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Help Understanding Haste

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Could someone please be so kind to explain to me what the "soft" cap for haste for resto shamans is?

I currently have 6,838 haste 16.07%. Is this too much?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Hello there,

Soft caps are a particular point where due to the mathematics of how speed increases are calculated, you gain an extra (free) tick of some spell. In the case of Resto Shaman, we look at HoTs; Earthliving, Riptide, Healing Rain. There are also breakpoints for healing totems (HST and HTT) though we're not sure that they are actually working. These "soft caps" are actually places where the particular graph involved completely breaks apart - so soft caps are also known as "breakpoints".

So the idea with a breakpoint is that you gain extra, free, healing at a specific value of Haste. For example, the Earthliving breakpoint is at 12.5% Haste - here it goes from healing four times for X to healing five times for X. That means a big boost in how much that spell heals. You should note that if you go over the breakpoint, you don't lose the extra healing - you just don't gain anything more for a long time. All other benefits from Haste are pretty much uniform.

Is that an explanation to your satisfaction? :)

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To eloborate further.

Take for example spell_nature_riptide.jpgRiptide. That's a HoT that stays on the target for 18 sec. How often it heals during those 18 seconds depends on your haste. At 8,32% haste you get 7 ticks. So it heals 7 times during that 18 sec timeframe.

You decide to increase haste even further and at 24,97% haste you gain an extra tick. So the time hasn't change, riptide still lasts 18 seconds but now heals 8 times during that time. The haste rating you put on between 8.32% and 24.97% didn't give you any extra heals on riptide.

This is why people talk of breakpoints. Because you don't want to add haste when it doesn't give you anything. At 16% haste you're still only getting 7 ticks of Riptide.

Here are breakpoints for various classes.


Regarding your question if 6.838 haste rating is too much it depends on your talents. If you have Ancestral Swiftness that's free 5% haste. So for 24,97% haste you want 5676 haste rating. If you don't have Ancestral Swiftness you need 8.085 to reach the same 24,97%. So depending on our talent choice you're either above or under.

With out seeing your gear/spec. I would suggest taking AS and then lower your haste to 5.676 rating and then go for the secondary stats like mastery and/or crit.

Edited by Krakir

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First reaction: that's a LOT of Haste gemming. I'd recommend the 12.5% breakpoint for someone of your gear level. Are you raiding 10s in Normal mode?

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In which case I'd recommend undoing your reforges for Haste. Take Ancestral Swiftness and then get your Haste to 12.5%. Once you've done that, put everything else (gems and all) into your choice of Crit or Mastery. I believe that Crit is slightly more liked in 25s.

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Also you might want to make use of the Serpent's Eye JC only gems if you can craft them. Your armoury page tells me you can :)

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