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Tier 3 Topics

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Greetings, priests! I've been tasked to level a disc/Spriest for my guild, as while having 2 warlocks is fun, they figure I'll pick it up quickly and do a damn good job since i stay face deep in this site and others all day when not busy with work. That, and we could use the heals.

I've come to a point where I cannot clearly make a decision, involving the 3 talents at Tier 3. While I see why they all have their perks, I can see why some would choose a certain talent over the others. So my question to you all is, based on your opinions, which talent best suits Discipline Tier 3?

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Depends on play-style and the encounter.

In regards to the direct mana recovery talents, if you cast Holy Fire on cool-down, Solace beats Mindbender for mana returns. If the encounter, or your play-style prevent you from timely Holy Fire casting, then pick Mindbender.

From Darkness, Comes Light is a dark horse in the race. If you have no mana issues then it could be fun to use (but then you'd be dropping Spirit for more throughput stats anyway), but there's not many normal mode encounters where the 'free' Flash Heals would be that useful for Disc imo. We're predictive healers and FDCL is too reactive to be very useful for us. Sure, a couple of free Flash Heals could come in useful here and there, but it comes at an expensive cost in terms of lost mana from the other two talents.

I use Solace on every encounter personally. I'd rather take the extra mana returning talents and hard cast a Flash Heal when and if I need to.

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Thanks for the inputs! I've found myself atonement healing a lot recently in groups (lvl 54) because dps from others is still lacking a lot, and i can't really tell a difference between the two currently; i'm sure at 90 it'll start to show.

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