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Icy Veins Giveaway Part 2: Win 100 Legion Beta Keys!


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My Main will be my Death Knight. I have chosen this path, because I believe in redemption und beeing able to come back from anywhere no matter how far down the rabbit hole I have tumbled. The NPC most compelling to me is Arthas Menethil. His wish to only protect his people. This drives him to do unimaginable things. He was once a young paladin, spoiled royal brat, but a defender of hope and wielder of the light. Throughout his life, coming up to his first encounter with the plague that is the scourge, Arthas was next in line for the throne of loarderon. He knew this. I like to compare him at this point to Thor. Young brat, powerful and just, but spoiled and seeking laurals. But true to heart and what a heart it was. His love for his people was his strength and his weakness. This was used against him in Strathholm. He would rather see his beloved people at peace in the afterlife then a part of the scourge. He would not take any chances either. The purge of Strathholm was his first test. Mal'Ganis used this pain and rage and lured poor Arthas to Northrend. Here finding the blade Frostmourne, he started to lose his self to the will of Ner'Zhul. Becoming the Lich Kings first Death Knight empowered Arthas. The whispers in the night and in the dark corners of his mind through the blade Frostmourne, the Lich King manuevered Arthas in doing despicable things. And by losing his soul and love for all that lives, Arthas found joy in torturing all. Thus the fate of Sylvanas Windrunner. Making her the banchee Queen was amusing for Arthas. After doing all asked of him and more. Returning home and murdering his father, conquering the sunwell he became that was he once hated the most. The Lich King himself.

Destiny chose a sad and unfortunate Fate for young Arthas Menethil. In his End, there was only darkness and sadness.

This Story has always been my favorite.

The young paladin who loved and lost to never love again. To become that what he hated only while trying to protect his people.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

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I'm planning to play Druid as main! more specifically resto druid.


I've always played as a healer but resto has been my favorite among all and in Legion seems they'll be in a great spot


I'm not much into the lore but Malfurion has been a very inspiring character I have liked since I started playing


Regards and good luck to all

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I was very tempted to go back to the class I started with in TBC and played through about half of MoP, an Spriest. and they look great, but gotta be my resto shaman at this point <3. Also with both Enhance and Elemental looking like so much fun hard to say no to since I've mained both specs in the past and always like the option of being a flexible DPS. Favorite shaman in game has gotta be Nobundo, love his lore so much, I'm sure he'll be hanging out in the order hall too. (I'll totally be leveling my Spriest, monk, and DK close behind I'm sure. just have to figure out the order after my shaman.)

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This expansion after a long history of playing wow and raiding since the near begining i will be maining a Mage. It is overall always a good pick and nice gameplay. Alpha offers a veriaty of new fun gameplay for every specc and every specc can actually be played in raids not like live atm. It will be a fun thing to play fire or frost and not be bound to 1 specc.

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My main has always been my hunter.  It's what Im best at and have invested the most time into.  I also like having a pet that can tank for me when solo'ing.  As far as NPC class, what better than a druid?  They are versatile and can change roles depending on the situation.  Need a healer? You're covered.  Need additional DPS? Covered.  Need more aggro management? Covered. 

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I will be playing a Paladin in Legion.  I can't wait to wield the Ashbringer, although I will definitely want to play prot as well.  For a little while I could use those Warcraft movie transmog items for tanking smile.png


I've specifically steered away from spoilers about what is actually in each hall, but I hope there is some monument to fallen paladins, like Uther.  What could also be cool (and this could work for most classes) is if certain class trainers were in your order hall, like Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker in SW.  I come from Vanilla and remember visiting these people every other level or so, and it could fit in nicely with the fantasy that we are the leaders of our class if the people that once trained us are now followers.

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I played Rogue since my first day in WoW (one of the first week of BC extension) and it will not change with Legion. smile.png

I would like to see Akama in the order hall 'cause he had a important history on the BT assault and the defeat of Illidan. No doudt, he will be important in this extension with the return of his master.


(Now, fingers crossed to win that beta key)

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I 've been playing WW monk since MOP and I loved it, Chen is just such an icon and all the background about the expansion was amazing but I felt so bad on how the team balanced monk trough WOD increasing and decreasing values just by 20%, 5%, 10% it looked more like they were playing with the numbers more than tunning it. I want to try DH on the beta and if it is a strong class for DPS and it is fun to play I will take it as a main. 

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My main in the past has been mostly a paladin, and I think I'll be maining retribution this expansion. Although I will definitely play my shaman to try out the doomhammer, my favourite class fantasy is definitely the bringer of justice and holy knight that is the ret paladin.As for the NPC, I've been getting very interested and balls deep in Warcraft lore recently, and I'm very much looking forward to doing some quests and reading up on Turalyon.Thank you for the giveaway and for the alliance

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Looking forward to continuing it as my main in Legion. Would love Anduin in the class hall. Feels like yesterday he was following me around Stormwind.

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I will play warrior in the Legion, because this class have really cool game mechanics and new awesome animations.


