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Icy Veins Giveaway Part 2: Win 100 Legion Beta Keys!


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For first question : My main class since Wrath of the Lich King is the shaman and going to play mainly restoration, I consider myself being quite veteran to the game as I play since 2005 on my cousin account and more actively after wotlk.


For the 2nd question I would love to have some class NPC's like Thrall, Regnar and at least 1 member of each faction of the Elemental Plane as it is in the main class hall campaign which is unbelievable great, but mainly Thrall as he is one of the biggest character Blizzard had given us:).


PS: Thank you for this opportunity and "fingers crossed" happy.png .

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I'll be swapping my main from a Pandaren (Alliance) Mage, to a Blood Elf Demon Hunter.I have always loved the lore behind Demon Hunters, and have been looking forward to the day that Blizzard would announce that they will be a playable class, imagine my face when they announced Legion and DH as a playable class, full of joy  As far as favorite character in WoW, i have 2 really.First of them would be Broll Bearmantle, I loved his character in the comics, and in the books, and I think he deserves some more ingame love, but since I will be playing a DH mainly i wont really see that much of him, or at all really, i have no idea if he is in the Druid class order hall or not since i dont have Beta yet  Second of them is Rhonin, i LOVED his character in the books and was crushed when he died in Tides of War, a noble sacrifice indeed, I just hope that his 2 sons will grow up and be just like him

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I will play a druid in Legion. Druids are a hybrid class and provide much more variety because of the 4 completely different specializations. Also the druid order hall is stunning. It is so druidlike with all the wildlife, trees, flowers. It's just very peaceful in my opinion. What I also like about the druids are the artifact forms for feral and guardian, they look absolutely fantastic. In general the druid is going to be amazing in Legion, I'm sure of it. Thanks for the chance of winning a Beta key.

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I since started playinb WoW i finded Illidan a awesome boss and Martyr Hero in my opinion. And see to be able to play his own class of Demon Hunter will be like a dream come true. I will main this class and Rock both pvp and pve worlds with my friends.

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I think I will be maining DH in the expansion.


Illidan is cool and all, but (no spoilers) I really enjoy the dynamic between the two potential second in command candidates.


Of course I don't have Beta to test the gameplay to see if I actually like it.


Second place would have to be DK.


(No spoilers) The class has a very interesting project that they are working on, with some interesting names popping up potentially making a lot of great new lore.

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I will main a shadow priest in Legion as always, because this expac might finally be the one where we are OP (aka Mage/Lock tier). The NPC i would like to see at the class hall is the archbishop Benedictus (to feel the POWAH). Even if he might be dead, I'm sure Blizz can find a way to resurrect him

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I'll play Death Knight in legion, because It's by far my favorite class ever. Played since Bc and when wotlk released I have only played DK. I'd like to see Uther the Lightbringer in my order halls  The dream

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I will be maining my Druid in Legion. I'm a resto/balance at the moment and I am in love with the artifacts for them so I am excited to play. The Druid npc I love the most has to be Zenkiki. I loved questing with him in Western Plaguelands so I am excited to see him shapeshifting around the Druid Order Hall

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Warlock, plaied it since TbC and the notice of demonology revamp made me the happyest lock in my guild!


Gul'dan of course should be in class hq, who if not him rapresent this class? :)

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I'll play Guardian Druid in Legion, I'm totally in love with this class. It's my main since WotLK!


I'd like to see Tholo Whitehoof in my order hall! (with Anren, of course!)

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My main in legion will probably be a death knight simply because i want to raise the four horsemen and because Tirion is one of my favourite characters in WOW and i can't wait to see him as a death knight.

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In legion i will be maining as my Enhancement Dwarf Shaman. I can't wait to become one of the great heroes who have wielded Doomhammer. The main class NPC i look forward to seeing in my Class order hall is Neptulon. We've seen him in Vashj'ir and we really didn't get anymore backstory out of him. Also it's the fact we are working with one of the Primal Elements here.

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I'll be maining a Demon Hunter.

Ever since I was a young boy I have dreamed of being infused with fel energy and sprouting wings from my back. Growing up, many of my school friends knew this was my dream and fully accepted me for it. They were so acceptive of me that we would tease eachother on the playground! Sometimes they'd say "Wtf get away from me kid" or if they were feeling EXTRA spicy, they'd say "My parents told me not to talk to you" (Such jokesters!!!). At the age of 10 in 2004, World of Warcraft entered my life. Upon looking at the character creation screen, I was extremely disappointed due to the fact that there was no class to fulfill my lifelong dream. After much contemplation, I settled with a Night Elf hunter. There were many 12 hour days where I would command my pet bat Winkles(RIP) to stand behind me as I angled my camera in such a way that it looked like the wings were sprouting out of me. A sense of euphoria overwhelmed my body ever time I did this.

Upon hearing about the Burning Crusade expansion and seeing the box art, my life and World of Warcraft career changed forever. I KNEW I needed to be Illidan when I grew up. For all of BC I played with a folded bandana covering my eyes and curled tin foil horns strapped to my head. I used an entire weeks worth of lunch money to buy green light bulbs for my room so I could feel like I was one with the Fel energy. When patch 2.1 launched I was ecstatic, this was the time where I would finally meet my lord and savior. My guild cruised through the Black Temple to reach Illidan just for me. I was so excited to fight along side Illidan Stormrage. When Akama asked if we were ready to face Illidan, I froze up. I couldn't do it. I REFUSED to do it. As the GM of my guild, I knew I had to do something. I either pleased all of my guildmates with slaying my Lord, my Yahweh, my Prophet for purple pixels. Or I stayed true to what I believed in and sided with Illidan and joined his forces against the Legion. It was a hard choice my I chose the ladder. I kicked every person from my guild and watched as they all got ported out of the Black Temple. I savored the moment of just watching Illidan staring into Guldan's skull for hours on end. Every day for the week, I logged in to Warcraft and walked through all of the Black Temple and just stood next to Illidan for the entire day. I knew one day I would be able to fight along side him.

