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Icy Veins Giveaway Part 2: Win 100 Legion Beta Keys!


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I will be playing Mage, played it in WoD and I really like it. And it looks to be really cool in Legion aswell. My favorite class NPC is Jaina Proudmoore, because she is one of the most powerful sorceress in Azeroth

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Over the years of World of Warcraft I have tried many other classes and tried to main other classes. However, I would always return to my Warrior questioning why I played anything else. In my order hall I would like to see Gladiator Warriors like Smexxin, Sonydigital, and Bajheera NPC's overseeing the Warrior Brawling arena

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I'll stick with Shaman since I love how their spell looks and the idea of harnessing the powers of the elements around me. My favorite NPC is definitely Khadgar due to his wit and voice acting. If I have to choose a shaman though I would pick Stormcaller Mylra. She's the dwarf from Deepholme who investigates the Alliance gunship

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I will play Hunter in legion, no i mean the normal hunter, not the demon one. I have wanted melee spells back on hunter since the start of MoP, so the new survival hunter has really caught my eye, I'd love to try it out. As for my favorite class NPC It's probably Rexxar, I've loved him since WC3 and I hope Blizz includes him in the orderhall

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I'll probably stick to my paladin and as strange as it can be, I'm not interested by Ashbringer that much and might xmog it into something else so that I don't end up with the same weapon skin as my other 10'000 brothers. I really hope we'll be able to meet him and see him in our class order hall, and am pretty hyped up about the story that will lead into our first meeting with him

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My main class in Legion will be my Rogue. 

My favorite NPC is Illidan, I'm so glad he will be back in Legion. I can't wait!

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I am pretty certain I will be switching to shadow priest when Legion hits. I really love the new play style for them and I am a sucker for Old god lore and love how they are based around going insane My priest is currently an alt, and I am excited to play it more progressively in Legion. It is currently Undead, but I think I will switch to a Troll because I love Vol'jin. He is my favorite character because has some cool lore and went against Garrosh.  Good luck to all and Thankyou for this opportunity

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I'll be playing my Priest for Legion. Thankfully, my idea for the best priest is already confirmed for the order hall: Alonsus Faol. The ideas man behind the Silver Hand and now forsaken turncoat. 

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Back when I started playing in 04, my first character was a shadow priest. She made it all the way to 35 before I decided to try another class

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I have been a warrior since day 1, and I plan to keep it as my main.  I would like to see King Variann as part of the class halls.  His history, even though he had amnesia at the time, as  a gladiator and his combat experience would prove valuable.

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Illidan has always been my favorite character, and now even more so after reading the latest book about him. Can't wait to see what his role will be in Legion

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I'm playing my hunter again in legion, though I may give survival a try after being marks for an entire expansion. My favorite npc in the hunter order hall has to be Dark Ranger Alina, I've always liked the Dark Rangers and like Ararhi Highlands even more (I'm odd, I know)

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 I've had my death knight since Wrath (after maining a Pali) but I've became attached to my toon, and I've tried to leave it but I've never succeeded, i guess you could say my Dk is apart of me, it's full of memory's and hardships, something i never want to let go. i could not care less that Dks are terrible in Legion so far, it's just the Personal value of my toon that keeps me with it. ~EU- Cuetlachitti -Dragonblight     

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My main class will be Demon Hunter of course. Every class is nice but since I will be pwning noobs, why not do it with style ? ;)
​Not sure I got a favorite NPC.  So I will go with Illidan <3 :)

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They can change between using sword and board to protect themselves and their allies to dual wielding two handed weapons to destroy everything in their paths. Out of all the warriors in the game, Grom Hellscream is by far my favorite because of his Iron Will

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What do we say when we are offered a chance to win Legion Beta keys? Not t... Yes, please!


To all of our readers: the moment you have been waiting for is here! The second part of our special Legion Beta key giveaway is here. We have 100 keys up for grabs and all you have to do is... read on and find out!


Our first Legion Beta key giveaway coincided with Icy Veins' 5th birthday. Your response then was amazing and it was great to see what people are looking forward to for the sixth expansion of World of Warcraft - the game that inspired the creation of this site.


Our 5th anniversary may be behind, but we want to turn this giveaway into an Icy Veins celebration as well. As you may or may not have noticed, our site is on a transitional period. We have already changed our main page and our logo; we launched a Discord server; we have recruited a community manager, Blainie, and we have some amazing guide and news writers. Soon, our forums will receive a major makeover too!


We said in the previous giveaway that community is important to us. The present giveaway might have been the reason that led you to our site, but we would be delighted if you stayed a little longer! Apart from the various changes that will come soon, we would definitely like to create a vibrant Icy Veins family - both in the forums and in(game) the various Blizzard titles our site covers. Your comments, feedback, analyses and opinions matter! In return and with your help, we can keep creating content that will make you stick around more.


