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Deck "Secrets Paladin and variants" being a cancer on the ladder

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I am absolutely being wrecked on the ladders by the Secrets Paladin decks. I am playing variants of legendary shaman cont, tempo mage and several paladin decks.

My guess is using the "eater of secrets"  card. but I don't seem to have a good idea how to put it in a deck.


the secrets are not that hard to foresee, but I lose my board control or hand and don't have the time to regain any position before its to late.  

any advice for me? or links to existing decks would be appreciated.




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I used to play Secret Paladin a lot and the most annoying matchups were Aggro decks like Hunter, because they'd often kill me before turn 6.

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For me weapons work! Just attack the mysterious challenger, get down the noble sacrifice, proc the redemption and the Avenge and you only have a 2-1 defender and a buffed mysterious challenger, if there are no other minions in play. Hex afterwards does the job perfectly :)

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Problems with Secret Paladin in 2016? Oh boy, where have you been all that time?

That deck is easy to beat. Just play something that's doesn't durdle around. Sealing early pressure is the key. Zoo, Aggro Shaman and Patron Warrior are solid choices - 'been pretty much pushing Paladin away in the last seasons of that format, even without Eater of Secrets.

If you wish to control the game or outvalue them, try a deck that you've put answers in and card draw to line them up reliably. It's not a great idea though because all your removal has to be pretty much on point all the time and it still may be not enough because Paladin has good value and Divine Favor.

Or play Standard. I've heard there is no good Secret Paladin there.

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On ‎17‎.‎06‎.‎2016 at 10:53 PM, Paracel said:

Problems with Secret Paladin in 2016? Oh boy, where have you been all that time?

That deck is easy to beat. Just play something that's doesn't durdle around. Sealing early pressure is the key. Zoo, Aggro Shaman and Patron Warrior are solid choices - 'been pretty much pushing Paladin away in the last seasons of that format, even without Eater of Secrets.

If you wish to control the game or outvalue them, try a deck that you've put answers in and card draw to line them up reliably. It's not a great idea though because all your removal has to be pretty much on point all the time and it still may be not enough because Paladin has good value and Divine Favor.

Or play Standard. I've heard there is no good Secret Paladin there.

hehe. I've been taking a brake for about a little over half a year. just been playing again for about a week. just got the cards from LEO and been climbing the wild ladder. Sec pally was to be honest kind of new to me. but some good advice here, ill grind up some mote knowledge and build a deck to stand against the current meta. 


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On 6/17/2016 at 9:53 PM, Paracel said:

Or play Standard. I've heard there is no good Secret Paladin there.

This made me love Hearthstone again.

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You could also play Freeze Mage.

I play it on Wild since with the current Warrior Rampage in Standard playing Freeze Mage there is little fun, and I am always happy to be paired against Paladin. It is no auto win by any means, but I would say around 60% in Freeze Mage's favor.

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