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[Silvermoon][A] <Crusaders Of The Gate> (2/13M) all raiders

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Crusaders of the Gate -Silvermoon EU-


2/13 Mythic
13/13 Heroic
13/13 Normal

Raid times
Wednesday, Sunday, Monday: 19:30 - 23:00 GMT (Subject for change come Legion)

Immediate Needs:
Looking to bolster ALL ranks

Formed: May 2016 (Most have raided together in previous guild from ROTLK)

About CoG:
CoG believes an enjoyable atmosphere goes hand in hand with high ranking progression. We don't have or need screaming & abusive raid leaders because we run a raid full of reasonable, non-toxic, fun, and self-motivated players and lets not forget the banter. Our players always look through logs, improve each other's play, and help with strategy. We strive to make the most of our raid week while maintaining a fun atmosphere that few guilds can offer. CoG may very well be the last guild you join.
We are currently looking for players who wish to find a home when Legion hits, we recently transferred from horde Dreanor and have made our home on Silvermoon -EU- and are starting off from fresh. We are currently recruiting for ALL classes and specs as to give the raid team some depth come Legion to hit the ground running. As it stands we are on a raid brake and will be look to get back into the swing of things come Legion pre-patch.
-- Progression Minded --
Make no mistake, CoG is a progression oriented guild. We have a clear goals and a pragmatic/active leadership. We are only interested in players that are skilled, motivated & reliable. Everyone is expected to pull more than their own weight here.
-- Further Guild Events --
With CoG we are not just a PVE orientated guild we have many members who look to PVP and Mythic/Challenge mode Dungeons outside of raiding and will have events up for people to form together to progress with the new Legion PVP system and Dungeon experience.

-- Gear Distribution --
CoG work with EPGP to make sure that you are rewarded for hard work and commitment you put in towards progression and guild runs in general.
-- Other games guildies play --
•Heroes of the Storm
•Guild Wars 2
•Diablo 3

You should join if:
•You want to find a place to call home on legion.
•You want to progress at a high level.
•You want to join a guild with banter.
•You put in hours outside of raid learning fights and watching videos.
•You want to be surrounded by players who put in high effort.
•You are internally motivated to actively improve your play.
•You're tired of impassive raiders.
•You are fully present and focused when it comes raid time.

We do not recruit for bench; If we accept your application then we believe there is a spot that you can earn. The best player gets a core progression spot regardless of seniority, and trials last ~2-4 weeks. We have weekly app reviews to tell you what we'd like to see you improve on and answer any questions. We encourage 1 fully maintained alt from each raider for split runs and/or comp options.

Applications are handled on our website, and when you submit your application the officers are notified and will discuss your application. We will try to get a decisions/follow up with you within 24 hours.
-Website http://cotg.eu/

-- Any further questions please contact the following --


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