Represent your class and win a Legion Beta key!


You might have noticed a poll in the beginning of this article and as you've already guessed, it's tied to our question for this second giveaway. Last time, we asked you to expand on your opinions and expectations on Legion. For the present 100 Legion Beta Keys, we require something more specific.


Legion is all about class identity. Your main hub for this expansion will be your Class Order Hall, where you will be the leader of your class order into the fight against the Burning Legion. Even specialisations within the same class will be quite distinctive from one another and most specs are receiving major changes.


We have two questions for you or - if you'd like - a two-part question. We would like to know which class will be your main one in Legion or, if you are new to the game, which class you are planning on creating first. Moreover, we would like to know which is your favourite class NPC. Various famous NPCs are already present in the respective Order Hall, but which one would you like to see in your class' headquarters?


It's not just a poll...


When we announce the winners of this giveaway, we will provide you with a graph of the results of this poll. Think about it as a small-scale census: won't it be interesting to know which will be the most popular (or the opposite) classes in Legion? We will only take into consideration the votes in the poll, so we urge you to vote in it. You will also have to leave a comment in this topic to be included in the giveaway.


We will also take up the daunting task of reading through your replies in the search of which class NPC is the true star among the fanbase's hearts. We will try to make a second graph or announce the results of the class NPC popularity contest as well.


We don't expect the results to reflect reality 100% and we are just doing this for the fun of it. However, you should still tell every WoW player you know to take part in our poll and giveaway, since a bigger sample will mean more accurate results. And don't worry: our winners are chosen randomly and not depending on which class comes first.




Make sure to read the following rules, before you participate:

  • While voting in the poll is encouraged to help us with our data gathering, it is not necessary. You must however provide a relevant reply in this topic, detailing your class pick and your favourite class NPC.
  • The giveaway will end on Tuesday 17th of May at 23:59 GMT.
  • Only one comment will be counted per person.
  • The winner will be drawn randomly from all the comments that are deemed "acceptable".
  • It is at our discretion which comments will be deemed acceptable, based on the extent to which they stay relevant to this article.
  • We will not release the dates on which the keys will be released, as Blizzard have requested us not to do so.
  • The comments section will be checked via a bot used in previous giveaways, so multiple comments will be found.
  • We have tools to detect cheating, so please don't bother.
  • We reserve the right to stop anyone competing if we believe they are cheating.
  • We understand class rivalry can get a little intense. Please keep it civil in this topic; anyone who starts flaming or trolling will not be considered as a participant.

Good luck to everyone and let's see some class pride!

I am playing Retribution Paladin since vanilla (2006) and he will stay my main for Legion. Favourite Paladin NPC is obviously Tirion Fordring, but Uthar Lightbringer is close to him. My secondary main is Affliction Warlock and i will have a rush to change between them.

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My main class in Legion is without a doubt going to be a Havoc Demon Hunter., I've been fully decided on this since the moment I saw them, I think they're aesthetically awesome, and I love fast-paced melee DPS with high mobility, it's perfect for me.  And ofcourse, Illidan is my favorite NPC of the Demon Hunter Class, I've always thought that the Legendary Warglaives of Azzinoth are the coolest weapons in WoW Hands down

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I'll most likely be playing Druid in legion, feral in that case. Not very many people know who she is but she is the Night Elf leader in AV

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I am planning to main my Hunter and/or my Feral Druid. As for the NPC i would love to see in the Hunter hall would be. I understand she is a Horde Leader and such, but i just think it would be cool

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My main in Legion will be my Paladin. My favourite Paladin NPCs are Liadrin, Arthas and Yrel.
I hope that Justicar Trueheart is in our class hall, since it would be cool to see a NPC from the Argent Tournament again. 

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Warrior is my favorite class in almost all games. It just so happened that in the Warcraft I started playing it for an orc warrior. Why? Well, probably because I like to fly into the thick of things and destroy all enemies in its path.One of my favorite warrior is Grommash

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Im gonna play my frostade since i always wanted to play a frostmage with out a Pet as in vanilla.My favorite NPC that I want to have in my order hall would be Jaina Proudmoore, since she is one of the few really powerful female characters in wow

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Definitely going back to my paladin after switching to around from shaman to DK to monk to druid. Paladin was my first class, and facing the Legion with one now seems too perfect. Favorite class hero is probably. He is a classic paladin, who was there at the beginning of Arthas' downfall.

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I will play paladin to carry legacy of Tirion and i will make sure they will pay for this atrocity.

I would love to see ghost of paladin Arthas in my class hall.

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