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Icy Veins Giveaway Part 2: Win 100 Legion Beta Keys!


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I'm planning to main my Warrior again even though there are so many new things I want to check out, gotta stick with my first love. Arms looks improved over WoD I want to try that, hopefully it's good. As an Orc Warrior I'd love to see Saurfang in the class hall but I'm not sure he'd fit into the Warrior class hall, he might have to die to get there and I don't want that  Saurfang has been around since Vanilla, from AQ to SoO, I've always enjoyed seeing him in action

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I will play as Demonology Warlock, i like the thing they did with the Class Order Halls, i would like to see there Karethrad (the lock from greenfire quest) it would be interesting of what he has to say.

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I will play retri/port paladin in 7.0, had a lot of fun in Wod. Hope to check it out soon. Also I really want to see Uther or other great paladins in order hall.!! <3

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I leveled a hunter a week before WoD and it has treated me well throughout this expansion. I plan to continue as Marksman in Legion.


I would have to say my favorite hunter npc has to be Hemet Nessingwary because I'm a sucker for grinding quests! Hopefully I'll be hanging out with the Azeroth's most famous big game hunter!

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Going to stick with warlock for the legion era. During mist of pandaria I feel like I mastered the spec in my endeavor to defeat kanrethad and obtain the flames of xoroth. Sort of excited for the new challenge of learning destruction after never really feeling compelled to play it thanks to the cool green fire style that demonology had, which is now being deleted, so I'm destruction all the way. My favorite NPC tied to the class has to be jubeka, the character which we sort of followed on the path to the kanrethad encounter. that was the beta test / proof of concept for the artifact quest scenarios

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I cannot wait to play Demon Hunter, looks so fun. 


However I am still a Paladin at heart and I would love to see Tyrion's ghost appear in the order hall

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I'm gonna have to go with my Death Knight. Still haven't decided if I want to stick with frost for that epic quest line or unholy because it looks so fun. The NPC I'd like to see in my class hall and is also my favorite, Tirion Fording. Wouldn't that be a cruel twist of fate since seeing him almost put on the Lich King's helmet? No matter what happens, Legion is shaping up to be amazing.

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In Legion I play to play a Mage, probably Frost or Arcane, although I'd consider Fire if they manage to make it more compelling. My favorite Mage NPC is Nielas Aran. He should be a major lore figure but only exists in game as a ghostly boss in Karazhan. He was the father of Medivh and a powerful Mage in his own right. He's a tragic figure and just adds to the tragedy that surrounded Medivh

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 I will be playing my hunter as my main. Even though I've played other classes throughout the life of WoW. She is by far my favorite, and has always been my main since Vanilla WoW.


 I'd love to see many NPC's in my class hall, but I think a favorite would have to be Sylvanas Windrunner wub.png by far.

She is hot, kicks butt, and would be a great one to have there as a strong leader/symbol for our class order hall.

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I'm going to play Marksmanship Hunter, and without barrage  my raid leader will finally stop raging me for pulling extra trash packs, jk, i really hate pets and want to do massive damage as mm.

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My main in Legion will be my Death Knight. I played a Warrior from vanilla launch through the start of wrath. Every expansion I think I might make my warrior my main just out of nostalgia, but I love my DK too much. Ever since the start of wrath it's been my favorite class, even with all the hate we got it never deterred me from playing it as my main. It combines two of my favorite fantasy niches, necromancy and icy frosty things. As for my favorite class NPC, it's not exactly a class NPC but certainly heavily related to a famous DK NPC. I've always liked the concept of valkyries, and I love WoW's take on them. It would be cool to have some Val'kyr in Acherus but I know that's doubtful.

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I'll be maining a Ret Pally going into Legion. like I have in WoD. Currently, I enjoy Ret because of its already strong class fantasy, and I feel Legion is going to be expanding and narrowing down that fantasy into something fantastical and exciting.
   As someone who started in Wrath, I have a bit of a prejudice towards Tirion Fordring for my favorite Paladin, and he's the reason I wanted to play one when I started. If I could, I would love to see him in the Order Hall.

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The class that I will be maining in Legion is, of course, the original glass cannon, the Mage. I have mained a Mage since The Burning Crusade and I have numerous lower level Mages to go along with that main. Squishy yet powerful, mages are an asset to any raid, battleground group, or arena team. 

I currently play as Frost, but I'm hoping that the Legion class changes will renew interest in the other specializations. I miss the days of the PoM Pyro Fire mage. Those days were truly something to behold.

On to which mage NPC I'd like to see in my class hall..

While my main is Horde aligned, I consider myself to be largely bi-factional. With that being said, the mage NPC whom I'd most love to see in my class hall is Lady Jaina Proudmoore. 

Lady Jaina Proudmoore has always been my biggest inspirations as mage. She is steadfast, intelligent, cunning, charismatic, and exceptionally powerful. Her rise to leader of the Kirin Tor was proof of that. While she certainly displayed an understandable temper after the attacks on Theramore, she also displayed obvious control and an ability to think clearly even in the most stressful of situations. Realizing the potention outcome of her actions through the guidance of Thrall and Kalec and not releasing that massive tidal wave upon Kalimdor was proof of that. She is a leader whom, even as Horde, I would be willing to follow anywhere.

