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Hello from me.

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Hey all, just a quick hello from a first time player.

I've never really been into gaming apart from the occasional bash on Smash Bros and the like, but I recently became interested in RPGs as I had some extra free time. (Gave up booze.)

One game lead to another until I finally thought of World of Warcraft, since I was around when it first started but somehow missed it. And since so many people play it... it must be good?

Having never played such a massive online game, I was super excited just to see that there were real people wandering around in the same online world with me. It was great!

Eventually I convinced my brother to join up so we could quest and do dungeons occasionally (which I think raised my level a bit too fast).

Anyway, I still find most things overwhelming, and have no idea if I'm "doing the right thing", but I'm really enjoying the process.

I'm a HUMAN WARRIOR in the realm AGGRAMAR, and I hope to learn more on these forums about what gear I should be getting, what attacks I should be using (just discovered I have loads in my spellbook and such that I can drag into my action bar), and generally just how I can get better at the game. If anyone can give me some tips or guides I should read, that would be ace.


My very first game, I managed to meet someone random in Goldshire who showed me around, and even bought me a weapon that cost 750 gold!

The other was a dungeon I went into yesterday with a random group. We were all so terrible we were stuck in the place for well over an hour, but we all stuck together it was a heap of fun.

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  On 5/23/2016 at 4:07 AM, grifter82 said:

Anyway, I still find most things overwhelming, and have no idea if I'm "doing the right thing", but I'm really enjoying the process.


If you're enjoying the game then you're doing it right :)

As for some reading material, this leveling up guide for warrior is a good place to start, with links to other useful guides too: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/warrior-leveling-guide

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Welcome to the game and welcome to Icy Veins! :)

If you're a first time player, you've joined the game at a pretty good point. You've got time to learn and experience everything before Legion comes out, just make sure to use it wisely! In the near future, we will be opening up some "new player" threads, but for now, a few tips:

  • As PaasHass stated above, our Warrior leveling guide is available, but is aimed at leveling from 85-100. Outside of this, I would suggest simply choosing the talents you feel comfortable using. New players often prefer Passive talents, since they require no extra buttons.
  • Don't feel like you need to rush to 100. If you're enjoying a zone, stay there until you finish all the quests. The questing experience can be one of the best parts of WoW, as long as you don't jump through zones as fast as possible!
  • If you encounter someone that is acting toxic, berates you for not knowing something or is just all-round being irritating, ignore them. WoW is full of lovely people, but the toxic people are often the most vocal. I'd recommend just reporting them, using the ignore function and continuing on with your gaming.
  • You might have heard about add-ons such as Recount, Skada and so-on. Don't pay attention to these at lower levels. People are known to link their Damage Per Second (DPS) just to make themselves feel better, but it is very heavily influenced by gear at lower levels.

The big point to be made here is: have fun. WoW is a huge universe in which there are so many new things to find, so many lovely people to meet (met some of my best friends and girlfriend through the game) and so many breathtaking visual and audio aspects to experience. 

Good luck to you and I hope we'll see you around here more often. Never hesitate to ask a question, we can always help :)

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Hey :)


Welcome to WoW! It is a nice Game and Azeroth is a wonderful place to be.


This guide, which PaasHaas linked, is a good start. Later you should read the Lv. 100 IcyVeins Guide. This guides are one of the best you can finde!


I'll send you a private Message with my BattleTag in it. You can add me and I'll help you ingame. :)

Maybe there is a problem with our gaming times, 'caus I'm from Germany. But we will see! ;)



Greetings, Katamarii

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Playing WoW for the first time is a really unique experience. I advise you to take your time and discover things bit by bit. Do dungeons at the beginning, then try to get in a guild that does raids at a very modest level, to get the hang of it. Eventually, you'll become more familiar with your spells (of course, try and read our guides, but they might be a bit technical, especially since Warriors use their spells in a rather complex way.

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Agree with Damien.

Run around without knowing where to go what to do, have fun making mistakes and enjoy being wrong!

Some of my fondest memories are from my first character. 

Try and find a good guild, guilds really are the core of the game and although it is entirely possible to level to max "solo" you will get much more enjoyment by interacting with others.  The community is a lot different from when WoW started but there are some great guilds still out there.


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Hey guys, just wanted to say a quick thanks for all the replies!

Super helpful.

I've been stuck at work for the last few days and have only just jumped back online now.

Is there more of a beginners guide available to those under level 85?


Edited by grifter82

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  On 5/23/2016 at 5:16 AM, PaasHaaS said:

If you're enjoying the game then you're doing it right :)

As for some reading material, this leveling up guide for warrior is a good place to start, with links to other useful guides too: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/warrior-leveling-guide


Sounds good, I'll give this a read.

And I am having fun! So, "tick" :D

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  On 5/23/2016 at 2:11 PM, Damien said:

Playing WoW for the first time is a really unique experience. I advise you to take your time and discover things bit by bit. Do dungeons at the beginning, then try to get in a guild that does raids at a very modest level, to get the hang of it. Eventually, you'll become more familiar with your spells (of course, try and read our guides, but they might be a bit technical, especially since Warriors use their spells in a rather complex way.


Not even sure what a guild is yet... whoops!

I'm sure the guide will help me understand it further.

I'm the kind of person that gets easily frustrated by "not understanding" something, so I may be asking LOADS of questions on here, but do far I've tried to not be too anxious about "what I'm meant to be doing" and simply doing.

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  On 5/23/2016 at 3:02 PM, Peelyon said:

Agree with Damien.

Run around without knowing where to go what to do, have fun making mistakes and enjoy being wrong!

Some of my fondest memories are from my first character. 

Try and find a good guild, guilds really are the core of the game and although it is entirely possible to level to max "solo" you will get much more enjoyment by interacting with others.  The community is a lot different from when WoW started but there are some great guilds still out there.




" Run around without knowing where to go what to do, have fun making mistakes and enjoy being wrong! "

I've excelled at this!

And I'll look more into what a guild actually is.

I'm sure there's even one based in Sydney so the time zones are similar.

Edited by grifter82
added some points

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  On 5/25/2016 at 11:41 AM, grifter82 said:

I'm the kind of person that gets easily frustrated by "not understanding" something, so I may be asking LOADS of questions on here, but do far I've tried to not be too anxious about "what I'm meant to be doing" and simply doing.


That's what we're here to help with, so ask away! :) I'll send you a PM with a link when I finish the "new players" topic. It should have some good information for you there

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Legend, thanks mate!

I've somewhat fallen into a WOW Internet hole since posting tonight and haven't actually played! Whoops :D


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Hihi, WoW is THE game to become lost in it. Postitive and negative...



Explaining a Guild is really easy: if you'll finde the right people, they will be like a second family. :)

Hanging around, searching for some secreds in WoW, fighting together against Bosses or playing PvP. 

Edited by Katamarii

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Okay, thanks!

So, are you playing the main open world game with your guild? Or are you transported to a special version of the game like you do in dungeons?

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  On 5/28/2016 at 8:46 AM, grifter82 said:

Okay, thanks!

So, are you playing the main open world game with your guild? Or are you transported to a special version of the game like you do in dungeons?


You can always do both :) Leveling with people can really change the process and make for some truly entertaining moments.

Both PvP (battlegrounds and arena) and PvE (dungeons and raids) transport you to special versions of the game called instances. The game creates a version of a zone that only you and your friends can enter, in the case of PvE, or that your team and the enemy team can enter, in the case of PvP.

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Okay nice, thanks.

I've heard all those terms without knowing what they meant


Looking forward to the new beginners guide mentioned.

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