orb cast by using the beam, despite missing the beam constantly. 

It's important also to remember that you can only use 24 energy on your beam without losing a full orb. This is just under 2 seconds of beam energy. You need to monitor your energy VERY carefully, or you'll end up doing a lot less damage. You will also spend more time reloading.

Lots of things to consider here!

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Guest Seeri

Some numbers are incorrect.

You gain 1% energy per 4 damage absorbed, not 3% per 5.
Projected barrier absorbs 200 damage, not 400.

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  On 9/22/2016 at 1:32 PM, Guest Seeri said:

Some numbers are incorrect.

You gain 1% energy per 4 damage absorbed, not 3% per 5.
Projected barrier absorbs 200 damage, not 400.


Will get these passed on and updated! Thanks!

Edit: We do list the shield as absorbing 200 damage, not 400, already.

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Uncommon Patron

Thanks for putting the guide together. I play a bit of Zarya and it would be nice to have a Synergies and Matchups section like some of the other guides do. I've found that a Zarya-Rein is almost unbreakable on Hanamura defense,  going toe-to-toe with Roadhog is pointless, etc. I think that will add a lot of usefulness to the guide, especially for new Zarya players. Thanks!

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