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Icy Veins Giveaway Part 2: Win 100 Legion Beta Keys!


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I'll be playing a rogue in Legion as I have since vanilla.

Maiev Shadowsong is definitely my favortie character.

I remember her in warcraft and fell in love with her character.

I might actually reroll a demon hunter if we get glaives that look like her Umbra Crescent.

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I will be maining a Death Knight (as I've done since they came out). Favorite class NPC is by far Highlord Darion Mograine, who is already in the Order Hall 

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Hello :)


I'll be playing my main which is a BM Hunter (Female Orc)


I'd like to see Fenris Wolfbrother in my class hall. I know he left the Frostwolf Clan but i think he deserves another chance :P


Thanks again for giving me the oppurtunity to win beta :)

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DK as that was the best expansion they eve done tbh. spent hours upon hours lvling mine and now i have a full server with them at max level :)

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I will main mage in Legion , fire.

And I would like to see in my class order hall Aegwynn, but that is not possible BibleThump.

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my main is gonna be a rogue because that was the first class i started playing, and because im really exited for the new outlaw spec especially roll the bones im looking forward to see how that is gonna turn out 


and it would be awesome if Edwin vancleef would come back because hes awesome and i really like him in hearthstone

Edited by Emiltf

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Mostly Warlock, It carried me through my err....about 2-3 years playing WoW and ive come to enjoy it.

As for favorite Class npc: Kil'jaeden ofc. cool.png

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I will be maining my Prot Pally in Legion, it has been my main since TBC. My favourite class NPC would have to be Rexxar, the melee hunter is finally real in Legion

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Going shadow priest due to the new old god theme and i whould like to have caila menethil as i want to know what she has been up too.

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I'm currently leveling my first paladin and enjoy it a lot. The idea was to use this character as my main in Legion, but the more I think about it I'm rather considering creating a hunter since that was my main throughout vanilla and TBC. Paladin is great since its able to partake as either one of the three roles of WoW, but nostalgia and the ability to have a companion (pet) will probably win me over.

Nostalgia often has a strong effect on me, making me biased in my choices, not only in WoW but irl too. And nostalgia will also be the factor deciding my favorite hunter NPC, Hemet Nesingwary. I will never forget my first pvp encounters in STV or the first time I laid eyes on the beautiful landscapes of Nagrand. Nesingwary, a quite cool and interesting character, is not my choice for those two aspects, but rather because that for me, he represents my two favorite zones in WoW which I fondly remember exploring with my first-made character, a dwarf hunter.

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Shamans are for sure my favorite class. I leveled my lvl 21 shaman I had since WOTLK in MoP and never regretted it. And my favorite shaman NPC is Nobundo. Great backstory and is actually an interesting character. 

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Druid is my main from TBC.

Druids are awesome! They can tank, heal AND dps! Very versatile class and very easy to learn. Their own fast swimming and flying forms, battle resurrection, stealth in cat form and are just so much fun :) 

As flight form, I can do archeology much faster than anyone else. As boomy, I can farm rep like a piece of cake. Starfall is great for clearing out older stuff quickly though!

My favourite spec is Feral druid. He is pretty solid, huge burst to kill mobs b4 cc abilities or instakill ablilities. Lots of self heals and mobility. 


Favorite Druid NPC: Hamuul Runetotem. Leader of the taurens. I love taurens and Thunder Bluff in Mulgore.

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I will play a rogue in legion, like the class and the lore behind it. Also would like too see VanCleef in my order hall. Like all the rogue NPCs they are really cool :)

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Thing is, as much as I want to play Demon Hunter I'll play whatever is best for my raid team to progress seeing as we may end up racing for mythic server firsts this xpac. As far as NPC's go, I want to see some of the old people come back, such as Altruis the Sufferer, and take the fight to the Legion once again, that would be very cool

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I want to play rogue I love competing with others for DPS and I love the idea of being a swashbuckling pirate with the Outlaw Spec. By FAR my favourite rogue NPC has to be Valeeria Sanguniar - shes a renegade who once held the demon Kathra'natir and shes just an all around badass! 

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My main will be a priest, holy spec, as she originally was in vanilla to lich king expacs, and always have wanted to be (being forced disc is blah).


The npc I'd like to see is Father Inigo Montoy (who became the lich Thelzan the Duskbringer).  I think it'd be fun to have him rage in the class hall after being converted back to his despised old life.  And who doesn't love Princess Bride?

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My main will be the character I "rolled" the first day of vanilla...Paladin. Favorite NPC would be Tirion. I mean they named everybody's Game of Thrones character after him

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I've alwayed enjoyed the Paladin class from the general themes to the spell animations.  As far as someone for our class hall, most of the iconic Paladins are unavailable. Uther is gone and Bolvar is chilling up in Ice Crown. I think if we could convince Yrel to come with us from AU Draenor, she's make an excellent addition to our class hall. My other thought was going really old school and bringing Jordan Stillwell to the class order hall. Jordan was a failed Paladin who became a blacksmith and in Vanilla crafted an incredible weapon called Verigan's Fist for leveling Alliance Paladins. I'd love to see him in our class hall and perhaps even involved in forging our artifacts in some small way

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Death Knight will be my main class in Legion. Lich King or Attumen would be my picks for an npc in the class order hall.

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Mage is Bae'

I LOVE playing Mage. They are useful in ANY instance. I just LOVE the lore regarding Mages eg. Jaina Proudmoore, Khadgar, Medivh etc.

This was the FIRST class I fell in love with in the beginning. Through the years it still is my favourite

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