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Here's a chance to share some of your sales that you've been making!


I'll kick things off with a few of my pet sales from this week!



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I've been slowly redesigning my entire group setup in TSM. It's a long, tedious and boring process. So while I've been working at that I have been selling only a few select items. Crafted mounts sell fairly well for me, most are pretty high value and decent profit, and it's only a handful of auctions to manage.

These are the sales that I have made in the past two weeks.

Sale 1.jpg

Sale 2.jpg

Sale 3.jpg

Sale 4.jpg

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Hey Flasteria cheers for jumping onto the forums! Engineering mounts have been pretty crazy for me right now! Not sure if its the fact players have a lot of gold jangling in their pockets but sales are up for sure!

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I think that's exactly what it is. Raids are dying down, just like they did at the end of MoP. People have extra gold and no need to buy raid consumables or pay to repair their gear. I will gladly accept their money. :)

I have three engineers cranking out Jard's Peculilar Energy Source every day, I'm holding on to them until Legion hits. I expect the Sky Golem to get a good boost in price now that gathering professions are going to have good value again.

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Yup!  I'm hoping to do a spotlight on engineering mounts before Legion hits.  Gotta get them jards!

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So I got lucky today with a sale for one of my Hatespark the Tinys!  On EU side the prices are pretty high and I have been buying them wherever I can for 80k or less!  Sold this one at 195k which gives 185k back (that AH cut hurts!)  so all in all 100k clear profit!

Just FYI all of the pet purchases there are level 25s so the work has already done for me.  Although those purchases will take a long time to sell I should make all the gold back if I sell just one or two of the pets at my current prices!


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So after selling the legs I thought I would put the shoulders on for a ridiculous price in case they wanted the set - turns out I was right!


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