We are in an era where I can make this dream a reality, I can finally BE a demon hunter and fight WITH Illidan against the scum of the Legion. Getting this beta key means the world to me. I will hone my Demon Hunter skills like no one has before. I WILL be the greatest Demon Hunter to ever grace Azeroth, I will be Illidan's Right-Hand man.

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been playing since vanila, and ive passed several classes, and druid and mage being my favorite.On draenor i played my mage, and i think i will stay with it for legion. Also i loved what they did with the hall of the guardian.And i will stay with my frost spec, so i can wield Alodi's staff ebonchill. He is the NPC i expect to encounter on the hall of the guardian, even on astral or ghostly form, since he was the first guardian, it will rock having him council and tutor me, while i progress on legion. You can say yeah, even being an obscure character, for the lore that i love it on this fantasy world, he would be one of my favorites.

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My main for Legion will definitely be a Warlock. I have always been hooked up with their story and the gameplay suits them perfectly.I would actually really like to join Guldan and his forces, even tho this would mean I have to destroy this planet

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I will reroll for a fire mage for this expansion, because i like the changes of the fire mage most and their artifact weapon of course. In this class hall my greatest desire would be The Best Villain of all of Warcraft, Kael'thas Sunstrider. Atleast a part of him will be with my character!
All Hail Kael'thas!

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I like to play my paladin alot ive been playing since pandaria i love playing the paladin and i learned my rotation talents and specs here i would main it in legion My Favorite Npc Is Tirion Fordwing Because he uses the ashbringer i do main ret. i like to see that the appearance option has changed , my main alt will be a demon hunter and my 2nd favorite character is illidan Stormrage

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I'll main a tank because I love to be the guy who takes all the hits in my group. My specific specialization will probably be a Guardian Druid as alliance because their legion changes look promising, and the bears just look amazingly badass! If guardian druids fail, or get heavly nerfed, I'll just keep on maining my protection warrior since WoD.

My favorite NPC must be Illidan Stormrage or N'zoth. I've loved Illidan since I played Warcraft 3 for the first time about 10 years ago. N'zoth's lore sounds amazing and I love the Lovecraft Cthulhu crossover. Can't wait until I get to see both of them in WoW!

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Ill be playin my mage, I love her and have played her since i started out in tbc, in wtlk i lvled a lock to start with but quickly ended up speedlvling my mage since i missed her so much. She has come with me thru diffrent servers and guilds, and finally she and I have found a place to stay, a guild to love and cheer for

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My main class in Legion is going to be Restoration Druid, I would love to be a feral once more, but due to Bloodtalons talent I can't accept that spec as my main. I can't feel that spec. Otherwise my guild needs healer so I need to help them in next content.

I would love to see Majordomo Staghelm in my order hall (I dont even know does he is still alive, but we slained Illidian, and he returned, probably Blizzard could do same thing with Majordomo and bring him back also as a friendly NPC).

Majordomo was the head of Druids of th Flame, He also dropped my favourite weapon Fandral's Flamescythe, I had it back in a days. (Now I have seed which transforms me into fire kitty <3.)

In Legion there is a lot new kitty models, but fire kitty model is just unique, It brings me back old days, my progress in Firelands, my Heroic Staff and that guys - Majordomo (master of shapeshifring). Legion is going to be a hard time for Azeroth, why dont we bring back Domo and his Druids :) ?


I feel kinda sad because that's my first post, but I guess you will understand my bad English, Good luck to all other participants!   Let's show Blizzard that we are seems to be Prepared ! :)

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I'm sticking with my rogue as my main. I've been playing him since day one of my WoW adventures, and I don't plan to stop now. I'm very wary of the class changes (losing so many iconic things from each spec), but I'm eager to give them a shot. My mage is my second choice, and I'll probably be playing at least those two in tandem through the opening months.  I don't know that I have a favourite rogue npc. I hope Jaina and some dragons are around in the mage order hall though. I haven't spoiled any of the mage stuff for myself yet, but I really hope the entire Kirin Tor elite is around

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I plan on maining a holy paladin, and am excited to see the how not having holy power affects it. As for the most important figure, it has to be the one and only uther the lightbringer

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My main in Legion is definitely going to be the warlock. I started this game as a warlock, and have steadily remained loyal to the class in terms of a main, despite leveling and raiding with multiple alts to supplement my gaming career as a whole. The warlock in particular, being one of the main classes getting overhauled, really antagonizes me to not have beta cause I don't want to go into Legion blind.


Class NPC wise, I've always been a fan of Gul'dan. His true power and the lengths that it goes are more so of a secret to us and have not been shown to us, but perhaps Legion will be the expansion to do this. There's so much knowledge he possesses about Demonic spellcraft that could take any amateur warlock into a being of fearsome strengths.

Edited by Jaarthan

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Maining a hunter for so many years I've decided to start a new adventure in Legion by rolling a Protection Paladin. I'm excited not only to preform the tanking role but to view content from a Melee perspective for the first time. I would like to see Uther in my class hall

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