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    • By Flux
      Enjoying arcane alot right now. On the guide on the site (thumbs up for the fast update of the stat priority btw!) usage of Nether Tempest is not mentioned in the opening sequence or the burn phase. Do you apply NT in the burn phase so it can profit from Arcane Power and the Rune or before? According to my own testing, on single target, with 4 Stacks, NT does about the same damage as AB but only uses a GCD, so it should be worth using it with Rune/AP right? 
      btw: What about Mark of Aluneth? In the guide the opening sequence says you should apply it BEFORE Rune/AP, but i don't see the point here aswell, why not use it WITH Rune/AP?
      Maybe NT is worth bcs it can procc Arcane Missiles? The guide says that you can refresh it on 4- seconds left. Why not let it run out? Am I wrong when i say that only the inital cast can procc AM? In this case we should let it run out right?
    • By calil
      The tittle say it all.
      I need an addon that makes a sound 3s before my mage bomb explodes/wear off.
      I tried schorchio2 but it is kinda bugged, sometimes it play the sound, and almost all the time it does not warn at all.
      I am trying tellmewhen and weak auras.
      But both of them don't have the option to set up this 3s advanced sound warning.
      Any help is appreciated.
    • By Frostnipps
      I am a novice frost mage (starting playing about 1 month ago) and I am slowly getting better at it. I have decent gear, and I do put out some good dps, but if I can improve I would like to know. There are few questions I would like to get answered. I am a visual learner, so for me to post a thread it means I really care about this, whatever you can do to help me would be great!
      Here we go!!
      Please take a look at my armory and see if there are any glitches please!
      Stat Breakdown:
      Haste 45.73% (15,384) is it too much? If I am using Living Bomb and have 9,522 I will only benefit from 2 Ticks so am I wasting 5862 haste when it could go to another stat!? Yikes!!
      Hit 14.89% but I can go to 15.01%
      Crit 24.06% with Arcane Brilliance activated. I this enough to crit boss 100%? I know I need 28% w/out Arcane Brilliance, but with it on 23% will do the trick. Right or Wrong?
      Mastery 43.76% is this too low? Should I place some of the Haste I currently have into mastery to get it higher? I have seen some mages with mastery as high as 72%
      As far as stats these are the questions I have! Now onward with game play!
      Living Bomb Vs. Frost Bomb!!! STOP THE MADNESS!!
      Living Bomb, when to use it? how often to use it? Do you refresh when trinket procs, or only when Tempus Repit procs?
      Frost Bomb is great in AOE targets, but I have found it to be great on single target as well. Frost Bomb will automatically when it explodes give you Brain Freeze proc at the end, which will than give you Frozen Thoughts, and hopefully you have icy veins up so you can crit the boss and that is a great opener. Check out this video....
      **Skip the video to 3 min and 30sec**
      I have done a test with Living Bomb vs Frost Bomb on single target Raid Dummy in Ironforge. I did 10 attempts with 2-3minutes in between attempts to allow trinkets to cool down.
      Overall Results:
      Living Bomb 10.42M / 186.K
      Frost Bomb 10.90M / 205.7K
      My question is Frost or Living Bomb? Which is better to use!? Please don't give me the cookie cutter answer single target vs AOE target.
      I guess that's all I got....
      Once again thank you for looking at this thread, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
    • By OnieousKT
      I've seen a lot of debate over the best use of the talents Nether Tempest, Living Bomb, and Frost Bomb. I'm sure by now many of us have crunched the numbers, seen the simulations' data, and experimented with each ourselves in game.
      I definitely want to be corrected if I'm wrong, but what I gather from what I've read is that these talents are truly situation based. Many of the arguments revolve around how many targets there are and the combination of these specific talents with certain class specifications.
      In order to gain a better general understanding of these, I'm wondering how other mages use these talents, in what different ways you use them, and what works for you. One thing I often do not hear considered is how comfortable the talent is for the player. Obviously this is secondary to anyone in a serious raiding guild, but I'm very curious about what works for others.
      In which class specification do you use which talent? I'm not posing the question seeking an absolute answer; such a query would incite further debate. Really, I'm asking which talent you choose and why you think it fits.
      I know most of us would probably agree that it's situation based, but I'm wondering if there are any examples people could share of experience where this was demonstrated.
    • By linduc
      In your MoP mage guides you say:
      According to simcrafts - and my own tests - it seems Frost Bomb deals much more damage. I'd like to ask you what are your reasons to choose Living Bomb instead of Frost Bomb for all spec.
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