Would love to see a Grom Hellscream in my order hall, perhaps the Valkyries can ressurect him!? =)

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Ty for chance of winning beta key. Of course its going to be PALADIN. For me they have best lore, and after trying almost every class i keep coming back to paladin. And now addition to this is Ashbringer as artifact, you need to play paladin.And for NPC in class hall ofc its Uther the Lightbringer.

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I'm planning on playing a Fire Mage in Legion, the spec being valid has been a big miss IMO and I'm hoping the upcoming changes will get it back to it's best.As for my favourite mage NPC, there are so many good ones but I think Medivh's ghost (or vision of Medivh) would be an awesome NPC for the class order halls

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Got to be Druid, have done since day 1.

Have not read anything about Legion, waiting until a closer to launch before I do.

I would like to see animal spirits in my hall or even a vision from the emerald dream of Cenarius.  A great big centaur in the hall giving advice would be great as well.


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First of all thanks for the opportunity to win a beta key. Things like this will hold up the community.


I started playing wow back in vanilla, and no I'm not that kind of guy who says that everything was better back then.
I liked the changes made in Wrath and Cata and liked that a variety of players may get a glimpse of the endlvl content.


I started wow as a mage in vanilla and bc. Wrath was the glorious time of my tank pala. Switched to a priest from cata till the end of mop. And now something has happend, which I never thought could happen. I like to play a monk

All of my friends told me that a monk is stupid. Like hitting Ragnaros or Ondasta with my hands...just think about the lava and the amount of cooling packs you have to use.
But everything changed when I discovered that healing is kind of fun.
Played a shadow priest for ever, just switched to disci in bgs but you know as a player with zero to non pvp gear you are pretty fast biting the dust. So never had fun healing.
Thanks of LFR I tried disci in hfc. And what can I say it was okay, but not as fun as I thought it would be.

Always loved the style of the jade serpent statue the monk healers have.

So I started to lvl a monk. YES lvl it by hand, not buying the boost.

​And it was awful. No good heals at the beginning and tanks in dungeons who would pull half of the instance.
I nearly quit lvling a monk but it was better with time.

Getting all the good spells and my beloved JSS.
Hit 100 round about 2 months ago and I'm still loving my female orc monk. Never had so much fun with a character.

So long story short. I will main a Mistweaver Monk in Legion, second spec will be Brewmaster.


I don't know if my favourit NPC has to be the same class as my character so I will write two NPCs below this lines.


1.) Will be Lady Vashj. A strange one I know but I love the story of the Naga. Still hoping to be able to play one in the not so far future. 
I played Warcraft 3 when I was 12 and thought to myself "these serpent things look kind of badass" Fell in love with them when I read the lore behind them.
Naga are still my favorite nemesis race in WoW.


2.) As mentioned before I started my Warcraft addiction with Warcraft 3 and if you can remember there was this neutral hero you could hire to fight with you. And this hero was Shen Stormstout if I remember correctly.

It was a good hero and even by higher elo players loved.


Hope everything is answered correctly and even if I wont win I hope you had a good read.

Tanks again

Edited by Psionics

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No matter what, I always play my Hunter. He was my first and will always be my main. As for spec, I have always loved MM or Beast Master, but survival seems interesting enough to give a try

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I'm going to main a Demon Hunter in Legion. Why? Because Lord Illidan is one of the most badass characters in the game. 

In my eyes Demon Hunters are gonna as badass as him. Having tattoos, double jump, spectral sight and stuff!

It's gonna be great!

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I will play survival hunter in Legion. 

Alleria Windrunner is my favorite NPC, hope she could be in my order halls.

Edited by pongtooze

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Blood Death Knight, as the class has quite a few similarities with the Sith and dark side of the Force in general from Star Wars and I enjoy mixing the two concepts in RP! As for NPCs, I expect Kel'Thuzad to return soon along with all the knowledge he acquired during his lichdom.

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I'll play Demon Hunter in legion, because I like Demon Hunters. I wanted play DH since Warcraft III


Illidan the BEST NPC EVER! I cryed evry time when i killed him wub.png

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I have been a Warrior main since Wrath, but for Legion I'll probably swap to paladin. I think that the changes to Retribution seems very good, and aside from that, I totally love the Paladin class fantasy and lore.


My favourite lore character in Wow would have to be Tirion Fordring, and to wield the Ashbringer has been a dream of mine for many years. Tirion has been away from the lore from far too long, so I'm glad that he'll be back! I'm super hyped, and I can't wait to finally try out the new Paladin and get my Ashbringer!

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I played wow for so long omg, started with a human warlock on vanille and ended in mop also on my troll lock, Played all classes and all races. Raided from molton core till Siege of orgrimmar, farmed and crafted a fortune. It costed me over more then 2 years to collect the fire phoenix mount ashes of alar in tempest keep, Why the hell should i start to play again.perhaps because owning peeps  with a warlock in arena and battlegounds its tha best experience ever. Troll warlock here i come for legion ^^  

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I am super excited about the new Demon Hunter class, however the continuing my Death Knight will be my main priority at least in the first weeks of the expansion launch. Demon Hunters are next on my list with both pvp and pve testing in mind

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