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[Whisperwid][A] <Eternal Resolve> 13/13M LF DPS and Heals

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Since it's inception in 2012, <Eternal Resolve> has become a relaxed team of raiders who do progression in a laid back atmosphere. While only raiding 9 hours a week we maintain a strong server ranking for progression in WoD. In MoP, as a 10 man raid, we completed the hardest difficulty of SoO before the 6.0 patch dropped while only raiding 7.5 hours a week.

Current Progression
7/7m Highmaul, 10/10M Blackrock , 13/13 Mythic HFC

While always interested in skilled players of any class, we are currently recruiting the following:
Warlock & Mage - high priority
Rogue - medium priority
Ele Shaman - low priority
Shadow Priest - low priority

Hpal - low priority
Resto Shaman - low priority
Disc/Holy Priest - low priority

Raid Schedule
Tues, Wed, Thur from 6:00pm to 9:00pm Pacific time

Though our raid ends at 9:00 we ask that raiders be flexible as we may squeeze in an extra pull or two on a progression night. 

Raid Expectations
With our short raid schedule we do need everyone to be on time and prepared to pull at 6pm Pacific time.
Prepared for raid means having Flasks, pots and food (available from the Guild Bank if needed).
Raiders are also expected to be available for the full extent of the raid.

Our goal is to be in the top 3 guilds on our server(s) in Legion.


Want to submit an app?
Here's the guild site eternalresolve.com

Edited just now by Jitzel

Edited by Jitzel

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