Honorable Mentions:

Rhonin: Deceased and incapable of being in our class hall, he would have been an excellent choice. His bravery is what won me over. Maintaining a portal while drawing the largest known mana bomb directly to his tower and shoving Jaina through the portal even while she insisted on not leaving his side displayed just how selfless he was as a leader. To say that the former leader of the Kirin Tor was admirable is an understatement.   

Aethas Sunreaver: A member of the Council of Six, Aethas provided the closing speech in the vote to make Jaina leader of the Kirin Tor after Rhonin's untimely death. In his infinite wisdom, he also displayed astounding critical thought when Jaina approached the Council after Thalen Songweaver's betrayal, helping them to realize that any member of any race could be a traitor; that the Blood Elves as a race were not responsible for Thalen's despicable actions.

Queen Azshara: She was known to be extremely charismatic. It is said that only Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, or Sargeras could have possibly matched her. (Not eligible for obvious reasons.)

Magna Aegwynn: She is known to be one of the greatest sorcerers of all time. Mother to the last guardian of Tirisfal and another very powerful sorcerer, Medivh, she was the only female of five apprentices trained by Magna Scavell. She, with the help of dragons, defeated an avatar of Sargeras and trapped his physical form in the Tomb of Sargeras. Unfortunately, Sargeras used a bit of himself to corrupt her without her knowledge prior to his demise at her hands. That corruption, intended for Medihv (Sargeras knew she would conceive the next Guardian), manifested itself years later when Medihv made a pact with the Burning Legion, brought the Orcs into Azeroth, and killed Aegwynn. At that time, she was no longer a powerful sorceress as she had transferred all of her power to Medihv years prior. (Deceased)

There are numerous notable mages throughout the history of Azeroth and so many of them would make incredible choices. I'm sure the obvious answer for all mages should be Khadgar. He is obviously quite brilliant. There are just a few others, however, who really stand out to me, which is why I decided on Jaina Proudmoore.


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I've recently started playing a Brewmaster and love the playstyle. I will most definitely be maining a monk in Legion. I also think it would be cool to see Shang Xi in spirit form as an order hall leader

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I haven't made a hard and fast decision about a main class yet. I'm kind of on the fence between mage and demon hunter. I'll have to play around with them during the pre-patch before I settle on one. My favorite NPCs have always been mage class - Especially Medivh. The Guardians of Tirisfal probably have some of my favorite lore out of anything else in the game

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Shaman will be the class I main in Legion at this point in time. The class is looking amazing and the fantasy is really starting to fill itself as the elemental spec. The idea of being the master of the elements makes me so so happy and nerdgasm. I have always loved casters, and never mained ele. So it will be a new and exciting experience. I know this is probably used a lot, but Thrall is my favorite shaman NPC. I think this comes from me not being super involved in the lore and so Thrall being around for years, like myself, has made me really appriciate him and know him better than the other shamans

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I picked my Death Knight, she's been my main since the middle of mop. I used to main on Korgath, and now I main on Moonguard horde. Though I can play every class/spec, it's the one that's really stuck. Mop hpal was a close second but since hpal is completely different now I don't like it as much. Frost DK is pretty easy to play but one of those things that takes time to master. (Except now you don't even get to pick between spending killing machine with frost strike or obliterate so it makes it even easier.) I've always loved the lore behind death knights, and I'm really excited to see what Legion has in store for us and The Ebon Blade.

Favorite NPC. Koltira Deathweaver, deathinately. 
Oh sorry, Definitely. * c:

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This is the first expansion that I've been torn on what to play. Previous expansions have made me very excited to play hunter, but with so many changes to the core rotation, and with Survival changing to melee (which was my preferred spec), I'm really not sure if I'm going to play that class still. I've been considering going back to my original character class of druid out of nostalgia. But I'm still not sure.

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I plan on being a Retribution Paladin main in Legion, and my favorite paladin npc has always been Tirion Fordring. Ashbringer will be in good hands ;)

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I will be playing my Paladin since the beginning of my WoW adventures. Ever since Tirion Fordring appeared before us he has been a great example as to what a true Paladin should be. Though he will be dearly missed, I still hope he will still have a very strong presence in the Order Halls

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I can't wait to play my Warrior. I played all 3 specs in my raid for back up tanking but i mostly main dps between arms and fury. I've been playing it since Wrath and I am dying to see what their bringing up in Legion. Plus I love warrior's order hall, is the based of the warrior, halls of valor where true warriors join in.

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I am going to play demon hunter because since ive seen illidan in warcraft 3 i said: That guy is badass, i will only play him. Then last year i was watching the blizzcon stream and when they revealed that the new class is going to be Demon Hunters, well you guys can imagine the hype.The npc that i would like to see at the DH class hall is obviously Illidan Stormrage

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I've mained a Ret Paladin since vanilla, and now that we're getting Ashbringer there's no way I can bring myself to play anything else. My favorite NPC would be Tirion Fordring.

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