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[Illidan] <Fiasco> Recruiting for Heroic Content!

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Who Are We? 

Fiasco is a newly formed guild on US-Illidan that aims to maintain the enjoyment of the game without making it a part time job. We keep it laid back on off days but push hard and work as a team during the raid hours we set. We are currently progressing and finishing up normal content to get to Heroic as soon as we can. Our raiders are a conglomerate of skills levels. We range from having top tier raiders who took a break and are coming back. To players who are tired of sub par experiences and wanting a taste of progression for the first time. 

Raid Info:

Raid Days and Times

Tuesday :: 8:30pm - 11:30pm (EST) 
Thursday :: 8:30pm - 11:30pm (EST)

What we are looking for:

Currently recruiting 

Tank (Druid, Monk, Warrior)

Ranged DPS ( Warlock, Hunter, Shaman[With OS], Druid)

Melee DPS (Monk, Shaman[With OS], Ret paladin, and Rogue) 

Healers (Monk, Druid,Priest)

We are looking for dedicated and experienced raiders who aim to push content. We stick to two days a week and are only recruiting members who can consistently make those times and are adequately prepared and knowledgeable. 





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Please add [A] or [H] in the thread title, so we know if you're recruiting for Horde or Alliance.

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